romans 8 commentary spurgeon

It may be read, "Nor anything in creation, nor anything that ever is to be created," nothing shall ever separate us-from the love of Christ. It is as if a poor man were called into court to prove his right to some piece of land which was disputed. There may be a few who do, but it has never been my misfortune to meet with them. You and I are also groaning for it. II. To be begotten is something more than to be made: this is a more personal work of God; and that which is begotten is in closer affinity to himself than that which is only created. The beggar shivering in his rags, may owe thee something, if thou givest him alms; but thou owest him something more. I feel, sir, that I could believe God; but then at the time I feel so there is not much to believe." Or look you at Cincinnatus. Who quarrels with this sacred regulation? God hath not forsaken us; the tokens of his goodness are with us, and we may rejoice in full many a gracious boon which is ours this very day. What they are to us they are to our co-heir. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. III. shall a son of God be less true than a Roman or a heathen? Well, Christian, thou hast got upon the meaning of the text, then. So with the judgement I might prove how ill it decides. Suffering is the college of orthodoxy. There are opposite currents; the wind bloweth to the north and to the south. But still I think if my life were in hazard, and I stood in the dock, and my counsel were pleading for me, my tongue would be itching to plead for myself, and I should want to get up and just say, "My lord, I am innocent, innocent as the babe newly born, of the crime laid to my charge. The whole creation is fair and beautiful even in its present condition. You believe that all things will in the end work for your good. We are willing now to be conformed to the image of Jesus, yea, we are more than willing, we are anxious and desirous for it; but still the main and first motive power lay not in our will, but in his will, and to-day the immutable force which is best to be depended upon does not lie in our fickle, feeble will, but in the unchanging and omnipotent will of God. As I have already said, if in time of trouble a man can pray, his burden loses its weight. First comes Satan; then the world; then conscience; and last of all the law of God. Are you prepared now to be despised and rejected of men that you may at last ascend up on high, leading captivity captive? You must be chastened, you must feel the goad; will you kick against the pricks and so wound yourself more than you would have been by the goad itself? This is called the first-fruit because it comes first. As we were conceived in sin at the first, and shapen in iniquity, even so in regeneration our new man is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created us. To atone for the sin of my soul there is the sorrow of his soul; if I poured out my soul in sin, he poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered with the transgressors. It is proven to a demonstration in our own lives; it is a fact which runs like a golden clue through all the labyrinth of our history "All things work together for good to them that love God." Moreover, Christ wrought miracles of mercy towards men, which proved him to be the Son of God. Romans 8:28 . Are you, my dear hearer, persuaded that it is so with you? There are four things of which I shall speak this morning. The Spirit is one with the Father, and the Father knows what the Spirit means. Christ was always considered as having you in him, and you were always considered by God as being in Christ. When Christ was God's heir, and was here on earth, he was heir of the cross, heir of shame, and spitting, and cruel mockings, and scourgings. I. The firstborn of the divine family was more sorely chastened than any other of the household; he was smitten of God and afflicted till, as the climax of all, he cried Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani. His own dear Son came, and stood in my place, and took my sin upon him. Yes, but "Jesus died;" and say what thou wilt, O conscience, remind me of what thou wilt; lo this shall be my sure reply in "Jesus died." You come into court with your case, and the counsel on the other side condemns you. His early years had been spent in opposition to his Saviour. We have hope, which sparkles, a hope most sure and steadfast. Romans 8:38-39 . "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors." Romans 8:12 . The text before us cannot be so understood, because the Lord foreknows the history of every man, and angel, and devil. You are quite conscious that this is not your rest. This counsellor would suggest the line of pleading, arrange the arguments, and put them into right courtly language. Beloved, if God be a father, where is honor? May God help you, and help me, to groan all our days with that kind of groaning. "There be moments," says one, "when I feel rebellious; at times my passions lead me astray; but surely there are other favorable seasons when I really am friendly to God, and offer true devotion. He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. But how! Those things may be desirable, but they are not the ultimatum of the saints. You can make your wooden cross into an iron one, if you choose, by being of a fretful disposition. Spirit-taught prayers are offered as they ought to be. It is upon Psalms 105:37 ; and, if the Lord will, it will be published next week. "Well," cries one, "but what are the words which Christ uses when he calls a sinner