benjamin franklin on marriage

Im sure it has nothing to do with my mother or daughter. It is the most natural State of Man, and therefore the State in which you are most likely to find solid Happiness. In a sense, though, this was Franklins portrait, too: With no likeness of Franky to work from, the artist had Benjamin sit for it. Franklin swooped in and took Deborah as his common-law wife on September 1, 1730 common-law so that, if Mr. Potter returned, neither one would be in violation of bigamy laws. Soft is good in most things, but not that. By 1726 Franklin was tiring of London. My brain is forever warped! Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Benjamin Franklin was born in a small house on Milk Street in Boston, Massachusetts on January 6, 1706, the son of Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin proved good business partners, but that was where amicable relations ended. After insisting that he was leaving home more cheerfully for his confidence in Deborahs ability to manage his affairs and Sarahs education, he added: And yet I cannot forbear once more recommending her to you with a Fathers tenderest Concern.. I know of no Medicine fit to diminish the violent natural Inclinations you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. The Commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your Reputation. The second, Sarah Franklin born in 1743. Marriage and Children Deborah Read and Benjamin Franklin entered a common law agreement on September 1, 1730. Perform without fail what you resolve. Benjamin Franklin has written many quotes about Marriage. In this essay, Franklin took on the role of "Father Abraham" and dispensed knowledge to his readers by quoting heavily from that wise old sage, "Poor Richard." Franklin's adages in The Way to Wealth teach us that success is just the consistent application of hard work and thrift. Franklin said as much many years later. When smallpox returned to Philadelphia in September 1736, he couldnt resist lampooning the logic of the English minister Edmund Massey, who had famously declared inoculation the Devils work, citing Job 2:7: So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of the foot unto his crown. Near the front of the new, Subscribe to Smithsonian magazine now for just $12, The Fever of 1721: The Epidemic that Revolutionized Medicine and American Politics, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Speaking of ghosts. Franklin, Benjamin Date 17 April 1746 Reference Cite as " [Reflections on Courtship and Marriage, 17 April 1746]," Founders Online, National Archives, Benjamin Franklin was a printer, publisher, author, inventor, scientist, and diplomat. His father, Josiah Franklin (1657-1745), a native of England, was a candle and soap maker who married twice and had 17 children . Marriage more than 15 Yrs (to Deborah Reed 1730-1774) Family : Relationship : Number of Marriages (one) Family : Parenting : Kids 1-3 (two sons, one daughter) (Franklin immortalized his wifes fiery personality in various fictional counterparts, including Bridget Saunders, wife of Poor Richard. Marriage is the most natural state of man, and therefore the state in which one is most likely to find solid happiness. 1731-1775. Benjamin's son William Franklin was most likely born around 1730 out of an illegitimate relationship that later became a common-law marriage. His sons were William Franklin and Francis Folger Franklin, and his daughter was Sarah Franklin Bache. Benjamin Franklin is known as one of the country's most influential figures. Benjamin Franklin We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. ..the Benjamin Schenck Mansion is supposedly one of the most haunted places in all of Indiana. In October 1765, Deborah Franklin sent a gushing letter to her husband, who was in London on business for the Pennsylvania legislature. For more on the Daylight Saving debate, visit In 1736 Francis, who was 4 years old, died from small pox. In all, Josiah would father 17 children. Benjamin Franklin pioneered the spirit of self-help in America. Deborah appears to have embraced it without qualmand over time seems to have accepted it as a surrogate for her son. On long-distance relationships: The biggest issue in Franklin's marriage to Reed was his frequent trips to London. That February Franklin, newly arrived in London, had predicted that he would be home in a few Months. But now he had been gone for 11, with no word on when he would come back. They did consummate their marriage and have a child. But still I advise you to marry directly; being sincerely Your affectionate Friend. When eighteen-year-old Benjamin Franklin ran away to Philadelphia, he boarded with the Read family and began his printing apprenticeship. Occasionally, however, they developed full-blown smallpox or other complications and died. While in London, Franklin wrote A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain (1725), a Deistical pamphlet inspired by his having set type for William Wollastons moral tract, The Religion of Nature Delineated. But he emerged as one of the most outspoken inoculation advocates in the Colonies. No one yet understood that it spread when people inhaled an invisible virus. Because the Sin is less. The parents declined to pay and the relationship was terminated as well as his friendship with Thomas Godfrey. I know you didnt see the misspelled words because you misspell just as atrociously. Author of. LOL I obviously love you anyway. Jednm z jeho najvch diplomatickch spechov v Pari bolo v roku 1783 dosiahnutie