was stalin a fair leader?

Joseph Stalin, as he was previously known to me, is credited as the hero of the second World War, guilty of genocide, terrorism, and is recognized amongst the great statesmen of the 20th century. What's he waiting for? Chennai, Mar 1 (PTI) DMK President and Chief Minister M K Stalin turned 70 on Wednesday and his party and supporters are celebrating his birthday across Tamil Nadu with fervour and Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a host of leaders wished him on the occasion. By the next year, the Soviet Army was liberating countries in Eastern Europe, even before the Allies had mounted a serious challenge against Hitler at D-Day. But he did work there, and he got a lot of material, some of it brand new. After escaping from exile, he was marked by the Okhranka, (the tsar's secret police) as an outlaw and continued his work in hiding, raising money through robberies, kidnappings and extortion. And they were against capitalism and the bourgeoisie, not the Armenians per se. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. And in certain [], A journal of theory and strategy published by Jacobin, Taking Back Left Parties From the Brahmins, The World That Made Stalin and the World That Stalin Made, Amadeo Bordiga Was the Last Communist to Challenge Stalin to His Face. In 1948, Stalin ordered an economic blockade on the German city of Berlin, in hopes of gaining full control of the city. He knew how to play those internal political games, and he had his own ideas. Theres no shortage of material on Stalin out there. Pluralism denotes a diversity of views or stands rather than a single approach or method Stalin had transformed the Party in four ways: Latest answer posted February 01, 2021 at 10:40:06 PM. No man - no problem.". What do you make of that impulse? The son of Besarion Jughashvili, a cobbler, and Ketevan Geladze, a washerwoman, Stalin was a frail child. It took a long time to get all this stuff done. Stalin cut a cake and laid wreaths at the samadhis of former Chief Ministers M Karunanidhi and CN Annadurai on the Marina beachfront . For a time, the revolutionaries supported a provisional government, believing a smooth transition of power was possible. But the leaders of whats called the mesame dasi, the third generation of intellectuals who brought the message of Marxism to Georgia, became Mensheviks, and the Georgian movement came under the leadership of Menshevism in 1905. Beauregid Genden is a shrewd and proud politician. Thats the message of What Is to Be Done?. Before it could be executed, however, Stalin died on March 5, 1953. The new position provided Stalin with a fair amount of power, as he was able to appoint his friends to government jobs, and develop a base of political support. But that was not the position in this pamphlet, or in Lenins earlier work. Who will take control and seize power? A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide? Any resistance was met with swift and lethal response; millions of people were exiled to the labor camps of the Gulag or were executed. Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin were an odd trio. At age 7, he contracted smallpox, leaving his face scarred. "Our leader lived up to . It went from being a very backwards country to being a world power. Joseph Stalin was a Russian politician who rose through the ranks to become the leader of the Soviet Union in 1920s. HOME; ABOUT; EQUIPMENT; SERVICES; CONTACT; was stalin a fair leader New Stalin statues have gone up in various places. Stalin was very good at that. Secondly, they were being challenged not only by social and class prejudices but by the ethnic prejudices promoted by the regime. There are obviously many differences between Georgia and those other countries, but the parallels are striking. I should also emphasize that of all the Russian social democrats, it was actually Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik faction, who was most willing to ally himself with the poor peasants unlike the Russian Mensheviks. On August 20, 1940, Mercader brought a text in support of the Fourth International to the revolutionary, asking him to evaluate it this was his excuse for a visit on the day of the assassination. Reform of the pension system ran into much opposition and "many felt the state was neglecting its social responsibilities". Theyre making revolution. Yes, the Tbilisi (or Tiflis) Orthodox Seminary was a kind of factory, as you put it, of revolutionaries. So, after 1905, when the Russian tsar conceded and gave the people a duma, a parliament, the dominant socialist faction in that parliament was the Georgian Mensheviks. Surprisingly, perhaps, it soon moved from being the ideology of this intellectual elite to the national liberation movement of Georgians. And that war victory is a symbol of national pride for all Russians, even for those born in the post-Soviet period.". They traditionally were not in favor of national territorial autonomy for Georgia but rather regional self-government within a larger Russian multinational state. Rose to power, promising equality, then took over private industry, leading to mass poverty and famine. Earlier you mentioned that many of the leading figures in Georgian social democracy went through the same institutions Stalin did, namely this religious seminary in Tiflis. So why this love affair with a leader who caused so much suffering? Though he excelled in seminary school, Stalin left in 1899. The Allies responded with the massive Berlin Airlift, supplying the city and eventually forcing Stalin to back down. Stalin was strongly against it and, on the section of the front he was responsible for, which was in critical condition, put forward new, but ideologically loyal commanders, who would later become USSR Marshals Budyonny and Voroshilov. This all led many of the students to be opposed not only to religious education but to the regime as well, and they found a