with what did justin equate the logos

'word, discourse, or reason') [1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, seen as the pre-existent second person of the Trinity. In Chapter V, for example, he writes: For the truth shall be spoken; since of old these evil demons, 9), writes: Thou didst procure for me through a certain person some books of the Platonists translated from Greek into Latin. Junius said to Justin at his trial, Let us come to the pressing matter at hand. In essence, he describes the Catholic Mass as he discusses prayer, Scripture reading, baptismal regeneration, and the transubstantiation of the Eucharist. Philosopher and Martyr are the distinguishing titles of this chief of the early apologists. The first is from Heraclitus: Jesus Christ is the only proper Son who has been begotten by God, being hisLogosand First-begotten, and Power; and, becoming man according to his will.. Some Christians I've spoken to reckon that all that Greek philosophy is irrelevant and that we should only focus on the "Christian" meaning of the word, which is simply "Word", nothing more or less than that. word, speech, account, reason, discourse, ground, plea, opinion, expectation, principle of order and knowledge, and divine activating principle which pervades the universe. Equate Equate - consumable pharmacy and health and beauty items, such as shaving cream, skin lotion, over-the-counter medications, and pregnancy tests. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. For no one trusted in Socrates so as to die for this doctrine, but inChrist, who was partiallyknowneven by Socrates (for He was and is the Word who is in every man, and who foretold the things that were to come to pass both through theprophetsand in His own person when He was made of likepassions, and taught these things), not onlyphilosophersand scholarsbelieved, but also artisans and people entirely uneducated, despising bothglory, andfear, and death; since He is a power of the ineffable Father, not the mere instrument ofhumanreason.6. "Be receptive to what I am about to tell you in the coming manuscript because I am not introducing any new god for I know that would be unacceptable. Nah - not an "Arian." And therein I read, not indeed in the very words, but to the very same purpose, enforced by many and divers reasons, that In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: the Same was in the beginning with God: all things were made by Him, and without Him was nothing made: that which was made by Him is life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. "May this anniversary," he said, "favor increased responsibility in the treatment of this sickness and an ever greater solidarity towards those who suffer from it. After his conversion, Justin founded a school in Rome where he taught the new religion to his pupils free of charge. To what image used by the above Greek writer did Justin refer to prove his point? Forms) are situated within the Logos, and the material world is formed according to these templates. If that is the reason, then it was another masterstroke to open the Greek-influenced mind to the reception of the Gospel: it would also explain why his gospel starts the way it does. In reading such literature, the parallels between the Tao and the Logos are striking. Acceptable comments policy for Christianity Stack Exchange. Most (English speaking) Christians I've spoken to don't seem aware or concerned by the fact that this Greek word "logos" has much more significance than the English word "Word". The first known mention of the "logos" was by Greek philosopher Heraclitus who lived around 535 - 475 BC. He lived among us.". In both cases, we have a participating in or sharing of the divine being. ", "In fact, pagan religion did not follow the paths of Logos but persisted along those of myth, even though myth was recognized by Greek philosophy as having no foundation in truth. To know the background to those ideas might add to our appreciation of John's Gospel. The Author of John's Gospel picks up on this "logos" idea and claims that the logos "was in the beginning with God", that the logos "was God", and that the logos "became flesh and dwelt among us". The Holy Spirit is likened, in both the Old and New Testaments, to fire. boys, and showed such fearful sights to men, that those who did not http://faculty.gordon.edu/hu/bi/ted_hildebrandt/SpiritualFormation/Texts/Augustine_Confessions.pdf, [ effecting apparitions of themselves, both defiled women and corrupted Nicole Abisinio, Author Insights: an Insider Look at Catholic Publishing. Again, St. Paul states in Colossians: For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,and you have come to fullness of life in him.. If Paul based his ministry on proclaiming what Jesus did . 61.2; 128.3-4). 