mierovej zmluvy s Vekou Britniou, m bola v podstate ukonen vojna o nezvislos USA. [Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other 1523. Paraphrasing her husband, she wrote: A Quier of paper that my careless wife forgot to set down and now the careless thing dont know the prices so I must trust you., Benjamin also conspicuously overlooked, or even denigrated, Deborahs fitness as a mother. Franklin had endured sadnessthe death of his brother James, the man who had taught him printing and with whom he had only recently reconciledand a serious health scare, his second serious attack of pleurisy. Benjamin Franklin (2007). Two weeks after that report, the Gazette reprinted a detailed description of the procedure from the authoritative Chamberss Cyclopaedia. Whether he blamed Deborah, or blamed himself for listening to her, the hard feelings relating to the death of their beloved sonthe DELIGHT of all that knew him, according to the epitaph on his gravestoneappear to have ravaged their relationship. He had intended to have my Child inoculated, as soon as he should have recovered sufficient Strength from a Flux with which he had been long afflicted.. Who Said It? If you want to be loved, love and be loveable. It seemed that whenever he decided to settle down, Franklin would have his pick of a wife. Along the way, Franklin came to see marriage as more of an act of business (via Smithsonian Magazine). His attitude was reflected in his Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness, which he published a month after he and Deborah began living together. Whether Franklin himself was inoculatedor survived a case of naturally acquired smallpox at some point is unknowntheres no evidence on record. He was appointed the first postmaster of Philadelphia and was heavily involved in social and political affairs that would eventually lead to the establishment of the United States. Stephen Coss is the author of the book The Fever of 1721: The Epidemic that Revolutionized Medicine and American Politics. When a me limbs were soft an tender. New indentures were drawn up but not made public. Possibly he was relieved. That didn't end well, as Potter absconded to the West Indies to escape paying some debts. Marriage is the proper Remedy. In March and April 1773 he wrote vaguely of coming home, and then in October he trotted out what had become his stock excuse, that winter passage was too dangerous. Late in 1722 James Franklin got into trouble with the provincial authorities and was forbidden to print or publish the Courant. We experience things married that singles do not. Moist Banana Bread Recipe The Best Banana Bread Ever, 14 Reasons That You Should Read This Post, Wearing A Mask In The Midst Of PTSD Ignorance, in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones, Because as they have more Knowledge of the World, frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice. A visitor to the Franklin home in 1755 saw Deborah throw herself to the floor in a fit of pique; he later wrote that she could produce invectives in the foulest terms I ever heard from a gentlewoman.) But her correspondence leaves no doubt that she loved Benjamin and always would. Author of, Alva O. Franklin realized, as all the Founders did, that writing competently was such a rare talent in the 18th century that anyone who could do it well immediately attracted attention. He wrote that Franklin fully intended to inoculate the boy, but that Frankys sickness dragged on and smallpox took him before his recovery. Indeed, Lemay went even further in providing cover for Franklin, describing Franky as a sickly infant and a sickly child. This, too, has become accepted wisdom. In 1730, when Boston had another outbreak, he used his own newspaper to promote inoculation in Philadelphia because he suspected the disease would spread south. And we can imagine that for Deborah it was even worse. Survivors were often blind, physically or mentally disabled and horribly disfigured. But the facts are more complicated. 1. lol. Copyright 2009-2021 The Redhead Riter | Commenting Policy | Disclosure | Disclaimer | Privacy |, A Short Motivational Thought, Wish And Quote. There he made a shallow incision in the patients arm and deposited material from the vial. Corrections? Ben Franklin was my first idol, when I was a young lad, & he remains one of my very favorite people wise, inventive, & ohh so witty! When Benjamin Franklin Ware was born on 21 October 1924, in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States, his father, Ernest Franklin Ware, was 19 and his mother, Opal Tressie Neal, was 15. I would have been burned at the stake for being a redhead back then since they thought redheads were witches! Mrs. Read did precisely that, later admitting to Franklin, as he wrote, that she had persuaded the other Match in my Absence. She had been quick about it, too; Franklins letter reached Deborah in late spring 1725, and she was married by late summer. 1744 . 171-3. V rokoch 1779 - 1785 psobil ako prv americk vyslanec vo Franczsku (nahradil ho Thomas Jefferson ). Benjamin Franklin - Keep your eyes wide open before. So what should we make of Benjamin Franklin? A stunning new theory suggests that a debate over the failed treatment of their sons smallpox was the culprit. The having made a young Girl miserable may give you frequent bitter Reflections; none of which can attend the making an old Woman happy. Lemay, one of Franklins best biographers, is representative. I also suppose good ole Ben never heard of vaginal to read.. LOL LOL LOL Cindy!!! What do you think about Benjamin Franklins wisdom about marriage, sex and the older woman? In 1722 he wrote a series of 14 essays signed Silence Dogood in which he lampooned everything from funeral eulogies to the students of Harvard College. Sherry Riter a.k.a. Alas! We tend to idealize our founding fathers. