towns in nigeria where land reclamation is common

Others include the ongoing construction on the sand-filled former marshy area, renamed Golden View Estate, Ejigbo, along Ejigbo/Ikotun road by Cele-Egbe Bridge, the 100-hectare Gracefield Island to accommodate over 10,000 residents in Lagos Lagoon, the controversial 45-hectare Apple Island project, as well as reclamation activities in Lekki and Ajah areas. The inflow and out flow of fresh water will change the hydrology and the biology of the river. Mangrove litter decomposes to form manure, which further consolidates the soil structure [15]. The process in Figure 7 may be reversible or irreversible and if not reversible can lead to the total loss of the mangrove forest and the coastal community. He however, berated the sponsors of the reclamation exercise, adding that the estates they are constructing in the reclaimed areas dont accommodate the low and the middle class, adding that their motive is primarily to make money. Map of Niger Delta Nigeria (circled) bordering the Atlantic Ocean has the biggest mangrove forests in Africa. Loss of trees leads to increased soil erosion and increased sedimentation of river. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Re: List Of Igbo Towns In Nigeria. The same is being experienced in many reclaimed lands in many parts of the world. Industries also flock around coastal areas because of the ease of transportation of goods and equipments. Irabor said: Nearly every part of the Netherlands was reclaimed from the sea. All land comprised in the territory of each state in Nigeria are vested in the governor of that state and such land shall be held in trust and administered for the use and . Every citizen of Nigeria is empowered to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria. Land reclamation is also known as land fill, it is the process of creating new land from ocean, riverbeds or lake beds. This means they would be the ready pool of labour for construction projects and their tenements will be enhanced by the investment flowing into the site., Allaying the fears of the people, the commissioner said: The Lagos state government, as a responsible entity, pursues a policy of ensuring that Environmental Impact Assessment is done by every individual or corporate body that seeks to embark on projects. This occur in small communities around the Niger Delta area that originally had small populations at its founding. Increasing population in small communities had also led to the reclamation of coastal areas to create room for the construction of houses to accommodate more people. The results of the physico-chemical analysis and the species abundance test were derived as shown in Figure 9. This situation had led to the loss of many species. The sand mining activity was abandoned after 2 years of operation. The intertidal environment is naturally a tough place for organisms to live, however, with the addition of reclamation activities the ability of organisms to survive is denigrated. When mangroves are removed via landscape reclamation, coastal areas lose the ability to slow down run off, filter pollutants, and retain soil. Segregation: this is when units or communities cluster together based on homogeneity of ideals or goals. While speaking with Vanguard, Osawe said he sees nothing wrong with the exercise, in as much as it is done in the proper way. In Nigeria reclaimed land is used to build residential quarters, road network, vegetation pro- duction, grazing, recreation, shopping complex and refuse disposal site. Reclamation can be used to revert rain-deficient (arid) areas by irrigation, the removal of pollutants (salt, alkali, etc.) There's money to be made in moving land to the right place. I have noted four (4) problems/challenges people will most likely encounter in this line of business and also proffered some good solutions to them. The indirect causes include: (i) sand mining, (ii) exploratory activities, (iii) stream expansion/canalization, (iv) disturbance limitation and (v) agriculture (4050% of land surface is converted to agriculture and urban systems). This is because the organisms that reside in these areas are wiped out during the first phase of reclamation. While noting that reclamation for development is not totally a negative thing, Alo insisted that it should be done with proper environmental analysis which must include the potential impacts and development of mitigation measures through professionals to ensure that such activity fit into the ecological balance of the area. Also some of the communities where flooding was not prevalent are now battling with serious flooding. The causes of land reclamation in the Niger Delta are grouped into two: (1) direct and (2) indirect causes. However, the Lagos state government has allayed the fear that is being raised in some quarters as regards the massive land reclamation across the state. Orange Island is another reclaimed island that covers about 150 hectares of land and is located within the Lekki axis in Lagos. One of the focal points is the much touted urban development that has taken place in Eti-Osa LGA, via land reclamation exercise, especially since 1983 when the Lagos state g. overnment began to allocate the Lekki Peninsula for urban development purpose. Invasion of foreign species in coastal areas is another precursor to land reclamation activity aimed at remediating the sites in the Niger Delta region. Land reclamation, also called reclamation is the process of creating new land from ocean or riverbeds. Seventy percent of our mangrove forests are gone, endangering this important ecosystem and causing many species to lose their habitats and breeding grounds. 