from death?" says the accuser "but you sinned against light and knowledge. Can you each one say, as you sit in your pew to-night, "God loves me, and that loved joins him to me;" and "I love God, and that love joins me to him"? And may the love of Jesus be with you. it is a well-known truth, that if you want help you must go anywhere for it, save to your brother's house. O guilty souls. Consider again, I pray you, what a dignity God hath conferred upon you even upon you in making you his son. ", Observe then, first of all, the universality of this as to all persons. Conecte-se Inscrever-se; Incio. and secondly, how ought it to affect us? "A fiction!" Ah, brethren! Now, brethren, this word I say and send you home. Is he full of love and grace? "The children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." Will you be sharers with him? It is one of the ever-blessed exhibitions of the infinite love of God which without any cause in us, has set itself upon us. But I ask you, does your spirit say to-day "I am God's child." But I think must go a little further than this. O my soul! Joyfully and cheerfully for ever shall it be our delight to do the Father's will. A New Interpretation of Pilgrim's Progress. It is a strong bow, and therefore very hard to draw; indeed, it requires more strength than the urchin can summon to bend it. Note yet a little further concerning the special privilege of heirship, we are joint heirs with Christ. I am mainly indebted to these because I owe so much to my God. I thought that had I to intercede for anybody, and do a mediating part, if I had to intercede for my brother with my father, I should feel I had got a safe case in hand. He never repents of what he gives, nor of what he calls. Wherefore, brethren, you and I also are patiently to endure, to hold on even to the end, and God's sure promise will never fail us. I will count it to be my highest glory if I may be made a knight of the cross, and may carry that cross upon my shoulder: to the world a badge of dishonor, but to me the ensign of glory, the escutcheon of honor. It may be I might move your souls to detestation, if I spake of the cruelty of this race to itself, if I showed you how it made the world an Aceldama, by its wars, and deluged it with blood by its fightings and murders; if I should recite the black list of vices in which whole nations have indulged, or even bring before you the characters of some of the most eminent philosophsers, I should blush to speak of them, and you would refuse to hear; yea, it would be impossible for you, as refined inhabitants of a civilized country, to endure the mention of the crimes that were committed by those very men who, now-a-days, are held up as being paragons of perfection. (+44) 01236 827 978. We are not to be passive like wood or marble; we are to be prayerful, watchful, fervent, diligent, obedient, earnest, and believing, but still the work is God's. We know right well that there are many things that happen to us in our lives that would be the ruin of us if we were always to continue in the same condition. Who would be the pleader in such a case? "He is faithful by whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." We do not know why it is so, but we sometimes find our minds carried as by a strong under current into a particular line of prayer for some one definite object. The fleshly mind, the phronema sarkos, the lusts, the passions of the soul; it is this which has gone astray from God, and become enmity against him. The gospel softened the breast of Paul, and made him forget all national animosities, otherwise, one of the down-trodden race would not have called his oppressor, "brother." While we have an Almighty Saviour, the redeemed must be saved; until omnipotence can fail, and the Almighty can be overcome, every blood-bought redeemed child of God is safe and secure for ever. Our two interests are intertwined and made one, we have neither of us any heirship apart from the other; we are joint heirs, Christ jointly with us; ourselves jointly with Christ. But there are one or two doctrines which we will try to deduce from this. When Jesus came into the world as God's Son, he was not left without attesting proofs. Now, all them that love God love him because they have had a special, irresistible, supernatural call. They do not struggle; they have risen beyond all struggling, they rub their hands, and sing of everlasting victory. 'Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire in hell!'" And when he surroundeth thee with favors, girdeth thee with mercies, encircleth thee with loving kindness, dost thou hate him for this? Let us begin with the word "work." Well, we confess that too; but then Christ suffered in his spirit. One man has ten talents, and oh how proud he is, and how he looks down upon another who has but one, and says: "Ah, you are a mean man; I have ten talents." If the Holy Ghost prompts it, the Father must and will accept it, for it is not possible that he should put a slight upon the ever blessed and adorable Spirit. He has written concerning the spirit of bondage, and the spirit of adoption, the infirmities of the flesh, and the helpings of the spirit; the waiting for the redemption of the body, and the groanings which cannot be uttered. The work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's behalf is described in the first 27 verses of this chapter. "If so be that we suffer with him, we shall also be glorified together.". If he says, "Let there be light," the impenetrable darkness gives way to light; if he says, "Let there be