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. I have been so happy as to receive several of your dear letters within these few days, she began, adding that she had read one letter over and over. I call it a husbands Love letter, she wrote, thrilled as though it were her first experience with anything of the kind. The procedure was a precursor to modern-day vaccination. To keep the paper going, he discharged his younger brother from his original apprenticeship and made him the papers nominal publisher. Inasmuch as some People aredeterd from having that Operation performd on their Children, I do hereby sincerely declare, that he was not inoculated, but receivd the Distemper in the common Way of Infection, he wrote. I argue with God all the time. Oh my! Check out these top 15 facts that helped shape the history of America. In February 1774, Benjamin wrote that he hoped to return home in May. Around the time they married Franklin took custody of an illegitimate child, William. By the spring of 1724 he was enjoying the companionship of other young men with a taste for reading, and he was also being urged to set up in business for himself by the governor of Pennsylvania, Sir William Keith. He found her a good and faithful helpmate. A single Man has not nearly the Value he would have in that State of Union. One of the most memorable scenes of the Autobiography is the description of his arrival on a Sunday morning, tired and hungry. the state in which you will find solid happiness. Franklin was certainly grateful to be married, but treated his wife more like a roommate than a helpmate in life. At Keiths suggestion, Franklin returned to Boston to try to raise the necessary capital. A Quick Biography of. John and Abigail Adams had a storybook union that spanned half a century. Most likely, it was a disagreement with Deborah over inoculation. 5. In 1730 he and Meredith were named Pennsylvanias official printers. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the . Records Commission (NHPRC) is part of the National He was right that the older a woman gets the more wisdom and compassion she has acquired merely by the fact that she has lived and experienced more of life than a younger woman has. A person, whether they are male or female, can be a whole and evolved person without being married! Benjamin Franklin Marriage, Masters The happy State of Matrimony is, undoubtedly, the surest and most lasting Foundation of Comfort and Love . One dark spot in his life was his marriage. The Gazette reported that of the Several Hundreds of people inoculated in the Boston area that year, about four had died. When Benjamin Franklin was born on 6 January 1706, in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America, his father, Josiah Franklin Sr., was 48 and his mother, Abiah Lee Folger, was 38. . He is an incomplete Animal. This was perhaps a nice justification for his self-indulgent behaviour in London and his ignoring of Deborah, to whom he had written only once. Fifteen-year-old Deborah, standing at the door of her familys house on Market Street, laughed at the awkward ridiculous Appearance of the bedraggled 17-year-old stranger trudging down the street with a loaf of bread under each arm and his pockets bulging with socks and shirts. I certainly agree with you about misused or misspelled words. Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us - an ambitious urban entrepreneur who rose up the social ladder, from leather-aproned shopkeeper to dining with kings. But staying away for a decade, dissembling year after year about his return, and then refusing to come home even when he knew his wife was declining and might soon die, suggests something beyond bored indifference. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? I have this thing with words spelled or used incorrectly. Because thro more Experience, they are more prudent and discreetin conducting an Intrigue to prevent Suspicion . Thus they continue amiable. And with regard to theirs, if the Affair should happen to be known, considerate People might be rather inclind to excuse an old Woman who would kindly take care of a young Man, form his Manners by her good Counsels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Prostitutes. Follow your bliss. As a scientist, Franklin took great interest in inoculating against the disease. Noooo! Did I say a? Stephen Coss His 1742 ballad in praise of her, as Lemay points out, touched upon every aspect of her domestic skills except motherhoodeven though she had mothered William Franklin since infancy and, shortly after Frankys death, had taken in young James Franklin Jr., the son of Bens deceased brother. The answer isnt simple. At some point in the year after Franky died, Benjamin commissioned a portrait of the boy. By the late 1750s, Benjamin Franklin had established himself as a successful printer, publisher, and writer. Because the Compunction is less. by Benjamin Franklin, Carl Japikse. I would have loved to see Franklin, Mark Twain, & George Carlin trade witticisms! That September 29, a contingent of Indian chiefs representing the Six Nations was heading for Philadelphia to renegotiate a treaty when government officials halted them a few miles short of their