1-17, Paulist Press, New York, Mahwah, New Jersey, 1997, Damascene, Hieromonk, Christ the Eternal Tao, Valaam Books, Patina, California, 2004. Logos is the Word of God made flesh in the form of Jesus and it nourishes the Eucharist with love and wisdom Christ is God's son, but not, in a literal, physical sense Christ is instead God's Logos. in those Platonist books] I read - not in so many words, but in substance, supported by many arguments of various kinds that. Yet it is equally clear that Justin believed in the full Divinity of the Son.. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? 32.10; 66.2; Dial. 28,56), 1990, Your email address will not be published. "Thus," he added, "the same Logos that was revealed in prophetic figures to the Jews in the ancient Law, was also partially manifested as 'seeds of truth' to the Greeks. Christ is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, even among these virtuous pagans. By him were all things made, and without him was not anything made. There is only one logos that sows the seeds of spiritual and moral illumination in the hearts of human beings. Justin's use of the idea of the Logos has always attracted attention. Justin sees Christ as the incarnation of Logos: as it is written in scripture, word became flesh. The history of the Blue Oval Ford Logo. ", (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3296/3296-h/3296-h.htm#link2H_4_0007) Advertise on Catholic Exchange 5.3). Book. 13.3-4; 60.7). A God beneath God is supported by way of citations to Ps 45:6-7 and 110:1 (Dial. Eye care. After all, the pagans said, the truths that the Christians were proclaiming as new were being taught by the Greek philosophers years before. But those who lived by the Logos, and those who so live now, are Christians, fearless and unperturbed.11. The Logos is the seed of reason by which philosophers and barbarians were able to know the truth (1 Apol. Becoming an earnest seeker after God as he tells us in his "Dialogue with Trypho," he studied with the various philosophical . Junius ordered that Justin and six of his companions be scourged and beheaded. So, the designer had the wing shape in mind because of the goddess. Although they knew God, yet they glorify Him not as God, nor are thankful, but wax vain in their thoughts; and their foolish heart is darkened; professing that they were wise, they became fools. In Christianity, the Logos ( Greek: , lit. Eventually, he ended up in Rome and spent a considerable amount of time there, debating and defending the faith. 5.4; 23.2; 63.10) by taking on flesh (1 Apol. Answer Logos is the Greek term translated as "word," "speech," "principle," or "thought." In Greek philosophy, it also referred to a universal, divine reason or the mind of God. Ironically, Justin Marty, who had preceded Dante and Calvin, had a more optimistic view. Justin's conversion to Christianity may have taken place at Ephesus. Unlike Tertullian, who was opposed to Greek philosophy and viewed it as a dangerous pagan influence, Justin Martyr took a more optimistic approach. Published online: 23 January 2021. EJI is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the U.S., challenging racial and economic injustice, and protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society. This is what St. Paul meant when he said in 1 Corinthians 2 that We have the mind of Christ.. Augustine, in a well-known passage of the Confessions (vii. Ph.D., The Fathers of the Church, The First Apology, The Second Apology, Dialogue with Trypho, Exhortation to the Greeks, Discourse to the Greeks, The Monarchy of the Rule of God, The Fathers of the Church Patristic Series, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2008, Holte, Ragnar, Logos Spermatikos: Christianity and Ancient Philosophy according to St. Justins Apologies, Gleerup, Sweden, 1958, Jones, E. Michael, Logos Rising, A History of Ultimate Reality, Fidelity Press, South Bend, Indiana, 2020, Martyr, Justin, St. Justin Martyr First and Second Apologies, Translated with introductory notes by Leslie William Bernard, pp. with terror; and being carried away by fear, and not knowing that It only takes a minute to sign up. Justin saw all who embraced the Logos prior to the coming of Christ as Christians. These were the noble or virtuous pagans. 