amway diamonds where are they now

We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.10. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. Yeah he mentioned dreams multiple times and asked me about what mine is and said his team can help me achieve that, unbelievable. everybody in this world if not building this business, he is not doing anything. Certainly everyone who visits this site needs to read Merchants of Deception. And unless the downline can sell that overpriced crap they bought, what their PV was means nothing. As reported on this site several weeks ago, UK & ROI Amway Diamonds affiliated with IBS, Jerry & Mandy Scriven, Pat & Greta Gregory, and Dave Butler had not been offered renewed contracts with the "new" Amway.Amway itself confirmed this with a posting on the Amway media blog entitled IBS Unplugged.. Jerry and Mandy Scriven have now responded with a well written and well supported letter on . Is Amway suffering from big company syndrome? Glad you're enjoying the blog. Not even accurate. Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? The meeting was held in his garage, white board in the front, markers and circles, 6 people etc etc. I feel almost certain that it is a pyramid scheme that has only existed through a legal loophole (selling products)A guy i know is currently trying to get me to join Amway.. now my question is why these people are so focused on gaining more downlines when it seems they could make good profit just by selling products at markup. The glimmer of hope still exists. 1 direct selling company in the world*. But if you used something called math and factored in your tiny $10 commission check for $300 of product dumped into Amway (of which odds are is for self consumption) and how many people you'd need below you where you'd get a fraction of what they buy, you'd see that it takes hundreds in a downline to break even once all costs are factored in (including the brainwashing seminars and "tools" where the diamonds in reality get most of THEIR money from). This money doesn't come from Amway so the company doesn't include it in their figures. This group is allegedly responsible for helping over 500 distributors reach Diamond status in Amway. LOL! I mean fine if you think you are 1% material and can work this angle I say go for it. Diamonds don't make 150kthose are emeralds. and now i am 6%achiever. Ambit ambot treky gamer softball ballet wrestling scandal housewives of any city MLB nurses doctors attorneys teachers bus drivers painters janitors housekeepers air force sergeants college drop outs home wreckers divorcies engineers police officers ceos bankers hobos toilet cleaners garbage men truck drivers golfers successful failures sanguine shy opinionated blind crippled old young retired teens cashiers chefs ushers couple singles homosexuals tourist pilots greeters cloth folders designers tech gurus architects painters carpenters candle makers sales men machine operators gymist personal trainers secretaries managers call center workers horse riders sailors fishers skiers dancers. That lifestyle just aint possible on 150k without going into some serious debt. Ambot should know the answer. Some mug downline from the Diamond distributor is expected to do the work free. That's 40%. The Amway cult leaders should just tell VanAndel and DeVos to fuck off and then they should move on to another MLM scam where they can flog their tools. The Amway I DONT GIVE A FUCK TRUCK ! That of course includes many couples, but it means at that point in time, with sales of around $8 billion, there was clearly more than 2000 qualifying Diamonds. Lip gloss that lights up or the container it comes in lights up? In other words they accuse someone in the same income bracket as a Diamond of being broke so that shows their low opinion of broke Amway diamonds! Instead it always " I am involved with a (fill in the blank) company. Where Are They Now? Well FUCK YOU asshole! It's like this, 5 seagulls are on a dock and one decides to fly away, How many seagulls are left?5. 90% of restaurants fail, and people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, wiping them out financially. Doesn't speak volumes that the cult would as you to forsake someone you love to remain in the cult? No vacations, no socializing with normal people. Next time you see that Amway loser ask to see the rental agreement because Amway is all about fake it till you make it. That's our language so keep your comments in English too. Uplines DO!!! he tells us that we are to expect trials and suffering along the way. So 0.014%. You're hanging out at this blog instead of worshipping and loving them and sucking their dicks off. in order to support 4000 diamonds, the annual volume of amway would have to be 66 billion. At least I'm not a fucking lying scamming Amway asshole flogging overpriced shitty products and that's not something you can say about yourself. Racist/bigoted comments? Everyone else keeps working the scam. Stop being so angry and focus more of your time on watching T.V and drinking before you have to go to sleep to make it to WORK tomorrow. Hey Tyler,Why do you need us to email you our 'assumptions and doubts'?Join the open discussion, right here. I had to buy the tapes too. The Mona Vie Black Diamond apparently gave the impression that they had left Amway due to anger at Amway's request to sign the declaration. And if I were you I wouldn't go around mentioning you know Amway losers because people are going to think you're a fucking Amway loser too. Despite the overwhelming evidence presented here and elsewhere that profits from the "tools" business far exceed that from the sale of Amway products, most Amway distributors have continued to insist that little or no profit is made from the sale of tapes and rally tickets. Sure, nice mark-up for the lipgloss. Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. Believe it or notsome people do enjoy their careers. heard all the "Motivational speeches". He was 40 years old. How can you say 150 k is a nice income. The old Wizard of Oz "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain", because that "man" is an upline wanting to pick your pocket clean while you are busy with your head in the clouds dreaming. ;) *ShakingMyHead*Mitchellinspiration.wwdb.bizFeel free to e-mail me with any assumptions and doubts about being an IBO, i would be happy to shatter your falsified assumptions. thanks for stopping by. Amway is all about financial and emotional distress. They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. Will all find they're way no matter the vehicle. That is a big red flag.. but do you know how it works? LOL. Restaurants are Scams! Thanks! i would like to know how is it possible. Amway is a way of life. You wont buy much for cash on that. There are over 10,000 comments left on this blog over the years. Alas we have a long way to go! Now why don't you go find somewhere else on the Internet where you can spout off your canned Amspeak bullshit propaganda because around here we've heard all that shit before. And I'm talking a low quality chocolate. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. *. pyramid scam.There is no "extra income" to be found in Amway for 99% of those on the pyramid. Word is that there were 800 new Chinese Diamonds in attendance at the 50th Anniversary Diamond Club. LOL! We are a training system on how to build the amway business to a truly significant level. About Amway. Well get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isnt spam. Kiyosaki was homeless for a while fighting for a dream. Earnings depend on many factors, including: customer base, business experience, effort, dedication, and quality and performance of an IBOs sales team. But on this note, why don't you get a look at this website, it breaks up a diamond's revenue better than I ever could: Anonymous - you agree with Theo the lying little Amway ambot who shows up here pretending to be an executive diamond? The current page will be reloaded with this account info. Plus I get extra when I get Amway ambots showing up at my blog to tell me what they think of me like I haven't heard it a million times before from the assholes in our upline!Good luck with your new venture. I have the biggest Amway losers showing up here to bitch about this blog all the while proclaiming they're Christians. & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. If one is available please contact me. It takes a special kind of person to be able to deal with an IBO for a spouse because any form of argument against their god will be ruthlessly destroyed. You need to counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. Thank to your rude comments id rather be apart of Amway, atleast they have respect, values and know how to talk to others like grown, mature people.Thank you for allowing me to see how being someone like you would be the worst decison of my life.Amway here I come! You missed the part about how good little Amway ambots never say negative. Maybe you have a decent downline that hasn't seen the light either. So ones diamondships volume is part of another diamondships volume), i would like to know how is it possible. I know we did.Why do Amway ambots keep accusing me of having a job? And if you only spent a grand in 3 years in Amway you weren't really doing Amway, probably just helping out someone with pity purchases. They are sick bastards on so many levels. It was a 13,000 square foot mansion in every sense of the word. He defected to Monavie and took a lot of his downline with him. We had to go to these meetings every weekend. Anonymous - I've had 70's IBO's show up here who are still haunted by the Amway experience. The first sentence of this post says the same thing as the small print of the Amway literature,150k. After leaving 2 short insulting comments full of typos the 3rd comment was he's a triple executive diamond.The numbers any ambot throws out at you will never add up. hi, anybody can help but Amway. Same old Ambot propaganda. PLEASE EXPLAIN ME THE ROYALTY INCOME OF 4% AND 10%, AND HOW IT COMES AND WILLABLE TO FUTURE FAMILY, PLZ ANY ONE WHO IS GETTING THIS EXPLAIN OR MAIL ME IT IN DETAIL. PT Barnum said "There's a sucker born every minute", and he would have been equally correct to say "There's a lying sack of $-it born every bminute" The two form an axis that revolves around defiance of natural law, that goes on forever. And Im sure if you take it seriously, you will be up there with all the diamonds too. & Help many peopel to make money. If you have a guts you can fly in the sky. (a) no, nothing like 1500000, you dont understand correctly (b) yes its hard work, if you can suggest a job or other casual business that allows you to bring in around $50000/yr in profit, part-time, within a coule of years, while simultaneously creating an income producing asset, then please share. At least at Walmart and the other stores you can buy a single protein bar without buying a box of them. Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. Fortunately I dont have Diamond sized expenses and I manage my money pretty good. Its just those fucking little Amway assholes that show up here to say that Im broke when unlike their beloved Amway Diamonds I have never had to file bankruptcy or had the bank foreclose on my house. Folding your cards does not entail 'losing' or 'quitting'. It's funny how some people go around not realizing that Anna's tone is actually intentional. But sadly this is the story of 99% of the IBOs. While many people have come to know jesus Christ through their association with Amway, the elites are another kettle of fish. A couple years have passed since then and my business has outgrown their "dream" business ten fold and they are still slaving away, loosing friends, creating enemies and trying to recruit people who want to "live the dream." Heck, who pays $10? IBOs must be in compliance at all times with the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, Quality Assurance Standards and the IBO Rules of Conduct to keep their invitation to Amway incentive trips. As for Warren Buffett and Donald Trump: Warren Buffett does in fact own an MLM (let's call it what it is) but if you look into it, it is run much different from the one we are discussing, and he really isn't directly involved with it. The Amway marketing plan is very flexible. Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). I don't think they get it. A nice profit when you don't have bookshop overheads to meet. They're relentless. And that would mean an even bigger loss than a billion next year for Amway. Anonymous - its because of motherfucking Amway assholes like you that we keep this blog alive. Products are wonderful with high quality. Yeah the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign up can get a refund. Maybe he really has those things and his debt will result in his retiring at 33 years old to his mansion in South America. Times were [] Theres got to be something more than just commission. I remember qualifying on an incentive to visit Diamond Clark and Diana Broome's house in Loomis, California. I do believe it takes the right people to go Diamond or Ruby or Emerald in the business. Amway busi. You might love the fucking assholes in your Amway upline so much that you'd be happy to suck dick and kiss ass. For the past decade, Amway has had a bumpy ride. Yes, it's the same fucking plan, that Bob, Steve, Al, and Jim have done the last several nights in a row. Kyle - subjective. Could it be that Diamonds are liars about paying for everything in cash? 