destination and advised them to go no farther. public. The conventional wisdom is that their marriage was doomed from the beginning, by differences in intellect and ambition, and by its emphasis on practicality over love; Franklin was a genius and needed freedom from conventional constraints; Deborahs fear of ocean travel kept her from joining her husband in England and made it inevitable that they would drift apart. A Benjamin Franklin Reader, p.53, Simon and Schuster, There is a mistake in the text of this quote, Occupation: Founding Father of the United States. The final productwhich shows Franklins adult face atop a boys bodyis disconcerting, but also moving. You can not pluck roses without fear of thorns, Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of horns. If you get a prudent healthy Wife, your Industry in your Profession, with her good Economy, will be a Fortune sufficient. On another occasion, Franklin wrote of her many good qualities but conspicuously left out any mention of her being a good mother, a slap in the face at the time. I was always interested in books about finances, which caused me to discover Ben's "The Way to Wealth.". The happy State of Matrimony is, undoubtedly, the surest and most lasting Foundation of Comfort and Love . Rogers squandered Deborahs dowry and racked up big debts before disappearing. Franklins initial reply, in June 1770, was detached, even dismissive: I rejoice much in the Pleasure you appear to take in him. Benjamin Franklin NICK NAMES Ben BIRTHDAY January 17, 1706 BORN ON DAY Sunday BIRTHPLACE Boston, Massachusetts Bay, British America. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. A recurring theme was Benjamins belief that Deborah was irresponsible. A few months later she pressed him: I hope you will not stay longer than this fall.. Some say the longer daylight hours promote safety and help the economy. On one occasion, a customer bought some paper from the Franklins' business and Deborah forgot to mark down which kind of paper, meaning the customer could have gotten away with buying a high-quality paper for less than it was really worth. Over 35 years of marriage, Benjamin Franklin had indirectly praised Deborah's work ethic and common sense through "wife" characters in his Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard's Almanac. William Franklin was born Feb. 22, 1762, followed by the birth of Francis on Oct. 20, 1732 and . Benjamin's mother was Abiah Folger, the second wife of Josiah. Having been to "Hell and back," her passionate writing will inspire, motivate, educate and make you laugh. Husband of Deborah (Read) Franklin married 1 Sep 1730 [location unknown] Descendants Father of William Franklin , Francis Folger Franklin and Sarah (Franklin) Bache Died 17 Apr 1790 at age 84 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States of America Given Franklins notorious frugality, the commission was an extraordinary indulgencemost tradesmen didnt have portraits made of themselves, let alone their children. Such women, he wrote, have sound and healthy Constitutions, produce vigorous Offspring, are active in the Business of the Family, special good Housewives, and very Careful of their Husbands Interest. Its unlikely that he would have included produce vigorous Offspring if his son, then 9 months old, had been sickly. I wonder if he spelled them right for 1748 or if he was like my Mom and daughter! Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. They entered a common-law agreement which protected them from bigamy if her runaway husband returned. The first was Francis Folger Franklin born October 1732. This would mean that, contrary to what some biographers and historians have assumed, Frankys inoculation was not out of the question. Deborah Read, who he had courted before going to England, had married Roger Potter during his absence. Over 35 years of marriage, Benjamin Franklin had indirectly praised Deborahs work ethic and common sense through wife characters in his Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richards Almanac. 3. And yet she remained legally married to him; a woman could self-divorce, as Deborah had done in returning to her mothers home, but she could not remarry with church sanction. Benjamin Franklin was born the 10th son of the 17 children of a man who made soap and candles, one of the lowliest of the artisan crafts. Weel, a but one. Many biographers and historians have followed suit, accepting at face value that Franky was simply too sick for inoculation. Benjamin loved the child and his new role as a dad, but that did not mean he opened up to be more of a loving husband to Deborah. I agree with him that marriage adds to each of us and makes us whole. How did a man who understood better than most the relative safety and efficacy of inoculation choose wrong? Nothing went as planned. They learn to do a 1000 Services small and great, and are the most tender and useful of all Friends when you are sick. A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. Benjamin Franklin's father, Josiah Franklin, was a tallow chandler, soaper, and candlemaker. If he still had feelings for her, he also knew that her dowry was gone and she was, technically, unmarriageable. Poor Richard's Almanack, p.40, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. Benjamin Franklin (2013). Notes: 1974-1975 TV miniseries "The Lives of Benjamin Franklin" Events. "Fart Proudly" is just another great example of that tradition, that universal reference point that we all share. . Ha, ha..I think lots of older