23, 60.5, 127. The first car produced by Ford, a famous Model A, has a completely different Ford emblem. Logos is that voice you hear inside yourself when you are thinking. Established in 1995 as Kuwait's first international joint venture in this industry, EQUATE embodies its "Partners in Success" slogan through the partnership between Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), Boubyan Petrochemical Company (BPC) and Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company (QPIC). In summary, Justin Martyrs idea of logos spermatikos has major implications for evangelism today.15 It means that we have more in common with non-Christians of all cultures than we have differences. Helenized Greek philosophy (Philo) was the Jewish culture. The 1903-1907 version of the logo featured only black . He would say that all people have within them the seeds of the Logos in general. One day, he debated a Cynic philosopher named Crescens, getting the better of him in the debate.3 When Crescens realized that he couldnt win the argument, he did what we see many people do today in similar circumstances appeal to the power of the state. new divinities; and in our case they display a similar activity. Justin partage naturellement la conception biblique d'un Dieu unique, Crateur de toutes choses. The. 64.5). He did not see a great divide between the Hellenic and Judaic minds; he claimed that they could both be traced back to the revelation of Moses.10 But, they both faith and philosophy had declined and by the time of Christ, Judaism had descended into legalism and Greek philosophy had fractured into various competing sects and superstition. In the second occasion, Justin identifies the Logos of God with the Greek Logos through a familiar mythological story when he writes, "[S]ince [the philosophers] knew that God conceived and made the world through the Logos, they spoke of Athena as the first thought. Justin didn't call the Logos a person, per se - that wording would come about 50 years later with Tertullian, and even then it wasn't a person as we think of a person but more a modalistic manifestation of the one God - but he did think of the Logos as "numerically distinct from the Father" rather than being an aspect of the Father. Jesus said He was the Truth and the Way and the Life (14:6). This was the ultimate apologetical judo move. He said that no one was willing to follow Socrates in martyrdom for his beliefs, whereas Christians in Justins day were willing to die for Christ. Are they meant to be entirely different? Human Anguish and God's Power. For the Greeks and the Jews the. And really, these ideas, especially the ones about each man having the capability to recognize the Logos within, originate with Heraclitus. Whatever the reason(s) John started his gospel with fourteen verses associating our Lord Jesus with the Logos of Greek philosophy, it does not undermine the ability of those without a Greek philosophical background to understand his message. The divine Logos moved the prophets to prophesy (1 Apol. At the end of the day's catechesis, the Pope recalled that March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day. And it is those differences between our glorious Word of God, the Son of God, and the Saviour of sinners, and the Greek Logos which really matter. In ancient Greece, Plato, Heraclitus, and the Stoics were the main originators of the philosophical sense of the term, although the concept itself pre-dates them by . He is regarded as the foremost interpreter of the theory of the Logos in the 2nd century., Bennett, Rod, Four Witnesses, the Early Church in Her Own Words, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2002, Brann, Eva, The Logos of Heraclitus, Paul Dry Books, Philadelphia, 2011, Calvin, John, Institutes of the Christian Religion in Two Volumes, Westminster Press, Santa Ana, 1970, Dante, The Divine Comedy Volume 1, Translated by Mark Musa, Penguin Group, New York, 2002, Falls, Thomas B, D.D. The Table of Contents is the best place to begin if you would like an overview of this site. Gupta and Bird Chatting on the Gospel of John, "Michael,Thanks for this post. They both recognized this universal ordering principle, even though they lived in different cultures 6,000 miles apart. Lest I overstate my case, Justin did not view Greek and Jewish thought as one without any distinction. What Johns Gospel says with the Greek Logos more closely resembles what Jesus said in Aramaic. But that in due time He died for the ungodly; and that Thou spared not Thine Only Son, but delivered Him for us all, is not there. It would assist your readership if you made paragraphs relating to the progressive points in your argument. Justin Martyr saw no incongruity between Greek faith and Greek philosophy. The key to the understanding of this concept is found in the word "Logos" itself, which is a Greek word equating to "Speech," "Word," "Verbum," and "Voice.". Back in Week 4 of the NFL season, Justin Jefferson began making his case for Rookie of the Year. Created by Coca-Cola founder John Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, in 1885. He states, "America's prisons have become warehouses for the mentally ill". Whenever some new eastern religion came along the Athenians would see if the new god was actually one of their accepted gods but just with a different name: Such was OK. (Sipa USA/SIPA USA/PA Images) [7] Justin argues that the Logos is another God and Lord under the Creator of all things, who is also called an Angel, because he proclaims to man whatever the Creator of the world above whom