solution to their dilemma in the movement that these other intellectuals and former seminarians were preaching in Georgia, namely Marxism. Russian attitudes to Stalin have changed over the decades. A California professor was widely hounded on Twitter for praising the legacy of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, calling him "one of the great leaders" of the 20th century. So I thought theres a space for this kind of book, the making of the revolutionary, the passage to revolution. He was about as bad as Adolf Hitler with corruption. It proved to be very successful, even though it took a long time, because you have that central figure you can follow through this very complex and shifting history from roughly his birth, in December 1878, to the revolution in 1917. He didnt himself go into the archives, he doesnt know Georgian, and Im not sure how good his Russian is, even. Nationalism, the new issue of Jacobin is out now. Which then, as you say, in the extra-European world becomes more of a model. Biography and associated logos are trademarks of A+E Networksprotected in the US and other countries around the globe. This is not, in my mind, the sign of someone who is truly a good leader. DeSantis won't say he's running. By now, the British and Americans were suspicious of Stalin's intentions and wanted to avoid Soviet involvement in a postwar Japan. Because of this, Stalin began a quest for greatness and respect. Why was Georgia, an isolated country with a very small industrial working class, one of social democracys biggest strongholds? Best Known For: Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union for more than two decades, instituting a reign of death and terror while modernizing Russia and helping to defeat Nazism. Lets ally with the poor peasantry and the working class. 2023 BBC. leader of the Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin, How Tsar Nicholas II and his family were murdered, Moscow through the eyes of cult photographer William Klein (PHOTOS), The punished nation: What life was like for Soviet Germans in the labor army during WWII. Lenin had a 'great modesty', was a 'patient educator', and displayed a 'keen and solicitous concern . Generalissimo Joseph Stalin is dead. But many of his contemporaries thought he didnt contribute much in that regard. MOSCOW More Russians consider Joseph Stalin the "most outstanding person" in world history than any other leader, according to a poll released Monday. But the reality is that he was not. Thats extraordinary. 3-hour delivery Pay if satisfied Get your price For successful leaders, being fair means prioritizing and ensuring that everyone has access to what they need. Distinguished University Professor of History at the University of Michigan, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and History at the University of Chicago, and Senior Researcher at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I havent taken a kind of Freudian point of view, because I dont think, as a historian, I can psychoanalyze Stalin one hundred years after the fact. I will not be comparing Stalin's regime to that of other totalitarian leaders, although they are some noted, but with a definition of what totalitarianism is. Though not a significant post at the time, it gave Stalin control over all party member appointments, which allowed him to build his base. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Between 1945 and 1948, he established Communist regimes in many Eastern European countries, creating a vast buffer zone between Western Europe and "Mother Russia.". Joseph Stalin maneuvered to take control of the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin's death. Stalin (front row, R) hosted fellow war leaders Churchill and Roosevelt in Yalta in early 1945 Russian attitudes to Stalin have changed over the decades. My biography is not psychoanalytical. Vladimir Lenin was a Bolshevik . richard coyle purdy coyle; Tags . That positive opinion is boosted by current frustration over social policy and economic hardship, she said. One Russian newspaper carried the news with the headline: "Stalin the Superstar". Lenin did not want to ally with the bourgeois liberals and said, No, dont be afraid of that. Latest answer posted January 15, 2021 at 11:09:50 AM. A few years later he was injured in a carriage accident which left arm slightly deformed (some accounts state his arm trouble was a result of blood poisoning from the injury). Although formally known as the country's premier from 1941 until his own death in 1953 at age 74, Stalin was a brutal dictator who slaughtered many of his own citizens as he transformed the country into a major global power. are just thought to be or possibly be an opposition without any fair trials. A good leader is someone who actually inspires people and gets them to perform extraordinary feats willingly. Asatar Bair, a self . As I started to write in the 1980s and signed my first contract, I realized that the Soviet Union was shifting (though I didnt know it was going to collapse). Any intelligent person can read the book and understand whats going on. And there was a nationalist movement, and there were nationalist intellectuals, very important poets and writers like Ilia Chavchavadze, Akaki Tsereteli, and so forth. Stalin and the few Georgian Bolsheviks who remained loyal to Lenin were left high and dry, generals without an army. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Its true, of course, that he achieved many things: a forced, and quite crude, but successful industrial revolution, the literacy campaigns, the victory over fascism, the destruction of Nazism, the end of the Holocaust. According to Levada's research, in the early 2000s Russian opinion was roughly balanced between those pro- and anti-Stalin. To be fair, it needs to be noted that fear of competition was far from the only reason for Stalin to fight Trotsky. Stalin had Trotsky assassinated in Mexico in 1940. Hitler. Its a little bit, in my taste, sensationalist. Earlier, he had ordered the Soviet representative to the United Nations to boycott the Security Council because it refused to accept the newly formed Communist People's Republic of China into the United Nations. It was a strategy to gather them back into a Russian state. It was believed that Trotsky would take over as leader of the Soviet Union when Lenin died. Without eliminating Trotsky, as the Spanish experience shows, we cannot be sure of the support of our allies in the international communist movement in the case of an imperialist attack on the Soviet Union.. In his memoirs, Trotsky judged Stalin to be basically irrelevant to the revolutionary upheavals of 1905 and 1917. The situation changed at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945. On a hot day, Mercader came dressed in a raincoat, but that didnt alert anyone such a regular he was in the house. The Georgians were flirting with the Germans, the Armenians were flirting with the British. To most of the world, Joseph Stalin, who died 60 years ago today, is a monster the architect of violent purges and labor camps that killed millions of Russians . No, I do not think that Stalin was a good leader. Stalin remains popular in the former USSR to this day- a recent poll put him as the third greatest Russian in history. But eventually, they did concede that the new state would be organized on the basis of national, cultural, territorial autonomy Armenians with their own republic, Ukrainians with theirs, and so on. But he was not a good leader. That's great that Stalin denounced anti-semitism, but actions speak louder than words. In 1917, the Mensheviks took over the area we call Georgia, and they made various attempts to figure out what to do once the Bolsheviks took power in Petrograd in October 1917. It was during this time that he adopted the name Stalin, meaning "steel" in Russian. In his letter to the 1922 Party Congress, called Lenins Testament, the leader feared that there will be a split within the party, because of the conflict between Stalin and Trotsky: Stalin is too coarse and this defect, although quite tolerable in our midst and in dealing among us communists, becomes intolerable in a Secretary-General. Stalin in power, 1928-53: The elimination of Stalin's opponents: Between 1923 and 1928, the leadership struggle changed the nature of the Communist Party. Everything is evidence-based. Under his leadership, the Soviet Union played a major role in the defeat of Hitler 's Germany during World War II. Stalin, who did not tolerate competition, had reasons for a personal animosity towards Trotsky. In 1961, just eight years later, the Soviet government ordered Stalin's remains removed from the tomb. 2013, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/do-you-think-stalin-was-good-leader-427444. Lenin wanted to give more autonomy, because he was more sensitive to the national question, to the non-Russian peoples and the non-Russian republics. After Lenin's death, in 1924, Stalin set out to destroy the old party leadership and take total control. Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany nicknamed Der Fhrer (German for The Leader). Stalin's first act after becoming leader was to expel his rivals, including Trotsky in 1929. Sixty-eight-year-old Stalin, who has waited in the wings for decades, is contesting as the chief ministerial candidate for the first time on April 6. In 1917, there was a euphoria of popular participation, committees, resolutions, and so forth. Stalin did show some ability to lead since he got himself to the highest level of power. We'll write it for you! The Levada poll (in Russian) is the highest rating for Stalin in the past 20 years - a period that has seen his portrait reappear across Russia, often with official approval. That was the social structure of Georgia in the 1890s. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Stalin reversed the Bolshevik agrarian policy by seizing land given earlier to the peasants and organizing collective farms. Stalin promotes an image of himself as a great benevolent leader and hero of the Soviet Union. The excuse for Trotskys assassination was the comparison he made between the USSR and Nazi Germany. cstepshs123. Students also viewed. Stalin had suffered a series of minor strokes before 1953 and was generally in declining health. Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. Essay due? The latter was the main associate of the undisputed leader of the Bolsheviks - Vladimir Lenin. Potential rivals were accused of aligning with capitalist nations, convicted of being "enemies of the people" and summarily executed. To make matters worse, the purges of the 1930s had depleted the Soviet Army and government leadership to the point where both were nearly dysfunctional. He must have inspired some loyalty in those who helped him get there. It's also speculated he was asked to leave due to his political views challenging the tsarist regime of Nicholas II. What are the advantages and disadvantages of freedom? Stalin, leaders from many political parties have been invited to be a part of the celebrations at a bash to be held in the evening. Coming to pick his girlfriend up after work, he slowly began to gain the trust of the inhabitants of the house: he was invited in, he showed interest towards Trotskys ideas and brought presents for his grandson. He was good at backroom political maneuvering. Ordinary people eventually have to go back home, make a living, take care of the kids, make dinner. "Stalin was the best master. In emigration, Trotsky didnt step away from political activity: the Fourth International an international communist organization - was founded based on his ideas. In the 1930s Stalin's communist terror engulfed the USSR, sending millions to labour camps or firing squads. Montefiore wrote a very readable book. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Rare witness to Stalin prison horror dies, Wall of Grief: Russia remembers victims of Soviet repression, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Trump lashes out at Murdoch over vote fraud case, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Eli Lilly caps monthly insulin costs in US at $35. With all this chaos going on, the Georgian Mensheviks declared independence on May 26, 1918, and formed a new republic. Some might say he was a good leader because the Soviet Union accomplished things under his rule. Convinced of the Allies' hostility toward the Soviet Union, Stalin became obsessed with the threat of an invasion from the West. So he was a worker-intellectual, and Lenin promoted him for that reason. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), was the co-leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution, socialist opponent of Joseph Stalin, founder of the Fourth International, and strategist of world socialist revolution . Is it fair to say that the Georgian movement anticipated, in certain ways, some of the national liberation movements that blended socialism and nationalism later in the twentieth century in China, Vietnam, or Cuba? Marxism and socialism are basically a democratic expansion of bourgeois liberal democracy. What I found was that the rigidity and repressiveness of the Orthodox seminary created in young Georgians a kind of alienation, or what I call a double-realization crisis. Im simplifying here, but they basically sent the Red Army into Georgia, overthrew the Mensheviks, and established a communist government. So, to become themselves as individuals and to become fully Georgian, they had to turn against the regime. Roosevelt died that April and was replaced by President Harry S. Truman. Over the last half decade, Stalin has grown from strength to strength, putting himself in spots where he has been the least comfortable and willing to plumb the depths of opportunity, much like his father in many ways. Then I went to Georgia. Most Georgian social democrats became Mensheviks, but he became a Bolshevik. 1 March, 2023 09:00 am IST. In fact, this is the first instance that Ive found of Marxists leading or participating significantly in a peasant movement. And in certain quarters of the internet, young Stalin is regarded not as one of historys greatest monsters but one of its biggest hotties. Theyll be satisfied to stay within the capitalist system and get a bigger piece of the economic pie, and not become revolutionary. Others wanted this extraterritorial national cultural autonomy. Here are 10 facts about Joseph Stalin. Eventually, the soldiers went over to the crowds, and you had a revolution. He wasnt a flamboyant and eloquent orator like Trotsky. Joseph Stalin is having a bit of a moment. Then, Operation Mother commenced Spanish communist Ramon Mercader was supposed to infiltrate the inner circle of Trotsky and get rid of him. What is Stalin's famous quote about death? If Stalin was fair, he couldn't have been personally responsible for the many deaths of his own people. Click here to find out more. Stalinism's excesses left deep scars across Eastern Europe, where many people still revile him for communist-era brutality and intolerance. that if workers were left to themselves, they would only develop what he called a trade-unionist consciousness, a kind of bourgeois consciousness. January 8, 2015. I think thats a right-wing and very conservative if not reactionary impulse. To realize his aspirations for self-liberation and liberation of his country, he turned to revolution and then gradually discovered Marxism. He is the author of The Baku Commune, 1917-1918: Class and Nationality in the Russian Revolution (Princeton University Press, 1972), among many other works. He wanted worker-socialists to be able to bring this message to the people. This is the way I decided to do the book. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and. VideoRecord numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. One of the most extraordinary things about Soviet history is that after the revolution, they not only recognized these republics but created literally thousands of villages and areas in Ukraine, Russia, and elsewhere for other nationalities. was stalin a fair leader. Accounts differ as to the reason; official school records state he was unable to pay the tuition and withdrew. Then I came back to Stalin and worked in the Russian and Georgian archives, and in Armenia, and got the book that you see today. Peasants are backwards, they are petty bourgeois, and you cant have a revolutionary movement with peasants. But certain Georgian Bolsheviks, like Sergo Ordzhonikidze and, most notably, Stalin himself, were not in favor of that. Some social democrats said, We should get involved in this movement, but others said, My goodness, were Marxists, were for the working class. What was the DRG? That didnt work. In all of these ways, its a different kind of book, and it doesnt deal with Stalins journalistic writings, his theory of nationalities (which is key to his success), the intricacies and nuances of Russian social democracy. Stalin was opposed to the views of others like the Georgian Mensheviks, or the Jewish Bund, or the Austro-Marxists, who argued for something that you can call extraterritorial national cultural autonomy. This would mean that citizens of the state carry their ethnicity and nationality around with them wherever they live in the state. Unlike Lenin, Stalin was much less tolerant of nationalism, or national communism. "Their perception of Stalin is based on myth, fed by older generations," she said. Without an army '' in Russian to stay within the capitalist system and get a piece... Those pro- and anti-Stalin as Adolf Hitler with corruption would mean that citizens the... 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was stalin a fair leader?

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