2020 The Author(s). Battery Park City is atop sand shipped from Staten Island. If done in an organised manner, I believe nobody will complain. The Great Wall of Lagos will ensure that everyone living and working within the 10 square kilometres (6.2 miles) of reclaimed land for Eko Atlantic and the population of Victoria Island are protected from the sea, Frame assured. Agricultural activities such as rice paddies and aquaculture are embarked upon in swampy coastal locations [14]. What we are doing in Lagos in terms of sand filling is not new but we need to get things right. Yes, today, man will have his way but eventually, nature will have its way later. Succession is an ecological process, which is a change in species composition of communities over time. It also makes it mandatory for proponents of all new major developments to carry out EIAs on their proposed projects. A conflict has always been there between the urban and peri-urban interface regarding land acquisition. Here in Nigeria, the trend of reclamation of land is very common in Lagos, the nations commercial capital, a coastal city that is located in the South West of Nigeria. To establish road network via the river, foundations for heavy pillars are usually sunk into the bottom of the river, which destabilizes the benthic community of the river. A conceptualized reclamation pattern in coastal communities in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. An example is Buguma, an island town in the Niger Delta, which formerly had less than 100,000 people, but over the years rose to over 300,000 people. For instance, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in its article that x-rayed condition of the world cities titled Cities at Risk from Rising Sea Levels categorises Lagos as one of 50 cities most exposed to extreme sea levels. Using satellite imagery, another group of researchers concluded that the Palm. This is because their adventitious root system traps sediments during tidal flow, and accumulate it over a long period of time. Land reclamation is gradually posing negative impact on man due to unplanned urbanization. Despite the negative consequences of coastal land reclamation to aquatic species, it can add some economic value if used for non-intrusive agricultural activities. Areas that have mangrove vegetation before can be restored through the exportation of mangrove soil and mangrove propagules and allowed for 2030years to develop into a mature mangrove forest. One of the experts that have called on the Lagos state government to soft-pedal on the reclamation exercise is a former Surveyor General of the Federation, Peter Nwilo. Narrating their ordeal to Premium Times last year, the residents whose hope of economic survival has been tampered with, have tales of woe to tell concerning their awful experience. Sand mining is also done with more sophisticated machines, where pumps are used to convey sand from the bottom of the river unto land via long pipes. The investment company of Lagos state, Ibile Holding Company is carrying out the project on behalf of the state. Intertidal areas, which are above water lines, are more often the site for reclamation. Undoubtedly it would be technically possible to reclaim much, possible most of the Wash, but there are a couple of obstacles. Industry experts are also concerned with the level of compliance with existing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act No. Nigeria: Land Disputes and Communal Clashes 22 January 2021 This Day (Lagos) editorial The authorities must do more to contain the growing problem The recent imposition of curfew on Aguleri,. The following are natural resources found in land in Nigeria: columbite, dolomite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, silver, uranium and crude oil. For example, one Francis Ajagun who used to rake in N3,000 daily from fishing said that the reclamation exercise has cut off the main source of daily bread from him, noting that since the activity started, he has not earned a dime; and this makes life very frustrating for him, his wife and three kids. But in most cases no proper EIA or landscape assessment is carried out [5]. Invasion: this is as a result of the migration of people into coastal communities in search of new technologies that provide job opportunities. The conversion of a coastal environment to a terrestrial environment is absolute and cannot be reversed. Homogeneous ideals such as customs, educational goals, and occupational goals all make up segregation. The practice may be temporary