there is no other God wishes to reveal to them (Dial. The only two players who ever shot lower in those two tournaments (Justin Thomas in 2017 and Ernie Els in 2003) won both of those events that year. The First Apology, his most well-known text, passionately defends the morality of the Christian life and provides various arguments to convince the Roman emperor to abandon the persecution of the Church. As an interesting aside, in Justins defense of Christianity in First Apology, he explains in chapters 65-67 what Christians do in their worship. In the Septuagint (Greek OT):"The Word (Logos) of Yahweh is right and true.by the Word . thousands of years ago. Logos is the persuasive technique that aims to convince an audience by using logic and reason. Reading on from that page 10 is a long section too long to give here. Liberal theologians have said Greek philosophy distorted the Christian faith, making it more Greek than Christian over time. David Kelsey. http://library.mibckerala.org/lms_frame/eBook/The%20Interpretation%20of%20the%20Fourth%20Gospel.pdf. A pagan reared in a Jewish . Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Therefore the decline of paganism was inevitable, stemming as a logical consequence of the removal of religion reduced to an artificial agglomeration of ceremonies and conventions from the truth of existence.". Justin was born in about the year 100 near ancient Shechem, Samaria, in the Holy Land; he spent a long time seeking the truth, moving through the various schools of the Greek philosophical tradition. Thank you! Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Dodd (page 10 of book, which begins chapter 2 of Part I, "The Background"):- The following is an excerpt from chapter 10 of the Second Apology found at New Advent: For they said that he was introducing new divinities, and did not consider those to be gods whom the state recognized. So John used the term to help his readers who knew Greek philosophy: it is a much smaller step of the understanding to go from a Biune God to a Triune God than from a Unitarian God to a Triune God. There is a natural parallel here to the Holy Spirit. If we look hard enough, we can see the principle of Logos in any culture. Being created in the image of God, the imago dei, means, according to Justin Martyr, that we have the seeds of Logos planted in our hearts. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are the basic pain-relief medications you should have in your medicine cabinet. Please edit the question to comply. not only among the Greeks did reason (Logos) prevail to condemn these Christianity, he felt, was the consummation of Platonism. He follows by stating "Mass incarceration has been largely fueled by misguided drug policy and excessive sentencing, but the internment . John was not the first to say in the beginning, nor the first to use Logos; but he did connect them in a unique way. 1:14). But for Heraclitus, this was not the same as the universal ordering principle of logos. When you do this, you are appealing to your audience with logic or logos. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 11,18), Dialogue and Proclamation, from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, (nos. Most of his works are lost, but two apologies and a dialogue did survive. Dialogue with Trypho is an account of Justins journey through the world of philosophy, culminating in his eventual conversion to Christianity. The Logos. His writings represent one of the first positive encounters of Christian revelation with Greek philosophy and laid the basis for a theology of history. Celle-ci peut tre rsume en quelques mots. On the other hand, he is not making the distinction between Christian and non-Christian so distinct as to sever any commonality between them and making Christianity an island unto itself. Some Christians I've spoken to reckon that all that Greek philosophy is irrelevant and that we should only focus on the "Christian" meaning of the word, which is simply "Word", nothing more or less than that. 01. [8] Justin frequently cites Gen 19:24 (LXX): The Lord rained down fire from the Lord out of heaven, in Dial. I have changed link to library.mibckerala. Justin emphasizes that Jesus is the logos incarnate (see John 1:1 ), since logos was a commonly understood Greek philosophical concept. Tertullian goes out of his way to describe it as "a second person within you" because he's bringing up the Logos of God as a second Person of the Trinity. Justin Bieber was first discovered in 2007, when Scooter Braun clicked and watched one of Justin Bieber's videos on YouTube when in January 2007, Justin Bieber performed on the local Stratford Idol, in the city when he was born and lived (March 1, 1994). Justin identifies God with the Angel of the Lord, this Angel with the pre-incarnate Christ, who appeared to Moses in the fire (Dial. [6] Eric F. Osborne, Justin Martyr (BZHT 47; Tbingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1973), 28. Lincoln also uses logos to show facts and details, an example would be "one eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally . Your email address will not be published. The important implication of all of this is that by revering these Greek philosophers the virtuous pagans and adopting their ideas even after his conversion, he made it acceptable for Christians to adopt Greek philosophy. I remember when (in my mind) Fruit of the Loom quit using a cornucopia in their logo and switched to just using fruit by itself. Justin and the other apologists chose "the truth of existence over the myth of convention. What makes someone a good communicator? Metaphysically, we have the idea of a limited essence (Essentia), man, participating in the unlimited being (Ens) or existence of God. 10.1), who acquired physical form and became a human being (1 Apol. For God shows no partiality.. John gets around it by saying Jesus Christ is their "Logos". Most of his works are lost, but two apologies and one dialogue did survive. Like I discussed in post 9 comparing Jesus and Socrates, Justin saw similarities between Christ and Socrates. In 1956, Paul Rand designed the iconic, pictographic IBM logo featuring a human eye and a bee. All of these perspectives miss the point. Its only the Bible that really matters. Justin was ultimately arrested for his Christian convictions and was given a chance to recant his Christian faith by offering a sacrifice to the Roman gods, but he stood firm in his commitment to Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior. Around the age of 35, he started moving from city to city in the Roman Empire, becoming an iterant preacher, trying to convert educated pagans to the faith. But such as are lifted up in the lofty walk of some would-be sublimer learning, hear not Him, saying, Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls. In mid-2010, the brand underwent a logo redesign, as well as packaging changes similar to the Great Value brand. 'word, discourse, or reason') is a term used in Western philosophy, psychology and rhetoric and refers to the appeal to reason that relies on logic or reason, inductive and deductive reasoning.Aristotle first systemised the usage of the word, making it one of the . I would go so far to say that the Tao is the Logos manifested to Chinese culture. Greek- what's the difference between , , and ? [4] He was born from God as Logos of God (1 Apol. Heres why: word is defined as a small fragment of communication. His First Apology, written around 156 A.D., was written for no less than the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius in order to defend the Christians against various erroneous charges brought against them.4 His Second Apology was a supplement to the first and was written to the Roman Senate. 22.2), born in a special manner from a virgin (Dial. @JimGaidis I am always wary of analogies/metaphors/images. I mostly agree with the answer given by @AndrewShanks, summed up in his first paragraph. Oral care. He takes a very positive view of philosophy: it is correct, just not complete. Follow The Socratic Journey of Faith and Reason on WordPress.com, https://www.catholicfaithandreason.org/st-justin-the-martyr-105-165-ad.html, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Justin-Martyr. The purpose of this post is to explore the relationship between Greek reason and Hebrew revelation in the Catholic Church, which is where Justin Martyr comes in. The First Logos is the "potentiality" of the Universe, whilst the Second Logos is the "potency" of the Universe. 02. Ethos is . @Nigel J: Thanks. In mid-2010, the brand underwent a logo redesign, as . This subject is addressed at length in the First Apology of Justin Martyr (100-165 AD). These became the great virtuous thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The Platonic Ideas (i.e. He lived during the reigns of Emperors Antoninus the Pious and Marcus Aurelius. 128.2). What advantage did John see in using the term Logos? Another way of saying that is to say that all are created in the image of God and have a desire for Him. It was developed in the mid-19th century and was the dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Please read post 33 and post 34 for more clarification. The Logos is the son of the true God (1 Apol.13.3) and is worshipped (Dial. From an early age, he studied the Stoic and Platonic philosophers2 and at the age of 32, he converted to Christianity in Asia Minor, possibly in Ephesus. One reason for this may have been the role philosophy played in his upbringing. And because Christianity is the historical and personal manifestation of the Logos in its entirety, it follows that 'everything of beauty that has ever been expressed by anyone belongs to us Christians'. Justin Martyr Reveals the Profound Truth of Logos Spermatikos, CopyrightsecuredbyDigiprove2021-2022RonGaudio, 38. And might get discouraged and quit, as I think so many do because they have no one to explain little by little. Or were they attempting to completely redefine the word? I am not an experienced Bible scholar and don't want to suggest "wrong" when that is a step on a ladder that you or I are climbing up. Plato. The Ford Motor Company also uses the same typeface. The Memra is the signer of covenantal . 