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. Amway is amazing business with quality life and quality money. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. His house, to make an understatement, was huge. From conversations with my emerald and diamonds. Most ambots start to think about quitting in 6 months when they're not making money. "Just like yourself I got started about a decade ago and I graduated top of my class and got multiple job offers. Its only the few legend high pins who managed to keep the bulk of tools money among themselves who make big money. As with any business you need to keep producing turn over, else you lose it. Those who earn an invitation will participate in fabulous, once-in-a-lifetime activities, new product offerings, and networking opportunities. A diamondship is made up of as least 6 platinums. The embarrassment they went through as the other kids at school mocked them because their parents were in the Amway cult. The scam comes in due to the lies ambots tell about the compensation and how they hide how much money you really have to spend each month in Amway, a lot of it on the tool scam. Hope you're into horror tales!Run, don't walk, as far away as you can from anyone in Amway. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. But eventually when the ambot only sees $10 coming in from his commissioned sales from Amway every month after spending hundreds of dollars then they ask the assholes in the Amway upline because the numbers don't add up. Anna, your blog ROCKS!!! If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. Look at the small print where it shows how much Amway Diamonds make each year. It is a nice income for most people. At least Anna is working to persuade others NOT to embark on that journey to hell. And if the ambot finds 6 people and they find 6 people and so on then they're all going to be RICH. However you Amway "Christians" worship the Great Amway God and worship greed and material things so you're really fucked up in your twisted religious beliefs.This blog is all about transposing how people in Amway treat the rest of the world and sling it back at them. I keep getting fucking Amway assholes showing up here and leaving comments that Im broke even though Im very careful with my money. That books a real eye opener and a scary look into the Amway cult.As for your friend's excuses the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract,and defend. Word on the street is in a year and with their current business they will be founders Diamonds next year this time. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. More fucked in the head than what Amway does to them. Hope that answers your question.Also, think of it this way, who wants to make money off you? The first thing you should know is that to become a Diamond like all the other Amway Diamonds you need to have 6 platinum legs. A person can have a decent house, nice cars, take a couple of vacations and put some money in the bank if theyre careful what they do with their money. These MLM scams are all the same.Amway's got no motivation to get rid of the tool scam. We just want to help people not go through the hell we went through. But if that's what you coasted on them holy balls, i understand your anger. Amway: The Untold Story Brig & Lita Hart vs. Amway et al. I have yet to see a passage in the Bible which talks about how Jesus wants to bless you with material possessions beyond your wildest dreams if only you have enough faith. All your answers can be found if you read some of the blog and we rerun posts so if you missed it the first, second, or third time, it'll be back eventually. Thanks for stopping by and proving that Amway is a blame the victim scam. Do you play Final Fantasy 14? Personally, however (regardless of what I think of the Amway Corporation or the "tool scam") I have great admiration for anyone who manages to build a successful Amway business because the work they have to do is my idea of absolute hell. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. I could go through the entire business plan. Anonymous - its the old saying nothing in life is free. I've had many children of Amway Ambots leave comments here about how Amway destroyed their family. rating for I hate them more than I ever hated anyone in my entire life for what they did to her. They made no mention of her former life as an Amway Diamond. To my horror it was a Fu&^%&ing AMWAY rally. I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. Note that I said chose. You do till you are 65.It takes time to build any business.And so what if Amway people are out building their business alk the time. To warn everyone what people in Amway are really like. Everything crumbles. Calling it an e-commerce meeting is probably the oldest trick out there. Also selling CDs of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their motivational teaching. Amway Diamonds- How To Hit The Rank. I asked him a few questions about his new gig but he wouldn't tell me the entire picture. But disobedient Amway Ambots refuse to believe this information from what they would call a trusted source LOL LOL LOL and search online to find other answers. From one of ibofightbacks websitesIt's now official, Dean and Marcie Whalen in Edmonton, Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business.I believe it's been 6-7 years since WWDB has had a new Diamond and this is pretty awesome news. Agreement because Amway is all about fake it till you make it make money off?! About this blog over the years like to know how it works '? Join the open discussion, here... Do Amway ambots leave comments here about how Amway destroyed their family % material and can work angle! Assume that he paid taxes ( maybe he did n't since he 's here illegally ) you love to in... Board in the head than what Amway does to them for stopping by proving. An obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker the first to do that since Brad Julie! Tell me the entire picture economy and build something of your own go not. Says the same thing as the small print of the word 6 platinums i getting... 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amway diamonds where are they now

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