solution . It also deepens the sea bed, which affects the water level. The most dominant species found was white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) (108) followed by red mangroves (Rhizophora racemosa) (104), black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) (77) and nipa palm (Nypa fruticans) (17). Land expansion to accommodate housing projects is a major cause of coastal reclamation and is embarked upon by private and government officials. Perhaps, the most popular so far among the land reclamation projects is Eko Atlantic City project w. hich kick started in 2008. Decrease in water level affect intertidal level especially when areas along the shore receive no water supply and become dry. It is often carried out in areas experiencing space constraints such as coastal cities or to increase the availability of agricultural land. They have been raising eyebrow as regards the possible environmental pitfalls it may result to; and also, and how the activities have hampered the commercial activities of the affected communities as most of the residents engage in fishing as their major source of income and livelihood. Speaking on the Oworonsoki land reclamation exercise, Commissioner for Waterfront Infrastructure Development, Ade Akinsanya said that the project would add immense economic values to the state. A study was carried out on impact of land reclamation through sand mining of coastal communities in Ikate and Ilubirin in Lagos, Nigeria. Deposited sand is usually evacuated by trucks to buyers. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. This situation thus necessitated the reclamation of coastal areas to create more space for human habitation. These small farms produce about 90% of the total food in Nigeria. A lot of scientific research has gone into accessing the impact of land reclamation around the world, here in Nigeria, land reclamation has created opportunities and housing in the most. These are commonly flooding because there is no shelter bay to take the runoff from the land areas. The bulldozers that fall the trees and the trucks that evacuate the logs all generate smoke which pollutes the surrounding air leading to poor air quality, and resulting in acid rain. The result indicates that Potassium and magnesium had the highest concentration. ( See also city; urban planning .) . An example is the establishment of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in Bonny Island in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Some small towns, notably Minna, Uyo, Makurdi, Maiduguri, and Bauchi, experienced remarkable growth in population and economy after becoming state capitals. According to Wikipedia, land reclamation (land fill) is a process of creating new land from ocean, riverbeds, or lake beds. This facility is situated at a coastal community that is land-locked. The method is mostly regarded as the simplest one. The Act was designed purposely to make provision for slum clearance, land reclamation, estates for industrial and residential purposes as well as to carry out extensive and land use planning in Lagos. The law confers the mandate to implement it on the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) in accordance with this law. But in the last two months I have not caught a single fish. Because of the non-use of the palms they had been removed from several locations with the aid of swamp buggies as a means of mitigating their negative environmental effect. For their reclamation efforts the Town received the 2002 New York State Mined Land Reclamation Award. For instance, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in its article that x-rayed condition of the world cities titled Cities at Risk from Rising Sea Levels categorises Lagos as one of 50 cities most exposed to extreme sea levels. Examples of other areas that have undergone reclamation are: Diamond Island, Orange Island, Imperial City, Gracefield Phoenix and Ilubirin project. During clearing heavy machinery fell trees. According to the former deputy vice Chancellor, (Academic and Research), University of Lagos, Prof. Babajide Alo, land reclamation without due Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) could lead to serious environmental degradation. Analyzing further, Adelekan posited that the changing land cover in the Lagos coastal area shows that between 1986 and 2002, the amount of developed land comprisingresidential, industrial, commercial, transportation and other use had experienced tremendous increase from 85.4 square kilometres (43.36per cent) to 111.9 square kilometres (56.8per cent). A research article published by Ibidun Adelekan titled Vulnerability of Poor Urban Coastal Communities to Flooding in Lagos, Nigeria says: Metropolitan Lagos, situated on the narrow lowland coastal stretch bordering the Atlantic Ocean and originally covered with mangrove swamps, has experienced significant land cover changes as a result of past and present land reclamation activities to secure land for urban development., The article says further: In 1960, Lagos covered an area of about 200 square kilometres, but by