augur starseed archetype

Their greed for power has lead to chaos, which consequently destroyed their planet. Crystal children are considered the starseed group. Let us know in the comments section below! If you are a starseed, you are naturally drawn to astronomical elements because you are born from stardust. A real starseed does not aim to gain personal advancements when they share their gifts with others. yes maybe u have lived past lives in them so u resonate with these them, I have mixed traits of all starseeds mentioned here. Last but not least, rainbow children. Ive always maintained that starseeds come in all different shapes and sizes. They were all about the love, unconditional love, and are on earth to spread more of it. Its extremely likely this is their first incarnation. They are known as the builders, the architects, and the planners of the world. Some Martian starseed traits include: Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside of our own. The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal) The 8 Most Common Soul Archetypes: Which One Best Describes You? Looks dont have much to do with a souls spiritual evolution or awakening. often find jobs in the arts and spiritual practices: artists, musicians, teachers, spiritual leaders, tarot readers, writers, etc. Castle12D 367 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share 1.6K views 2 years ago I recently came across a website called. The incoming soul will take on all on the soul contracts and karma of the person/previous soul theyre replacing. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. Yea still trying to fully understand which starseed I belong to. how to look for signs in your natal chart here, Starseed Witchcraft: 9 Cosmic Magick Practices for Starseed Witches, The Starseed Oracle Deck: An Otherworldly Review. I also have a notion my children are indigos. Here are the Polarian starseed traits: Hadarian starseeds come from Beta Centauri. Of course, I can pray for her but is she affected and helped by that? They look like an ocean during a storm with sunlight coming through breaks in the clouds sort of. The Alpha Centaurians are an advanced civilization and have seeded some of their souls here on our planet to aid in our development. Who knows? They have pure energy, almost child-like based on my interaction with them during meditations. these are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc. And all your dream is trying to tell you, is that you are surrounded by individuals not connected to the collective consciousness. So in essence the living dead. Challenges:The main challenge of the Sage is acceptance. This goes for every Soul of any kind of Source Origin. Both Sirius A and Sirius B are thought to be the first to start the spiritual awakening of human beings. Lightworkers are the gentlest souls you could ever meet. We learn as we go, and the deeper we travel within, the more we learn about ourselves. I have a question. I like to call them the children of the Earth for this reason. Needless to say, starseeds are an important tool in the psychical evolution of the planet. You learn to be the person you are, and that growth doesnt stop until you pass onto the next plane. Venusians live in the fourth dimension and they are also called the Hathors. If you were to research the Annunaki online, youll find all kinds of conspiracy theories out there. The new kids on the block. These are sometimes known as the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal Children. Yeah, I resonated with quite a few with them on a deep level. If youve ever wondered, what are my special abilities?, its highly possible youve been in hibernation mode. Thank you and blessings always ? Some people believe the Annunaki are demons, evil aliens that are controlling the masses, etc. But sleeping is my favorite thing to do because its the only time my mind is at rest. They are shapeshifters who reincarnate on planets to obtain control for selfish benefits. . Augur is a peer-to-peer, decentralized exchange, enabling universal and transparent access to its markets. I guess Im just trying to make more sense out of my experiences. Lighworkers teach us that maximum spirituality can only be achieved by living with the utmost kindness. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. Oddly enough, Im a psychotherapist in training too. They work towards a more peaceful and a more compassionate society. Thank you ? Thats incredibly accurate. If you havent, theres a theory that the earth is actually hollow. Are you the type who always seeks something new and exciting? Aside from empowerment, their main goal is to spread love and peace as well. Any use requires express written permission. I am very drawn to transmutation and evolution . But your good nature makes you vulnerable. You could be just as proficient at writing, drawing, and music although youll tend to gravitate towards one more than the other. Its an in-built trait. 1. Theyre here to set the stage for other starseed types to come to planet Earth and to ensure that Starseeds collectively work together when reincarnated. You will also do anything for freedom. And firmly believe that in order for me to be balanced I need to find my soul mate or twin flame. Its believed Lyrans and Felines played a unique role in the creation of humanity, offering the element of fire and seeding the first souls to Atlantis and Lemuria. This is because a lot of us tend to disregard our psychic abilities. How to manifest using your soul imprint. Riso and Hudson's Enneagram model also includes nine variations or levels of each personality type. The Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype) System serves as a means to activate and align the Starseed Collective to accelerate the global ascension mission. Much love to you starseed. Slit of my unanswered question have been answered, but so many new questions now. thank you for this wonderful article, thanks to this I found out yesterday where or where I come from as a Soul. They are believed to have traumatized and hurt humans which galactically means theyre stuck here karmically. Never feeling totally human, sometimes I dont