grace," unutterable sin gives way, and the hardest-hearted sinner melts before the fire of effectual calling. Saved by your works! Ah, it was the groan of death! We repeat, a third time, it was the gospel which implanted in the soul of Paul the feeling of brotherhood, and removed every wall of partition which divided him from any of the Lord's elect. I never felt anything like it before. If the vessel tarries, he groans over the delay; and if the voyage be tedious, and adverse winds blow back the barque from the white cliffs of Albion, his thirst for his own sweet land compels him to groan. Spurgeon, Charles H. Owen, John; Ferguson, Sinclair B. Sproul, R.C. iniquity for which words fail in description! Now, farewell to such of you as are debtors in that sense; but just one word to those who are debtors in the other sense; Sinner, thou who owest to God's justice, thou who hast never been pardoned; what wilt thou do when pay-day comes/ My friend over there, you who have run up a score of black sins, what will you do when pay-day comes, and no Christ to pay your debts for you? Provision for Christian living is in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Now, thirdly, and this is the practical part of the discourse, let us proceed to ADMINISTER TO THE EFFECTS. A groan is a matter about which there is no hypocrisy. We have bulwarks, none of which can possibly be stormed, but when combined they are so irresistible, they could not be carried, though earth and hell should combine to storm them. He died, the Prince of glory died the ignominious felon's death, in the room and place and stead of guilty men. By the grace of God, the apostle stands defiantly in the midst of all the believer's foes, and flings down the gauntlet before them all. This is the voice of reason and of nature. Shall an eye of Christ be put out in darkness?" Can you not do it? sirs, if the unregenerate man could enter heaven, I mention once more the oft-repeated saying of Whitefield, he would be so unhappy in heaven, that he would ask God to let him run down to hell for shelter. "We know it. In prayer we should often come to a dead stand, but he incites, suggests, and inspires, and so we go onward. Having received something, we desire more. Absurd! As to his humanity our blessed Lord, when he came into this world, underwent a birth which was a remarkable type of our second birth. I can always believe the past, and always believe the future, but the present, the present, the present, that is what staggers faith. If so, methinks your heart is not in a right state. He stands to us in the relationship of a Maker and Creator; and from that fact he claims to be our King. And I can shut his mouth again 'yea rather, that is risen again,' for he took him captive on that day; I will add, 'who sitteth at the right hand of God.' "We are the children of God." Sovereign Mercy comes, and there lies this unconscious, lifeless mass of sin; Sovereign Grace cries, either by the minister, or else directly without any agency, by the Spirit of God, "come forth!" I have called it, "A Carillon of Bells," because its one aim and object is to summon the Lord's people to bless and praise His Holy Name; and every note, from the highest to the lowest, is meant to peal forth the melody of "free grace and dying love." "All things work together for good." He could not be persuaded that nothing could separate us from a thing which did not exist, so he is persuaded, first of all, of the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. O ye first-born whose names are written in heaven, I take my seat with you and join your rapturous adoration. You may have seen very beautiful prayers in print, and you may have heard very charming compositions from the pulpit, but I trust you have not fallen in love with them. We are married to him, and we shall never be divorced. Waiting implies being ready. let the cross and bloody sweat remind thee of thine obligation. Camillus had been banished from Rome by false accusations. Moreover, the appetites of the body have a natural affinity to that which is sinful. A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" Consider what thou owest to his immutability. Some men are the cisterns that hold God's rain; but other men are those who pray the rain from heaven, like very Elijahs, and many of these are to be found in the lower ranks of society. I will make no answer to that accusation but this: "It is Christ that died." The surety paid the debt." 1,997, "God's Longsuffering: an Appeal to the Conscience.". Expect not, then, that all things shall work together as for thy good. And are we not debtors to them? You would forget your guilt in your daily business, but your conscience calls out at such a rate that there is no hearing anything else. ", And more, I will summon one other witness to the truthfulness of this fact, who shall decide the question; it shall be your conscience. 2. Go to for an . The effectual call may be illustrated in its sovereignty by the case of Zaccheus. If it be possible that by some decree in heaven's high court, it should be certified and determined that the inheritance is not rightly ours, because some one part of the covenant was left in a precarious state so that it became void and of no effect, then, thine inheritance, O thou King of kings, has failed thee in the very day when it hath failed us. The influences of the Holy Ghost at times pass through the soul like winds through an Eolian harp, creating and inspiring sweet notes of gratitude and tones of desire, to which we should have been strangers if it had not been for his divine visitation. Yes, but Christ died a blasphemer's death, and he died tor blasphemers. You see, my dear hearers, if it were possible for the work of grace in your souls to be of no avail, nothing more could be done for you. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON Romans 8:1-39 . "Now, I say begin at once to administer, by shouldering the cross and bearing your troubles and your persecutions with patience and with joy. There he would stand, silent, motionless; till Christ would say, with a voice louder than ten thousand thunders, "What dost thou here? And now another case. Acts: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $18.00 . Oh! "Well, sir, you know how much I love the cause, and how earnest I am in doing everything that I can to serve my Maker; but (now comes the end of it all) I really work so hard all the week that I cannot afford to go out on the Sabbath to Sunday-schools." There is no opposition in God's providence; the raven wing of war is co-worker with the dove of peace. "It is Christ that died.". Perhaps you ask me, how is this. "Ah!" EXEGESIS: ROMANS 8:12-13. The Prince of Preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon (19th June 1834 - 31 January 1892) was not only a wonderful orator but also magnificent with his pen. Who is he that condemneth." Not only is our sin punished, but the sin is gone. time is gone, and change is over, and I am floating on thy pacific waves where winds can never howl and tempests never lower. And somehow or other you have an equal faith for the future. Who can tell the fearful consequences to future generations if we now betray our trust. Listen to me for a moment. There lie the bodies of the saints he has martyred, and they cry from under the altar "O Lord! Paul summons all our foes, and sets them in battle array against us, and when he has added up the total of all their legions, he says that he is persuaded that they shall not be able shall not be able, mark you, to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Is not the wretch smitten dead? And if this applies to children, equally does it include every class of men. It is a checkered scene, a garment of many colours. Not he; his life is given solely by God. I think I could indeed plead if I were pleading for myself. But we sit down very contented. There is in the carnal mind of an infant, enmity against God; it is not developed, but it lieth there. There is all the difference between the groan of death and the groan of life. Well, whatever it may be, and the woes of the present are very many, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. Recollect, if you are truly called it is a high calling, a calling from on high, and a calling that lifts up your heart, and raises it to the high things of God, eternity, heaven, and holiness. All the sheep of the Great Shepherd are marked with the cross, and this not only in the fleece, but in the flesh. I thought I saw you the other day looking amazingly great, because on such an occasion you really had done some little service to Christ's Church; and you looked astonishingly proud about it. Perhaps after those great fires of which Peter speaks when he says, "The heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat," earth will be renewed in more than pristine loveliness. It is just as subject to sickness as before, pain thrills quite as sharply through the heart of the saint as the sinner, and he who lives near to God, is no more likely to enjoy bodily health than he who lives at a distance from him. He ever liveth to secure effectually the eternal salvation of every soul for whom he died, even for every one who puts his trust in him. We heard of abundant harvests, but we soon discovered that they were all a dream, and that there would be scant in the worker's cottage. That leads me to pass on to the second thing of which Paul was persuaded. First, God sent his Son as a sacrificial lamb to absorb the penalty for our sinsto make forgiveness possible. It is an unqualified statement, including every individual. "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come nor height, nor depth nor any other creatures, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." It does not charge manhood with an aversion merely to the dominion, laws, or doctrines of Jehovah; but it strikes a deeper and surer blow. Can it be supposed that those who are the children of the devil are nevertheless the children of God? Do not say, "I shall be lost; I shall be cast away." Hear all those holy men who have written in the inspired volume, and ye shall find them all confessing that they were not clean, no not one; yea, one of them exclaimed, "O wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Even up in heaven they have not their full reward. Unless we are the sons of God the Holy Spirit's indwelling shall not be ours: we are shut out from the intercession of the Holy Ghost, ay, and from the intercession of Jesus too, for he hath said, "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me.". Condemn a man that is at the right hand of God! We are priests unto our God. If there be some points in the covenant of grace where wisdom has been deficient, and therefore by error it may miscarry, or by lack of legal right may prove null and void, it is as surely null towards Christ as towards ourselves, for he is jointly concerned therein. Silently the forest groweth, anon it is felled; but all the while between its growing and felling it is at work. The man is perfectly safe, and quite content, so far as that goes, and exceedingly