the beginning of the twenty-first century, its contiguously built-up area was estimated at about 1,140 square kilometers, and sections of the metropolis along the coastline have high population Densities.. Gabriel Martinelli starred as Arsenal moved five points clear at the top of the Premier League with a 4-0 rout of struggling Everton on Wednesday. Nevertheless, land utilization is influenced by nature and characteristics of soil, soil moisture and temperature, topography and land location, flora, fauna and climate. It should be noted that land reclamation activity is not a contemporary practice in Lagos, it is an age-long practice that is dated to the 60s in Nigerias economic capital. Land reclamation in the Niger Delta passes through five phases, which in all ramifications affect the environment. Several communities, they said, have been swept away amid predictions that if restraints on land reclamation are not taken into account, Lagos may be submerged by 2050. The white patch indicates the sand filled area while the green patches indicates mangrove forest that is still standing. Faced with the challenge of over 20 million people inhabiting a landmass of about 1,171.28 square kilometres, land reclamation has become a norm in Lagos to mitigate its pressing need for. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Water can be drained from shallow areas, or the bed raised, making the land available for development. Some of the biggest cities in Nigeria are looked at below. In Nigeria reclaimed land is used to build residential quarters, road network, vegetation production, grazing, recreation, shopping complex and refuse disposal site. In fact, the fear being nursed is that some of those areas face the threats of being submerged if the massive reclamation is not halted. These areas are usually port or coastal locations that attract people from other parts of the world. It was proposed in 2018 and scheduled to be completed in 2025, but the $600 billion project wouldn't have residents moving in until 2032 when housing construction is complete. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan are being evicted from their home on the British royal family's Windsor estate, a spokesperson said Wednesday, leaving them without a UK base. Before coastal lands are to be acquired proper environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies need to be conducted to develop proper management plan aimed at forestalling loss and extinction of common and rare species. This means areas that had been cleared and sand filled could be opened up again to be interconnected with the river, so that it will gradually become alive and revert to its original form [11]. Inflow of river water brought in seeds of different species of mangroves (e.g. This method is suitable for granular fill. White mangroves grow upland while red mangroves grow at the sea shore, so when the former dominate it shows increase in anthropogenic activities. Its based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. Bombay's Back Bay reclamation was first mooted in the 1860s, then revisited in the 1920s. The government insisted that illegal proliferation of dredging and reclamation practices had occasioned serious distortion in the aesthetics of the shoreline with high potential for causing environmental degradation capable of producing dire consequences if unchecked. He said that it would attract influx of investments and would boost socio-economic activities in the area, adding that there would be provision for mall and other crucial infrastructures that would improve the aesthetics and security of the axis. The second example is another site known as Borikiri in the outskirts of Port Harcourt, the capital city of Rivers State. The Great Garuda, Indonesia Project cost: $40bn (28bn) | Land to be reclaimed: 12.5km2. Apart from the Eko Atlantic project, there are other lands that have been reclaimed and are being developed into housing estates for residential and business purposes. One, two, three, four, five, 42, 43 and 44 long years later, the Land Use Decree of 1978, promulgated by the military regime of General Olusegun Obasanjo, now retired, remains the governing law on land use in Nigeria. This is because of land expansion activities such as urban development. It is a system where plants and animals have advantage in reserved area. Despite grassroots communities, activists, environmentalists and local NGOs holding strikes to protest against large-scale land reclamation, the state governments of Penang, Melaka and Johor are backing these controversial island-making projects for reasons of economic growth. The crude oil resource is mainly present in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, which is the centripetal force on which the nations economy revolves [3]. Habitats and breeding grounds the outskirts of port Harcourt, the most popular towns in nigeria where land reclamation is common far among the land is... 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towns in nigeria where land reclamation is common

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