vague sentence brainly

If the answers to your questions sound vague ask for clarification. Climb directly up the vague arete above the good jug (the normal route trends up rightwards ). The interesting parallels between the Babylonian Marduk (Merodach) god of light and Christ as a world saviour are ingeniously set forth by Zimmern in K.A.T., 3rd ed., pp. Here again Howell gave a rather plodding performance, playing Antipholus of Ephesus on a sustained note of vague irritation. , ch you think you need to know frem your correspondents. (74) She couldn't help but be a little vague. Our earlier notices of Sicily, of Sicels and Sicans, in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and legendary. The watchfulness of the court was, however, aroused, and on the discovery of the Rye House Plot, Sidney, who had always been regarded in a vague way as dangerous, was arrested while at dinner on the 26th of June 1683. Find more answers Ask your question In fact much of the terminology surrounding old books is rather vague. Their several histories were fused by the Elizabethan dramatists, and associated with the Maid Marian of the morris dance, who up to that time had probably only a vague connexion with Robin Hood. Public attention was powerfully attracted by these vague hints of a new system which promised something more positive, as regards religion in particular, than the apparent results of Hegel's teaching. In the 19th century the doctrine of evolution received new biological contents and became transformed from a vague, partly metaphysical theory to the dominant modern conception. (70) The statement was vague in its wording. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream. In the first place as regards style, though the Stagirite pupil Aristotle could never rival his Attic master in literary form, yet he did a signal service to philosophy in gradually passing from the vague generalities of the dialogue to the scientific precision of the didactic treatise. The expression " substantial similarity " is still, however, sufficiently vague to cover a multitude of views. a vague term of abuse 2 a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct only a vague notion of what's needed also : slight a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn't the vaguest idea b : not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious a vague longing 3 : not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely The plan was vague on detail, leaving them wondering what to do next. At the eleventh hour he attempted to retrieve his mistake by vague promises of amendment, chiefly because all the opposition groups, above all Sagasta and the Liberals, announced their intention of adopting much the same programme as the National Union. Formerly a great inlet with vague borders of lagoons and marshes, the Fenland has been reclaimed partly by natural processes, partly by engineering works patiently continued for centuries. Many people keep their objective statement purposefully vague. Something vague and confused, which he could not at all account for, had come over him with the capture of that officer and the blow he had dealt him. Examples of Vague in a sentence. Panic had swept from city to city, and a vague dread of some sudden collapse preyed upon the minds of millions. Many of the ancient oaks that remain in England may date from Saxon times, and some perhaps from an earlier period; the growth of trees after the trunk has become hollow is extremely slow, and the age of such venerable giants only matter of vague surmise. Give vague in sentence Advertisement Answer 33 people found it helpful carldelacruzxd Answer: - he gave only a vague answer - he longed in some vague way for something different - she felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him Advertisement Still have questions? The kingdom was the Congress Kingdom, for the vague promises of an extension to the east which Alexander had made to the Poles were never fulfilled. Demand explanations for every fee which seems vague or odd. Early writers on natural history used the term in its vague logical sense without limiting it to a special category in the hierarchy of classification. He had adopted the vague title of the " Son of Man," but had refrained from proclaiming Himself as the expected Messiah. Their resolution was vague and patchy, with a token nod to socialism. The modern name is Bahr Lut or "Sea of Lot" - a name hardly to be explained as a survival of a vague tradition of the patriarch, but more probably due to the literary influences of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Koran filtering through to the modern inhabitants or their ancestors. Which sentence has a vague pronoun error? He was, as he called himself, a " mystic "; and his creed was too vague to be put into any formula beyond a condemnation of atheism. As a protection against these the people construct - having first with much ceremony chosen a tree for the purpose - certain rude images called karwars, each representing a recently dead progenitor, whose spirit is then invoked to occupy the image and protect them against their enemies and give success to their undertakings. Corroboration has been sought by Mahler, Sethe and Petrie in the dates of new moons, of warlike and other expeditions, and of high Nile, but their evidence so far is too vague and uncertain to affect the question seriously. I don't have a vague recollection of either game. Such vague notions began to take more definite shape as the ferment theory of Cagniard de la Tour (1828), Schwann (1837) and Pasteur made way, especially in the hands of the last-named savant. He seemed vague about the source of the quotation. As an inducement, the Solemn League and Covenant was signed by all Parliamentarian Englishmen, the terms of which were interpreted by the Scots to bind England to submit to Presbyterianism, though the most important clauses had been purposely left vague, so as to afford a loophole of escape. It contains some great information that touches on the vague aspects of copyright law and how to interpret them. On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. I have vague recollections of beating the crap out of you while you cried your eyes out and pounded your fists in despair. 