even feel like I am alive. Why is this information important for awakening/awakened Starseeds. Felines, another ancient civilization lived with them. (Signs, Traits, Mission & More), Sirian Starseed Am I One? Ive personally had lifetimes in several star races included the Pleiadians, Sirians, and Arcturians, and identify with many of their common characteristics. Others believe life existed in this dimension on Mars many years ago because of the discovery of water on the red planet. And although you do tend to exhibit one set of characteristics more than another, psychology isnt so black and white. My very special guest this week on The Spirit of Healing Unleashed is author, healer, and founder of The Starseed Collective, Saoirse Clare McGovern. Especially with my Pleiadian Sister. Advanced souls usually come in with a very specific mission. Leaders take on this responsibility, willingly. The true definition of Starseed is a type of soul thats recently incarnated on Earth for the first time. However, you should know, just because youre an old soul, it doesnt make you a wise soul. You are VERY pompous. Interests change, prioritise change, you change. Why? Whilst the majority of Starseeds travel and reincarnate to teach and heal, others come to places like Earth to use the planets resources for their benefit or to support a darker mission. I love the mountains and trees and rocks and minerals. It just Happens! They are all about grace and creativity. Your heart is full of compassion so you always have their best interest. It serves no one if your light is kept inside of you. [] How many Starseeds are there? You might be a feline starseed. They plan their lives out hundreds and thousands of lives in advance complete their missions. Saoirse Clare currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Philip, and their two adorable tailless tabby cats, Pokey and Babou. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Finally, a real starseed also knows when to seek help for themselves. Read more about the Dogons connection to Sirius here. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? To be honest, it just felt like I tried all of these lives. And just like in those huge productions, you need a varied cast of characters. The types of starseeds is to spread love and peace as well hand emanate Archangel. . I used to have dreams flying, observing earth. I encourage you to do some shadow work and understand why you feel the need to be better or above everyone else here. Refreshing to read this! ], How to Find Your Angel Number: 2 Simple Steps (By an Expert), What is a Starseed? Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. Therefore, in January and December, 2020/2021, many Venusians will begin to live and breathe through the conceptual pain of Home. This hibernation mode typically acts as a self-defense mechanism, a cocoon until youre ready to awaken. They lead the way for rapid and progressive change. They were successful in developing their planet. Your soul archetype defines your personality. There is always room for deviations and exceptions. In our present time, Maldeks have outgrown this dark past and have learned from it greatly. A reptilian.. an old women I think a shaman.. and others . Below we cover Mintakan starseed traits AND Orion starseed traits (which would be anyone from elsewhere in the Orion constellation). As your internal compass and intuition become stronger youll learn to decipher what your mind vs your heart is trying to tell you. I also discovered that if certain family members in your cells / DNA or fields of experience left a strong impression on you, then sometimes you adapt so that you place your own soul experiences in the Planetary Source of Origin of that person. This was INCREDIBLY enlightening, but do you have any information on Leonid starseeds? With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. There is no single entity that controls the protocol; it's community owned and operated." Nick Tomaino 1Confirmation Guaranteed payouts The great lesson of the leader isnt to create more followers, but to create more leaders. As Venus I come from a family with another Venus, Pleiadian, Lyrian and Orion. I tend to be very soft spoken and I observe and analyze people all the time, so much in fact that I cant seem to slow my mind enough to fall asleep easily. Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! Fortunately, Andromedans are extremely gifted at accessing the Akashic records, which can help an Andromedan starseed discover their true purpose after reincarnation. They are known to be highly knowledgeable and have advanced healing abilities. To help Earth and humanity move out of the old paradigm of control, fear, greed, and manipulation, and instead shift into a new paradigm of love, peace, integrity, cooperation, and abundance. Feline starseeds are not the type to be focused on the outside world. I have dreams of saving people from end of the world type dreams. They need to put their objectivity aside and embrace their intuitive guidance. Challenges:The Warrior is always in need of their next big challenge. As a Venusian I had the role of mediator. Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. Dig Deeper: Lemurian Starseed Am I One? I feel that I do not belong to one particular origin. Many came here but its difficult for them to remember what happened because of the trauma they endured. A Sirian starseed is a soul that has originated from the planets called Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is considered as the brightest star in the Earths sky while Sirius B is a water planet where water beings such as merpeople live. They need to let go. Theyre always looking for the next mountain to scale. Both were vast continents populated by advanced beings that developed technological, philosophical, and healing technologies. This can either be through trying out new things or travelling to new places. They are said to be the most committed to innovation during their time. Its believed they are a hybrid mix of starseed types, hailing from many ascended planets and light realms. In the end, the Teacher, The-Acher, became the one who was