major turning points in the classical era

is comprised of the Prehistoric Era and the Classical Era. Sir Godfrey Kneller, portrait of John Locke, 1697. Buddhism's Diffusion Compared, These two sources are BEST understood in context of which of the following? Religious traditions became increasingly codified and a component of regional empires. There are some powers that are similar to the ones before and the ones after (Byzantine, China). As a result, a new form of Christianity, known as Protestantism, was created. The dawn of Conceptualism in the late 1960s marks the turning point when modern art gave way to contemporary . x\oFn?JMs\ACm]s~`df\=rZD*bXfwC_^mxq^xtq|1xx.^9o^:onNO.= s!Fd~z9OUvLOz\=Mwn~>=pIT j|8cyH7v5U:fv, }X;5" ]T,r#=87f9 LRV;]C#P9s34y.k]fzdl*&OVq Romanticism can be seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, idealization, and rationality that typified Classicism in general and . They were influential opportunists who remained in power with the help of mercenary soldiers. William Tyndale (14941536): English biblical translator, humanist and scholar burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. B- Slavery 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. C- The cultural role of the Sapa Inca How did the colony of Georgia reflect the ideals of the Enlightenment? Although other European countries experienced their Renaissance later than Italy, the impacts were still revolutionary. Direct link to Izzy's post Hey! The destruction of the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami ended the war. Buddhism and Astronomy Indeed. %PDF-1.5 This failure led to the final phase of the war. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. Asceticism and Renunciation of the World As time passed, Athens plentiful supply of silver increased its dominance in trade and it was made the pre-eminent standard. Elements of Hinduism in Southeast Asia What forms did anti-German hostility take? B- The movement of nomadic pastoral socities from Central Asia Drawing Conclusions from Silk Scrollls American Empires and Europeans, Compared to 12th century China, Western Europe during the 12th century? 5 D- Minerals and finished luxery goods, Which of the following represents a change when comparing this trade network to previous ones in the region, namely the Hopewell and Adena networks? The civilization was controlled by an elite warrior class which ruled from a web of palace states. Where some Greeks managed to maintain partial independence, many others surrendered. D- Indian society had a strong tradition of political and social based in castes, Analysis of Scoll Images B- The belief in the centrality and superiority of the Chinese state The Mycenaean Greeks made innovations in the fields of military infrastructure, engineering, and architecture. Pericles was an unchallenged ruler. Buddhism's Changes in 600-1450 CE Classical Era 1. A- Hindu religious practices saw themselves threatened by the emergence of Buddhism, which had more practical examples for daily life, which the Ramayana adapted D- The dynastic cycle, Shared Theology C- Similar ideas of "attachment" influenced the Buddhist concept of nirva B- reinforcing the subservient nature of states within the Indian Ocean basin. Famous for stating, I think; therefore I am.. A- Christianity A- had no relationship with the Indian Gautama and instead emphasized a buddha they could identify with B- Census accounts of non-ethnic Chinese citizens during the 14th and 15th centuries. Compared to Chinese family structures and gender roles in the period 600-1450 C.E, West African family structures and gender roles were? A- Communication and exchange networks developed in the Americas However, this civilization had a mysterious ending in 1100 BC during the collapse of the Bronze Age possibly due to an earthquake, in-fighting, or invasion. D- Cuneiform, pictographs, and hieroglyphs were replaced by alphabets much earlier than the quipu, Which of the following best explains de la Vega's purpose behind the publishing royal commentaries of the Incas? D- belief systems provided rules and means of enforcing religious practices, AP World History Unit 1 Vocabulary Review, AP World History - Period 3 (600 C.E. Greece has been through many changes in its history, and has moved from devastation to prosperity. King Croesus introduced a double metal standard that allowed currencies of pure gold and pure silver to be traded in the marketplace. D- There is no god but Allah and his prophet is Muhammad, Inca Use of the Quipu Athens grew under his reign, and the state introduced many different festivities and celebrations. These regions were: East Europe, West Europe, Middle East, North Africa, West Africa, South America, and Mesoamerica. Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed MOST to the end of footbinding practices in 20th century China? Voyagers launched expeditions to travel the entire globe. Islamic Theology C- Islam in West Africa He used this knowledge to advocate the use of lightning rods: metal poles connected to wires directing lightnings electrical charge into the ground, thus saving wooden homes in cities like Philadelphia from catastrophic fires. A-fewer laborers were needed to work in the fields, making it possible for more people to work in the trades. D- Zoroastrianism, These excerpts foreshadow the adoption of which Christian and Buddhist religious practice? The Inca Imperial System The movement first expanded to other Italian city-states, such as Venice, Milan, Bologna, Ferrara and Rome. -Benjamin Franklin, Which of the following events is MOST responsible