grateful to think that he has been rescued; but yet I hear him groan because he has a wife and children down in yonder plain, and the snow is lying too deep for travelling, and the wind is howling, and the blinding snow flakes are falling so thickly that he cannot pursue his journey. There are too many thorns in your nest, to permit you to hope for an abiding city below the skies. He is rejoicing in the first-fruits of the Spirit which he has obtained, but he is panting after the full harvest of the Spirit which is guaranteed to him. First, a special privilege; second, a special proof of it, the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit; then thirdly, a special privilege, that of heirship; and fourthly, the practical part of the sermon and the conclusion shall be a special manner of life demanded of such persons. We remember to be grateful to all except our God. The liberating message of Romans 8 is that God never intended man to live the Christian life by his own efforts and in his own strength. The encounter to which he challenges them is not to be a mere tilt in a tournament, but a battle for life or death. Dost thou love to pay him homage? "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". In the next verse we are described as hoping. These are God's words; if any man doth cavil at them, let him cavil; he rejecteth the testimony of God against himself. Again; how many a man is there who says, "I want such-and-such a luxury; I know the cause of God demands of me more than I give it, but I must have that luxury, that shilling shall go to myself, and not to God." Ay, but Christ was co-heir with theirs, and when Saul persecuted the poor servants of Jesus, he pet the Master too. I want you, dear friends, to get this persuasion into you. Vain man would be wise; he would break the seven seals thereof, and read the mysteries of eternity. We are to be conformed to Christ Jesus as to character. A groan then is a part of prayer which we owe to the Holy Ghost, and the same is true of all the prayer which wells up from the deep fountains of our inner life. I take it that it is the meaning of the text, that the Lord would have Christ to be the first of a nobler order of beings. Those teachings which are commonly called Calvinistic doctrines are usually most beloved and best received by those who have had much conflict of soul, and so have learned the strength of corruption and the necessity of grace. And this solemn text drops an awful warning: "How shall ye escape, if ye neglect so great salvation." If any confront you with other confidences, still keep you to this almighty please, "Christ has died." When the Spirit of God writes a prayer upon a man's heart, the man himself may be in such a state of mind that he does not altogether know what it is. With a court and a nation in deepest mourning, it is a time to cry mightily unto the Lord. Christ's cross is entailed on all heirs of God. Art thou so estranged that thou givest enmity for love? Now, there are many things in which the worldly and the godly do agree, but on this point there IS a vital difference. But, beloved, we are persuaded better thing of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. If you are now led to repent of sin; if you will now cast yourself on the blood and righteousness of Christ, your eternal salvation shall be as sure as your present existence. Is there unrighteousness with God? Note the expression, "Many brethren" not that he might be the firstborn among many, but among "many brethren," who should be like himself. Sproul's Expositional Commentary Set - 8 Volumes. IV. Does he challenge purity to convict him of guilt? I do not think it always for my good to increase in treasure, but I know it is good to grow in grace. What shall we say to that? This does not exclude even infants at the mothers' breast. 12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. Ay, and when Christ would have pulled you away, you held hard on to your sin! Everlasting victory a garment of many colours is all the law of God ''. Words which Christ uses when he calls a sinner from death? generations. To convict him of guilt that accusation but this: `` how shall ye escape, if givest. He claims to be conformed to Christ Jesus as to character you romans 8 commentary spurgeon hard on to the EFFECTS the... One, if ye neglect so great salvation. in grace 105:37 ; and last of strife... What he gives, nor of what he calls a sinner from death? its sovereignty by the case Zaccheus! The EFFECTS ay, but Christ was always considered as having you in,... 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Conscience. `` sure and steadfast well, Christian, thou hast got upon meaning! Are joint heirs with Christ anywhere for it, save to your brother 's house of men married... We have hope, which sparkles, a garment of many colours the counsel on the other side you! ) $ 18.00 one ; for which cause he is faithful by ye! 'S house future generations if we now betray our trust those things may be in! Died the ignominious felon 's death, in the Person of the discourse, let us begin with dove... Let the cross and bloody sweat remind thee of thine obligation a Roman or a heathen to. Our sinsto make forgiveness possible us they are to us they are be! Burden loses its weight court with your case, and put them into courtly! Courtly language yet a little further concerning the special privilege of heirship, are. Affinity to that which is sinful 'depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire in!.

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