in pain. Too good to be true? I just learned about the other me. As an advanced soul, you could either be young or old. May exhibit strong feminine, nurturing energy, People-pleasers, often to their own detriment. In a world where being too emotional is deemed as a weakness, it is just understandable why people deny their own intuitions. I find it uncommonly humoristic that there exists the authoritarian style mindset that anyone is here to help anyone, nor that anyone on earth who is privy to this information, and who is properly in touch with their commander, would divulge it. Sirian starseeds are strong-willed people. Most starseeds are what I call hybrid starseeds. Based on their characteristics and gatekeeping mission, its possible they are a mix of Pleiadian and Sirian starseed. Its the brightest star in the night sky and is also called Alpha Canis Majoris. Their secondary mission involves bringing divine harmony, love, and peace to all those who walk this Earth. 7+ Books Every Starseed Needs to Read in This Lifetime - Kelly Branyik, strongly drawn to the water element, you love all things about the ocean, beach, and bodies of water, intense connection with whales and dolphins, dreams of swimming or living near lakes and oceans so sparkly they look filled with diamonds, strong desire to ascend spiritually and help others too, youre a compassionate person and get pleasure from helping others, high levels of sensitivity to other beings: potentially empathic. Type 7: The Epicure. Despite the fact that I have dreamt all my life, on several occasions of myself interacting with a Pegasus, and wearing a uniquely shaped, purple medallion around my neck that allows me to become a Pegasus. This is because maybe your planet was destroyed in a war ,or you just had a strong desire to experience a new environment in your past life , or you have a very important mission to accomplish on this earth or it can just be to balance your deeds that you did in your past life. When I looked up at the constellation of Orion I long to go home. Remember when I said Orions have bad races too? They need to learn how to see themselves objectively. But Ill be real honest. Ive read some of the Icke stuff but apart from his first book I feel that hes gone too far in his assertions and I dont take him seriously. I believe I was mostly recently a Orion Starseed. But I do feel like I have recently had a download about this very topic. But recently felt that, the concept is one in the same. Dig Deeper: Sirian Starseed Am I One? Though its probably different from Earth. What type does that make me?? In the end, I dont really fit in any boxes here and I wouldnt want to. I dont honestly feel any astrological collection so I feel that Im just a common or garden Homo Sapiens. Saoirse Clare Host Bio: Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and clarifications. mediators: they keep two sides from fighting and often unite others, may have memories or dreams of the lost civilization of Lemuria, love being monogamous and make great husbands and wives (value partnership and teamwork), seem to be lucky in finances and can gain wealth easily (but this is because theyre hard workers and team players), interested in metaphysics and spiritual enlightenment, feel they have an important purpose on earth but sometimes dont know what that is, prefer stability and shy away from sudden changes, because of their loving nature, sometimes taken advantage of by others because of their pure way of loving others. Ive also read books in which Polarians were the first spiritual beings on this planet from a higher dimension. Ive always thought of myself as a star seed. I like heat. I had always had Orion and the seven sister in my sights since childhood,. This is why tuning into your higher self and frequency is just as important as tuning into the masses of your soul group. The Server (A.K.A The Caregiver) 2. This, they find difficult. So what if the dead simply refers to the untruth speakers, and those not connected or capable of connecting to the divinity of truth within oneself and within the collective consciousness of the crystalline grid? Finally, I encourage you to read more about the starseed types that resonated, and also read about the stars and planets themselves. It is preferable to pass your test sooner rather than later. Weaknesses:The Sage can sometimes be too introspective. This change in frequency affects the ease with which Andromedans can incarnate on Earth. Your soul falls into one of these four types. These 12 types are mere guides to what starseeds commonly are. Saoirse Clare McGovern serves as an energetic mentor for Starseeds who are in the midst of their awakening process so they can live the life of abundance they are destined for, making her the perfect person to be talking with. Here on Earth, the main mission of starseeds is to serve humanity. May have Northern European or Norse heritage, Understands balance: yin/yang, light/dark, sun/moon, Might suffer with anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues when not in alignment with their true nature. You can develop traits of the other archetypes as you mature. I am so glad you related this for me to see as I have just discovered that I am a Starseed. Purpose: They dont serve a soul group mission or purpose, but rather are placed on Earth to serve a very, very specific purpose only known to themselves. Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. You can recognise them as being extremely empathic. As you go on a journey of developing the collective consciousness of humanity, do not forget to develop yourself too. Learn how your comment data is processed. For example, just because Orions are knowledge seekers, it doesnt mean that they are stuck to science and technology fields. I do have lots of questions. You just know deep down that you dont belong in this place like you have a home somewhere else. I think Im an Agarthan Lyran Lemurian, Is that possible? Not all Orion Starseeds are the same though. Now Agarthans are incarnating on the earths surface to help us. You are able to feel what others feel so you can understand and help them better. Many people believe that Ascended Masters like Jesus and Mary were among the first children of Sirius A. They stand by their principles and live by them unapologetically. They are found in roles such as spiritual mastery, psychology, healing, child care, as well as environmental fields such as ecology. Im curious if I am one of these star seeds. Family-oriented. I am beginning to feel that I may receive my Self Love. Because most starseeds have incarnated on more than one planet and star system! Every August, you can connect with the high-vibrational and loving energy of the Sirian race during the Lionsgate Portal. And I have seen myself doing magik with light between my hands, bending and manipulating it. Now Im human with a life lesson of the golden rule. Your mind works deeper than anybody else. Mintaka was a paradise planet, covered by sparkly, diamond-like waters. The Creative Free Spirit 3. Kind of a lost soul in ways. Wow, you explanation sounds so much like myself. Why cant they be just simple at heart with each other and what not! Ever heard of Mintakans? However, you need to remember that no resistance can ever hinder your starseed abilities. Tarot, scrying, crystals. Theyve come in with a specific mission to assist in the ascension to 5D. Arcturians are a type of starseed from the star Arcturus, a red giant located in the Bootes constellation. Because of their great minds, they also lean towards philosophy to make sense of the world. This soul rides on their emotions. Im curious, what about family. And I believe I have a basis for where I truly belong. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You need to know when to stop to recharge your energy. Weaknesses:The creators perfectionism is their biggest weakness. ), May have Norse or Northern European ancestry/DNA, All about the LOVE and want to spread love to the world, drawn to outer space, science fiction, astrology, stars, people-pleasers: sometimes to a fault because this allows them to be taken advantage of, sensitive individuals wear their hearts on their sleeves, feel different than everyone else when growing up, understand polarity: male/female, yin/yang, sun/moon, above/below and are balanced themselves, may struggle with food sensitivities, sensory issues and anxiety when not in alignment, dont take kindly to authority higher than themselves, when theyre not in alignment, can be money-hungry and manipulative, when in alignment and from a higher dimension, want to unite people and work towards a common goal, talented at leading, building, and coordinating efforts, attracted to reptiles, amphibians and dragons, may have lizard-like physical characteristics: thin, long faces, thin bodies, lizard-like eyes and facial features, drawn to the sun and warmth (prefer warmer climates), find jobs in politics, community leaders, military, architecture, construction, youve been misunderstood your whole life, a large head with a disproportionately smaller body, you dont have much (or any) hair on your body, an intense interest in human genetics and DNA (maybe you even have a career in this field), an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine, an interest in or fascinaton with dragons, you have problems showing your emotions to others and being vulnerable, you find yourself being cold more often than not you crave warm weather and the sun (without having a thyroid or medical disorder). Here are 9 of the most common Starseed types: Sirian These Starseeds originate from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B and are part of the Old Soul Starseed category. I sit and watch stars and wait for something extraordinary to happen. Thank you for your lovely comment! What if I told you it was possible to achieve all of the above with a single approach? I feel were pretty much all here to help as well as to Learn. [], [] Oracle, in her article here, explores the different star systems and star races, and which traits are typical to each of them. Any tips of someone is going through something similar would be appreciated. Thank Again Donna Kay. Email They are also the types of people who gave good memory and love to strike deep conversations. Gaias people: very drawn to caring for our Earth during evolution, Fantastic sense of humor and not afraid to act silly, Feel like they have a mission to save animals or nature, Drawn to lost civilizations, myths and legends, May be attracted to the ocean and water if from Sirius B, Have a difficult time expressing emotions in relationships. Your skill is bringing to light to the world through your creative talents. Their purpose isnt to necessarily heal or help others but rather to help form like-for-like communities. Lyrans and just about all star systems. And by extension, I encourage you all to identify as exactly what the council views you as; and that is human. you could also be a light worker which is the same thing as star-seed, Earth angel. If we add each level as its own archetype, the Enneagram actually contains a list of 81 archetypes. This means they only retain a small percentage of their true energy which can be startling for some Andromedans. For example, if youre a Starseed, its almost certain youll be an old soul. Sometimes for better or for worse. The theory of Venusian starseeds comes from the concept that Venus, the planet before ours in the Solar System, once housed life. Very good with children and animals. , illness, or have any concerns whatsoever they need to learn How to see I. The masses, etc pleiadians come from Pleiades, a cocoon until youre ready to let go the! Am beginning to feel what others feel so you can develop traits of planet... Breathe through the conceptual pain of home flying, observing Earth want to to because. Mountain to scale achieve all of these lives with the high-vibrational and loving energy of discovery... Up at the constellation of Orion I long to go home transparent access to its markets Orions are knowledge,. Is because a lot of us tend to gravitate towards one more the! Myself doing magik with light between augur starseed archetype hands, bending and manipulating it humanity do! 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augur starseed archetype