for the creation of the feudal system in Europe,which flourished from circa 800 CE - 1500 CE? Which statement below would best explain why the Roman authorities sometimes persecuted followers of Christianity during the two centuries before the religion gained official acceptance with the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE? D- The nature of Buddhism as a religion of individuality changed, leading to mass appeal among the educated classes. B- Chinese exploration led to military conquest Art, architecture, and religious practices were now better expressed, and the major Mycenaean centers included Mycenae, which was also the ancient home of Agamemnon; Tiryns, which was considered to be the oldest hub; Pylos, Nestors home; Sparta; and probably Athens. The winds of change had been felt several decades earlier, and the establishment of the new style required several decades after the . B- The ayllu social system Dante (12651321): Italian philosopher, poet, writer and political thinker who authored The Divine Comedy., Niccolo Machiavelli (14691527): Italian diplomat and philosopher famous for writing The Prince and The Discourses on Livy., Titian (14881576): Italian painter celebrated for his portraits of Pope Paul III and Charles I and his later religious and mythical paintings like Venus and Adonis and "Metamorphoses.". A- The sweet potato A- The incas used advanced methods of weaving textiles, ropes, and even threads At Sicyon, Cleisthenes ruled from 600 to about 570 BC. Participation in most events was limited to male athletes, but the equestrian events did allow women to take part by entering their own horses in these competitions. D- individuals involved in political and social intrigues, A historian could utilize the excerpt above in order to make which of the following claims about classical Indian society? Shakespearean plays especially are known for following this structure. Athens took advantage of its supremacy over the seas and raided the Peloponnese coast. B- Mississippian endobj Direct link to Cynthia Frank's post Was Ben Franklin a repres, Posted 2 years ago. Their religion included many deities that are also part of the Olympic pantheon. What is Humanism? D- recorded the history of the Inca empires, where as the others were primarily for accounting purposes, A historian researching record keeping in the ancient world could make which of the following conclusions based on de la Vega's account? As more people learned how to read, write and interpret ideas, they began to closely examine and critique religion as they knew it. As a king, he spread Greek culture, thought, religion, and language from Greece throughout Egypt, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, and India. The Renaissance was a cultural and socio-political movement of the 15th and 16th centuries. A- A new strain of rice capable of producing two to three crops a year D- Colonial 'encomiendas' in Central And South America, Which of the following Enlightenment ideas conflict MOST with the feudal system described by Froissart? A- European interference helped a process whereby American empires such as those of the Aztecs and Incas were growing closer to establishing a unified government linking Mesoamerica and the Andes D- increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in scientific and technological innovations, Early North American Trade Networks A- Some Japanese Buddhist movements revered a great number of divinities B- religious traditions becameincreasingly codified and acomponent of regional empires of religion? B- Jainism I believe they both argued for relying less on authority and trusting one's own reasoning, but what else? The king or wanax was the head of society. C- Great Plains C- Judaism Result of Agricultural Improvements Stability and prosperity are factors which encouraged innovative ideas in math, science, and technology during classical civilizations. By the end of the Romantic period, classical music had reached something of a turning point, with many conventions and structures having essentially remained in place since the Baroque era of the 17th and 18th Centuries. International Humanist and Ethical Union. Running, boxing, pankration, horse racing, wrestling, chariot racing, two stade races, a long jump, discus throw, and the javelin throw were some of the main events. B- lower mortality rates, which contributed to overall population growth C- Cuzco D- education and training. Alexander III of Macedon, widely known as Alexander the Great, was the son of King Philip II of Macedon. B- The destruction of the Silk Road network in the south and its reestablishment in the north There were seven major regions the were involved with the postclassical era. The construction of the Parthenon also took place during the golden age of Pericles. Similar 12th Century Cities, Promotion of the Chinese State D- to expose the military inferiority of the Native Americans, European Feudalism - Comparisons, Causes, and Effects, Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt? Architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi studied mathematics to accurately engineer and design immense buildings with expansive domes. Song Population Shift Where can I learn more about the ideas that the text describes as dominating Enlightenment thought, as well as the people who developed them, particularly about progressivism? D- The official statements of governors of Northern border provinces, Buddhist Concepts of Other Religions A- The mita labor system The ideas of the Enlightenment, which emphasized science and reason over faith and superstition, strongly influenced the American colonies in the eighteenth century. Fine Art Images/Heritage Images via Getty Images. B- Hinduism The most famous tyrant of Asiatic Greece was Thrasybulus of Miletus. Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists and artists in human history thrived during this era, while global exploration opened up new lands and cultures to European commerce. Comparing Systems of Record Keeping Classical art is an artistic style that found prominence from the mid-eighteenth century through the early nineteenth century. D- Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." During the 14th century, a cultural movement called humanism began to gain momentum in Italy. Comparative Political Philosophies, Which if the following BEST captures the relationship between Islamic theology and the state depicted in this excerpt? B- Quipus were used to record the demographics of the Inca empire B-Women participated more in farm work as the new harness and three field system made the work less backbreaking While the stile antico, the universal polyphonic style of the 16th . These coins were made of an alloy of gold and silver known as electrum. A- the need to reject all worldly desires and seek our individual salvation The beginning of the 17th century was one of the most dramatic turning points in the history of music, even more so than the beginning of the Ars Nova and almost as revolutionary as the beginning of the 20th century. \482 PzL17C4{47(lmtE(t8BQQez1@[r\H;=q=H{DE~ B- Zoroastrianism A- The pantheon of gods A- both sources are biased The terrible Plague of Athens was an epidemic which ravaged every corner of the city. Artists strived to depict people and objects in a true-to-life way. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. A- to prove how primitive Native Americans were compared to Europeans Some historians, however, believe that such grim depictions of the Middle Ages were greatly exaggerated, though many agree that there was relatively little regard for ancient Greek and Roman philosophies and learning at the time. Many Renaissance thinkers feared being too bold, which stifled creativity. D- The creation of complex agricultural systems despite environmental obstacles, Which of the following statements is most accurate based on the current historical understanding of American empires prior to European arrival in the early 16th century? If not I recommend getting biography's about the people you wish to know more about from yo local library. A- Karma Where the music of the Baroque period was ordered, efficient and complex, the new sound of the Classical period tended to focus on simplifying things a little bit, but also making them bigger. Many consider the Enlightenment a major turning point in Western civilization, an age of light replacing an age of darkness. Some American colonists spread the enlightenment ideas through pamphlets, newspapers, and other publications. B- Quipus were a more efficient way of tracking religious ceremonies then hieroglyphs or pictographs This Classical statue has evolved into a more naturalistic pose, while retaining the idealized beauty of the Archaic sculptures. Direct link to FrozenPhoenix45's post Short answer: yes B- The production of maize-based agriculture by network communities Geometric designs and decorative motifs were popular. The Archaic period in Greece saw many different political and geographical developments. Another successful step was the creation of the misthophoria or paid function where an exceptional salary was given to citizens who attended the courts as jurors. The ancient Olympic Games were primarily considered part of a religious festival which took place in honor of the father of the Greek gods and goddesses, Zeus. Which statement below best accounts for the rapid growth of Christianity as an established religion in the Classical Era? Religious Practice The Social Status of Women in India, Using this map of Inca holdings as a reference, which of the following statements best represents Inca territorial expansion in the 15th and 16th centuries C.E.? A- fundamentally silent in their dispositions - Voltaire The traditional interpretation of these the skulls . A- Increasing agricultural yields during the Era of Division D- Sikhism, Which of the following beliefs of the Islamic faith is most closely related to this passage? C- The beginning of the Little Ice Age, a time period of cooler global temperatures, which destroyed Chinese crops D- The use of river-based exchange networks, Upaniads and Karma Ancient Greece One of the smaller ancient civilizations, Greece has exerted an influence out of proportion to its size on the development of Western civilization, largely due to the intellectual accomplishments of Greek philosophers, who laid the foundation for much of modern science and governance, as well as art, mathematics, poetry, and more. Also, the printing press allowed for texts, including the Bible, to be easily reproduced and widely read by the people, themselves, for the first time. A- "Stand before his judge" He saw Georgia as a place for Englands worthy poor to start anew. C- The use of quipus, while important to Incan Society, were no longer needed by the time the Spanish arrived because the incas had started using a written script In 1718 he was apprenticed to his brother to work in a print shop, where he learned how to be a good writer by copying the style he found in the. what are the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred. A- Timbuktu endobj While many scholars view the Renaissance as a unique and exciting time in European history, others argue that the period wasnt much different from the Middle Ages and that both eras overlapped more than traditional accounts suggest. But Petrarch viewed the writing and scholarship of the Middle Ages as inferior to the learning and languages of the classical* world. A- the tradition of veiling. Direct link to Pitts, Lana's post Here is a website that i , Posted 2 years ago. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. C- The building of monumental architecture The flurry of development in the Archaic era was followed by a period of maturity known as classical Greece. Where the events in the Archaic period were purely artistic, the Classical era moved towards a more naturalistic approach. The first known coins were introduced in either Ionia in Asia Minor or Lydia some time before 600 BC, because the Greeks wanted a system of authenticated payment. A- The existence of a powerful priestly class B- Moka B- a belief in a spiritual world forwhich correct Earthly practicewas necessary for salvation B- was ruled by the Roman Catholic Church which was determined to ease religious tensions between the Eastern Orthodox Church What effects might we see in the eras that follow this time period? In the illustration above, the narrative arc of the Plot Diagram is between the Five Act Structure (top) and Aristotle's divisions . to 1450, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. These coins were also known as owls owing to their central design feature. Thomas Hobbes (15881679): English philosopher and author of Leviathan., Geoffrey Chaucer (13431400): English poet and author of The Canterbury Tales.. The plague challenged the populations religious faith as they prayed for days and no God came to their rescue. Also known as the Dark Ages, the era is often branded as a time of war, ignorance, famine and pandemics such as the Black Death. In the 16th century, Martin Luther, a German monk, led the Protestant Reformation a revolutionary movement that caused a split in the Catholic church. D- alike, leading to body modification rituals confining women to the home. The dead were piled on top of each other, left to rot in the street, or thrown into mass graves. They saw the plague as an act of God in support of Sparta. In fact, it was a unique time when these fields of study fused together seamlessly. historic periods do not start and stop at precise points on a map or a calendar.,, Robert Feke, portrait of Benjamin Franklin, 1748. The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy, a place with a rich cultural history where wealthy citizens could afford to support budding artists. Translator of the New Testament into Greek. The period known as the Classical Era grew from ideas and construction techniques that evolved centuries and eons apart in . Sometimes, we pull the lens . C- Judaism C- The invention of the steel plow The following is a timeline of major events in post-classical history from the 5th to 15th centuries, . B- The presence of writing systems D- Japanese Buddhist developed concepts that were nearly identical to their Western counterparts, Gautama MOST likely appears three positions above the central buddha because Japanese Buddhists? One such coin was the silver stater or didrachm of Aegina. Despite repeated warnings by both Laocon and Cassandra not to take the horse into the city, the Trojan king let it in. D- Mexica influence in Mesoamerica. C- Hindu merchants spread knowledge and culture from other parts of the world C- Examination responses for entrance into the Chinese civil bureaucracy. This attack failed and resulted in the destruction of the entire army in 413 BC. They used techniques, such as perspective, shadows and light to add depth to their work. Posted 6 years ago. When Menelaus asked for her return, the Trojans refused to give her back. B- "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it." Galileo (1564-1642): Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer whose pioneering work with telescopes enabled him to describes the moons of Jupiter and rings of Saturn. C- Peasants were often conscripted into military service in times of war The style was much more realistic than that of the Baroque or Rococo. C- Innovations in agriculture brought by the Chinese led to greater urbanization D- China sought to protect localities within its sphere of influence from Western influence, The source illustrates a continuity in Chinese self-thought in which of the following way? When he retired in 1748, he devoted himself to politics and scientific experiments. events of the period between 1450 and 1750. the major turning points or "game changers" of this period; what were the biggest changes in how people lived, what people were able to do, or what people valued and believed. C- spiritual systems promoted the potential for salvation Changes and Continuities in Religious Practices C- The qualities of divinity are utilized as a means to promote the state While the Council of Nicaea represented a starting point for the rapid spread of Christianity, did any other religions experience a period of rapid expansion into new territories in its formative years? The turning point in the Hundred Years' War for 15th-century England that leads to the signing of the . D- Millet, What Chinese invention caused an increase in population during the Song dynasty? D- The social status of women was improved, but only within Buddhist circle's, The Womb Realm Maala and Japanese Buddhism C- collective worship as a means to promote religious authority C- was in disarray after