women are not so good in this day & age..bah humbug to waiting on a man & confounding ones self to be pleasing to him.. Benjamin, now 16, read and perhaps set in type these contributions and decided that he could do as well himself. If originally she had believed Franky would bring her closer to Benjamin, now she just hoped the boy would help her keep hold of him. Sometimes being married is actually BAD for a person and I dont think being single means less happiness. His exact birthday is unknown, as is the identity of his mother, but he was born sometime around 1730, and . Those things are trueup to a point. It is the Man and Woman united that make the compleat human Being. He had three children, including William Franklin, who was Colonial Governor of New Jersey, from 1763 to 1776. From the outset, his father hinted otherwise. This event profoundly saddened the Franklins. SOURCES Deborah Read Benjamin Franklin Wikipedia: Benjamin Franklin Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin By now you already know that one of my favorite people in history is Benjamin Franklin. It must be of Use to your Health, the having such an Amusement. At times he seemed impatient with Deborah: I am glad your little Grandson recovered so soon of his Illness, as I see you are quite in Love with him, and your Happiness wrapt up in his; since your whole long Letter is made up of the History of his pretty Actions. Did he resent the way she had anointed Benny the new Franky? in In the late 1760s, Deborah became ill and suffered a series . . In April and July he assured her he would sail shortly. Six years into that marriage, her husband was advancing so quickly in the world that she might have begun to worry he might one day outgrow his plain, poorly educated wife. He had celebrated her faithfulness, compassion and competency as a housekeeper and hostess in a verse titled I Sing My Plain Country Joan. But he seems never to have written her an unabashed expression of romantic love. the Cause of all good Order in the World, and what alone preserves it from the utmost Confusion. If youre Having the goutI wish I was near enough to rub it with a light hand.. After expressing his regret over having failed to inoculate Franky, he added: This I mention for the Sake of Parents, who omit that Operation on the Supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a Child died under it; my Example showing that the Regret may be the same either way, and that therefore the safer should be chosen., Franklin took the blame for not inoculating Franky, just as he took the blame for Deborahs disastrous first marriage. He had not been inoculated. Where there's marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. He immigrated to New York City, New York, United States in 1943. 1731-1813. Just weeks into Deborahs marriage, word reached Philadelphia that Rogers had another wife in England. A doctor used a scalpel and a quill to take fluid from smallpox vesicles on the skin of a person in the throes of the disease. 2. Either intentionally or accidentally, as a side effect of her stroke, she sometimes confused the two, referring to Franklins grandson as your son and our child.. He also . modern editorial content, are copyright the American Philosophical Society and Yale University. * I'm Constantly Grateful For The Bad And Good Times. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. 1743: Proposes a plan for an Academy, which is adopted 1749 and develops into the University of Pennsylvania. Possibly he just lost his nerve. Many years later, Franklin admitted in a letter to his sister Jane that Frankys death devastated him. Franklin exchanged some promises about marriage with Deborah Read and, with a young friend, James Ralph, as his companion, sailed for London in November 1724, just over a year after arriving in Philadelphia. In 1758, near the start of Franklins first extended stay in London, she sent the portrait or a copy of it to him, perhaps hoping it would bind him to her in the same way she imagined its subject once had. In classic Franklin fashion, he doesnt say. As for the letter, it seems to me he had a lot of experience to be able to go on with so much knowledge. But if you will not take this Counsel, and persist in thinking a Commerce with the Sex inevitable, then I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old Women to young ones. January 6, 1705 [1 - April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The matter of whether or not he had been inoculated may have created lasting marital discord, says Smithsonian Magazine. Required fields are marked *. . Nearing his mid-20s, Franklin sought to marry, not for love, but rather for society's sake (via Benjamin Franklin Historical Society). Now you may argue with God but not me. Noteworthy is Franklin's involvement in promoting the music of two of the . United States one yet understood that it spread when people inhaled an invisible virus born on DAY BIRTHPLACE. Marriage to Reed was his frequent trips to London history of America, new City! More of an act of business ( via Smithsonian Magazine if his son, then 9 months old had. To print or publish the Courant life was his marriage of vaginal atrophy.Still.. fun Read... Wrote that Franklin fully intended to inoculate the boy, but he emerged as one of best! Note: the Epidemic that Revolutionized Medicine and American Politics to new York,... In which one is most likely to find solid happiness no doubt that she loved Benjamin and always.! 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