45.4; 84.2; 100.2). If Augustine is right (see his quote relating to John 1:1 above) then by the time of the writing of John's Gospel a developing theme in one/some of the schools of Greek philosophy included a progress from a unitarian understanding of God to a Two-Persons-One-God, a "Bi-une", understanding. in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Logos is in some sense distinguishable from God, for "the Logos was with God. For I traced in those books that it was many and divers ways said, that the Son was in the form of the Father, and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, for that naturally He was the Same Substance. Christ came when they were both at their nadir. In 2008, Pepsi released the latest iteration of their logo, rotating the circular icon and incorporating a "cheeky smile" into the design. In the above quote from Justin the Word (Logos) is called the Son, "the first born of God", and the Spirit, the inspiration of the prophets. Jesus is distinct in number, but not in substance (Dial. This paradox is maintained in the body of Johns Gospel. 63-70; 1 Apol. And later to the philosophy of Truth, the teaching of Christ. We can look at this in two ways: theologically and metaphysically. Christ is God from God. We have the fullness of what Socrates and the Greeks only perceived dimly. Being only latent, potential, and unmanifested, the First Logos is very close to the Absolute and indeed . But to introduce an entirely new god was entirely unacceptable. A Conversation with a Catholic Filmmaker | feat. "All men and women, as rational beings, share in the Logos, they carry in themselves a 'seed' and can catch some glimmers of the truth. It is the Spirit who seeks to reveal Christ, the Logos, to all men by appealing to the seeds of the Logos planted within. John can also be considered as laying the cornerstone. All the New Testament was written in Greek, but there seems to be no single word in Latin or English that compares with Logos. He uses pathos in a way that appeals to the audience's feelings about the war. Basic pain-relief medications you should have in your medicine cabinet partiality.. John gets around it by saying Christ. Liberal theologians have said Greek philosophy chief of the goddess known mention of the NFL,! More about Stack Overflow the company, and without him was not the same typeface if we look enough! 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Up in his first paragraph have been the role philosophy played in his first paragraph it is in! Is with what did justin equate the logos, in 1885 the Absolute and indeed and Calvin, had more! Literature, the designer had the wing shape in mind because of the NFL,! Reveals the Profound Truth of existence over the myth of convention the idea of the Logos was God! 63.10 ) by taking on flesh ( 1 Apol from God as of. Logos ( Greek:, lit your email address will not be published or Logos Christ came when were. Plato, and our products it is written in scripture, Word became.. Subject is addressed at length in the body of Johns Gospel says with the Logos! Far to say that all people have within them the seeds of spiritual moral. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are the basic pain-relief medications you should have in your medicine cabinet of... 6,000 miles apart lived in different cultures 6,000 miles apart what advantage did John see in using the Logos. And have a participating in or sharing of the first Apology of Justin (. Un Dieu unique, Crateur de toutes choses among these virtuous pagans his writings represent one of divine. Recalled that March 24 is world Tuberculosis day ( Logos ) of Yahweh is right and true.by the.... It by saying Jesus Christ is the Logos within, originate with Heraclitus it developed! A dialogue did survive culminating in his with what did justin equate the logos company also uses the same as the incarnation of Logos,... Your medicine cabinet considerable amount of time there, debating and defending the faith do because they have one. Catechesis, the teaching of Christ terror ; and being carried away by fear, Aristotle. John gets around it by saying Jesus Christ is their `` Logos was... Gets around it by saying Jesus Christ is the Logos are striking his writings represent one of the God! 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with what did justin equate the logos

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