the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire and experiencing waves of germanic migrations A- Peasants were often subject to banditry, especially in times of bad harvest or conflict C- Territorial expansion was necessary due to Incan society's lack of an agricultural base As a result of this advance in communication, little-known texts from early humanist authors such as those by Francesco Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio, which promoted the renewal of traditional Greek and Roman culture and values, were printed and distributed to the masses. endobj locate places and regions of historical significance directly related to major eras and turning points in world history (C) interpret maps, charts, and graphs to explain how geography has influenced people and events in the past (19) Government. It showcases the beginnings of an advanced culture in Greece, exemplified by its architecture, writings, art, and public organization. The Renaissance was a time period of trade and intellectual curiosity unparalleled in Europe. At night the Greeks returned, and their hidden countrymen piled out of the horse. Direct link to David Alexander's post you might read this artic, Posted 2 years ago. C- different, affording women a wider degree of freedoms in the home and in society. The Integration of Buddhism with Chinese Culture, A historian would use which of the following religious buildings as evidence of the extensive influence of Hinduism in Southeast Asia? The five act structure expands the classical divisions and can be overlaid on a traditional plot diagram, as it follows the same five parts. A- The continuation of religious ideas in the abrahamic religion. From European discoveries of continents and shipping routes to new views of mathematics and astronomy to the advent of the printing press, the period of read more, Born in Eisleben, Germany, in 1483, Martin Luther went on to become one of Western historys most significant figures. It is surprising to me that the Perian Wars were not mentioned. C- Borobudur A- The presence of social stratification within network communities - 500 C. Robert W. Strayer Studying world history has much in common with using the zoom lens of a cam- era. B- Paper money and coin currency B- to educate Europeans on the technologies used for commercial exchanges in the Americas to 1450 C.E.? B- The caste system C-food supplies became more reliable year-round, while crop yields increased overall His exploitation made him the most successful of the Orthagorid tyrants. A- Muslims must be charitable and give to those in need A- Divine Rights of Kings He was never a member of the US House of Representatives. C- The necessity of exploration as a means to gain economic benefits His contemporaries read more, The Harlem Renaissance was the development of the Harlem neighborhood in New York City as a Black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century and the subsequent social and artistic explosion that resulted. The practice of footbinding in China was similar in its social and economic implications to all of the following EXCEPT Why do you think white settlers rebelled against early strictures on alcohol and slavery? A- The rise of communism by mid-century and the creation of a new government under Mao Zedong. While the exact timing and overall impact of the Renaissance is sometimes debated, theres little dispute that the events of the period ultimately led to advances that changed the way people understood and interpreted the world around them. Michelangelo (14751564): Italian sculptor, painter and architect who carved David and painted The Sistine Chapel in Rome. D- Wisdom (Judaism), ALL of the following religious traditions include groups that profess similar ascetic ideals EXCEPT? Some areas of Alaska are so remote,\cancel{\text{,}}, that they can be reached only by plane. Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was diffused in a similar pattern to Buddhism's spread in the 600-1450 C.E. The face is more realistic and begins to show traces of emotion.. D- Iroquois, Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network? The battle is famous mainly because of the historian Thucydides documenting of it. Famous journeys were taken by Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci (after whom America is named), Marco Polo, Ponce de Leon, Vasco Nez de Balboa, Hernando De Soto and other explorers. Firstly, in a strict sense there was no 'Hinduism' before modern times, although the sources of . A- A journal which tracked custom duties in major Chinese ports. Scientific discoveries led to major shifts in thinking: Galileo and Descartes presented a new view of astronomy and mathematics, while Copernicus proposed that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system. Keeping Classical art is an artistic style that found prominence from the mid-eighteenth through! A new government under Mao Zedong believe they both argued for relying less authority... Coin currency b- to educate Europeans on the technologies used for commercial exchanges the... Post you might read this artic, Posted 2 years ago led to the death your to., Bologna, Ferrara and Rome plague challenged the populations religious faith as prayed... Civilization was controlled by an elite warrior class which ruled from a web of palace states 600-1450,... Impacts were still revolutionary Posted 2 years ago 2023 a & E Television Networks, LLC when Menelaus asked her! 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major turning points in the classical era

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