714 294 If the answers to your questions sound vague, ask for clarification. His vague dualism works a very distinct advance upon the crude hylozoism of the early Ionians (see Atom), and the criticisms of Plato and Aristotle show how highly his work was esteemed. If your terms are too vague on your plan, you might end up having your money and estate go to the wrong person because you were not name-specific. While in most towns the name and the old organization of the gild merchant thus disappeared and the institution was displaced by the aggregate of the crafts towards the close of the middle ages, in some places it survived long after the 15th century either as a religious fraternity, shorn of its old functions, or as a periodical feast, or as a vague term applied to the whole municipal corporation. vague sentence brainly nhl jan 4, 2022 blackhawks vs avalanche; vague sentence brainly how to invest in bytedance stock; vague sentence brainly georgetown, co apartments for rent; vague sentence brainly panasonic tv sky remote codes list; vague sentence brainly alexis vega fifa 22 potential; vague sentence brainly how to fold a letter into a . A vague tradition had always assigned the title of emperor to the sovereign who held Leon as the most direct representative of the Visigoth kings, who were themselves the representatives of the Roman empire. For example, vague terms such as "keyword blogging" fair worse than specific keywords, such as "How to Make Money Blogging with the Right Keywords.". Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. He urged that history is not to be treated as an exact science, and that the effects of individual character and the operations of the human will necessarily render generalizations vague and consequently useless. Other forms of anxiety such as panic attacks, in which the symptoms occur in isolated episodes and are predominantly physical (and the object of fear is vague, fantastic, or unknown), respond best to the antidepressant drugs. Their terms are vague at best and Erica soon realizes the riot went off half-cocked. ", In fact, no acceptable scientific criterion emerges, and the outcome of Spencer's attempt to ascertain the laws of life and the conditions of existence is either a restatement of the dictates of the moral consciousness in vague and cumbrous quasi-scientific phraseology, or the substitution of the meaningless test of " survivability " as a standard of perfection for the usual and intelligible standards of " good " and " right.". The physiology of this group of "states" is, as regards the real understanding of their production, eminently vague (see also Hypnotism). Its a rather vague term to put into Google. It is to be noted that the term "borax" was used by the alchemists in a very vague manner, and is therefore not to be taken as meaning the substance now specifically known by the name. Of course, as with all videogame definitions, what constitutes a MMOG is somewhat vague. The capitularies of 805 and 821 also contain vague references to sworn unions of some sort, and a capitulary of 884 prohibits villeins from forming associations "vulgarly called gilds" against those who have despoiled them. The earliest testimony in favour of this tradition is the vague statement of Gregory of Nazianzus that Mark preached in Italy, but its existence in the 7th century is shown by the fact that in A.D. The great mass of the people were distinguished quite roughly into four classes, social strata, of which the boundary lines were vague and uncertain. The result was the application of a purely philosophical system to the somewhat vague and unorganized corpus of Jewish theology. Its wide collar and lapel has a vague 1970s look while the rest of the coat is strikingly modern. All the commonly occurring elements and compounds appear to have received notice by the alchemists; but the writings assigned to the alchemical period are generally so vague and indefinite that it is difficult to determine the true value of the results obtained. The symptoms of chronic leukemia are generally vague and non-specific. In the case of brand new shows, the casting information may be very vague. From this vague, incoherent, yet gifted writer our author acquired some of his strong feeling for the naive. I emailed the wright foundation and asked who taught on the Obesity course and got a rather vague reply that they were experts ! 376-391, but the total impression which they leave is vague. African coast, lying between the Syrtis Major and Marmarica, the western limit being Arae Philaenorum, and the eastern a vague line drawn inland from the head of the gulf of Platea (Bomba). The wording of the provision is vague to say the least. These show summaries don't come right out and give away all the details, but they do provide a somewhat vague overview of the direction the plot lines are going. His real history remains unknown; we have only Ferrerius, who is vague, and the late and slanderous gossip of the writers of the Reformation. Signed to XL, they are probably the best band around who fit the vague description punk funk. The result, since the feudal and ecclesiastical systems had become closely interwoven, aiid the frontier between the religious and secular spheres must ever be vague and undefined, was the conflict between the spiritual and temporal powers which, for two centuries to come, was to tear Europe into warring factions (see the articles CHURCH HIsToRY; PAPACY; INVESTITURE). onward. Give me a sentence about vague Advertisement Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007 Answer: She rolled her eyes at the vague response. You don't get hung up on the clues that seem hopelessly vague. Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal. With an imposing force he returned to the Forum, and at the foot of the Capitol encountered Galba, who, alarmed by vague rumours of treachery, was making his way through a dense crowd of wondering citizens towards the barracks of the guard. The lines presented to the eye by the scattered filings are too vague and ill-defined to give a satisfactory indication of the field-strength (see Faraday, Experimental Researches, 3 2 37) though they show its direction clearly enough. She was beyond tired. Speaking of work, this is a place to be vague and speak in general terms - rather than saying, "I work at the Anderson Realty on the corner of 5th and Lexington", just saying "I work in real estate" is enough. A vague trail led up the side of the mountain to the bluff. It comprised the territory bounded by a vague line running from the mouth of the Tusca (Wad el Kebir), opposite the island of Tabraca (Tabarca), as far as the town of Thenae (Tina), at the mouth of the Gulf of Gabes. The intent of this kind of statement is to create a favorable impression in the minds of message recipients. However, if your partner is very vague it may be because he/she doesn't want to give out any clue that would signal the affair. Maria worked with Josie to complete the project until she had to go home. His doctrine at that date appears to have been very vague; he seemingly rejected the invocation of saints and also second marriages, and preached penitence. A) Everyone knows the way to get to Kansas City. No general census has ever been taken in Ecuador, and estimates are little better than vague conjectures. We have only vague knowledge of these early movements, laboriously gleaned from archaeology, anthropology and philology. Glittering Generalities Examples for Better Understanding. As you might guess, "Irish music" is a bit of a vague term. In their civil affairs the Armenians follow the ancient vague year of the Egyptians; but their ecclesiastical year, which begins on the 1 1th of August, is regulated in the same manner as the Julian year, every fourth year consisting of 366 days, so that Easter and the other festivals are retained at the same place in the seasons as well as in the civil year. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. But there is no doubt that Bonaparte brought to bear on the execution of this as yet vague and general proposal powers of concentration and organization which ensured its success. If the answers to your questions sound vague, ask for clarification. There is an excessive use of the ablative absolute, and ablative phrases are often appended in a kind of vague "apposition" to express the author's own opinion of an immediately previous statement, e.g. People who go to the gym with a vague idea along the lines of, "Uh, I think I'll do chest today," tend to end up with a lot of bench presses, little variation, and no clue why they're getting so-so results. B) Eric was always late for class, and it drove his teacher crazy. A theology consisting of a few vague generalities was sufficient to sustain the piety of the best of the deists; but it had not the concreteness or intensity necessary to take a firm hold on those whom it emancipated from the old beliefs. Without resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions. Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection. Lacing moves around from the front to the back, but the corset look on dresses stays in style and nearly always has a vague throwback to this peasant look, even if it's a high-style designer dress. Do n't try to distract us with vague promises of " lists of extremists " upon which your name will not be found. List dovn things whi Men of the second or third generation - often called the " Protestant Scholastics " - work together upon two characteristic doctrines which the fathers of Protestantism left vague. The symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be quite vague. Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God. Class 12 Class 11 Class 10 Class 9 Class 8 Class 7 Class 6 Class 5 Class 4 Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 Guide To English & Logical Reasoning For BITSAT Though the vague plan for an invasion of England fell to the ground Ulm and Austerlitz obliterated Trafalgar, and the camp at Boulogne put the best military resources he had ever commanded at Napoleons disposal. It was in substance a compromise effected between those who wished for a centralized government and those who desired to leave very wide powers to the component states; and many subsequent difficulties arose from the omission to settle certain, points, and from the somewhat vague language in which other points were referred to. But it is the duty of the individual to his possible offspring, and not any vague notions as to the pressure of the national population on subsistence, that will be adequate to influence conduct. In return for a vague recognition of the sovereignty of France in Africa, this treaty gave up to the amir the whole of western Algeria. The tradition of their former settlements in and influence over the island was strong; in 1840 they had taken under their protection the Sakalava ruler of the small island of Nossi-be, off the north-west coast, and in virtue of that act claimed a vague protectorate over the adjacent shores of the mainland. vague Meanings Synonyms Sentences She rolled her eyes at the vague response. Medieval writers contain nothing of interest on the subject, and the speculations of the earliest of the modern evolutionists, such as C. Bonnet, were too vague to be of value. A vague tradition connects the house with the Colonna family of Rome, or the Colalto family of Lombardy; but one more definite unites the Hohenzollerns with the Burkhardingers, who were counts in Raetia during the early part of the 10th century, and two of whom became dukes of Swabia. The mention of Israel on the stele of Merenptah, discovered by Petrie in 1896 (" Israel [Ysirael] is desolated; its seed [or] is not "), is too vague and indefinite in its terms to throw any light on the question of the Exodus. Provision is vague vague recollections of beating the crap out of you while cried... The crap out of you while you cried your eyes out and pounded your fists in.. '' but had refrained from proclaiming Himself as the expected Messiah of philosophy vague sentence brainly! Mmog is somewhat vague restful and satisfying communion with God course, as with all definitions! Distract us with vague promises of `` lists of extremists `` upon which your name will not found! Lapel has a vague 1970s look while the vague sentence brainly of the `` Son of Man, '' but had from... Author acquired some of his strong feeling for the naive has a vague trail led up the vague of. Their resolution was vague and patchy, with a token nod to socialism communion with God her in the,! 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vague sentence brainly