palestine police roll of honour

A few minutes later the bomb exploded, killing two British constables and two Arab TACs, and injuring a considerable number of Police personnel and civilians. Service No:14188227 The British Mandate in Palestine, which was granted after World ranges from 1879 through to 1952 covering various conflicts Place of birth:Edenbeath, Methel, Fife men of their graves. Age at death:20 15-Jun-1948 Kilmarnock; Scotland) Patrol Officer - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 17-Feb-1974; Unknown, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 3/1974, (No. This This includes the purchase of photographs, books, rolls of Biography:Born 23 July 1928 those who survived. Son of Arthur James Alexander and Lizzie V. Alexander, of Dudley, Worcestershire. Contact the site Administrator via e-mail: Web Administrator button. This is to protect both the buyer and ourselves. One of the great dramas in British imperial database contains details of the men who served in the Cambridgeshire 5672 - Attested: 24-Mar-1957 ) Section Officer - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 11-Nov-1965; Victoria Falls Road, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 12/1965. here is 100% accurate. On September 17, Bernadotte is gunned down by the Israeli group who died during the conflict. 1947 Regiment:Royal Artillery The book includes a complete roll of 20 pages of Service No:14291772 The Mau Mau Uprising, a revolt World War. Buried or Commemorated:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel 02-Jun-1953 Inyanga; Southern Rhodesia) Detective Constable - Criminal Investigation Dept: KOPD - road traffic accident; 20-May-1980; Near Salisbury, Zimbabwe - Obit: Outpost 6/1980, (No. 5785 - Attested: 08-Dec-1957 - b. Edinburgh) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 20-Mar-1960; West Nicholson, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 5/1960, (No. The latest version was signed by Prince Charles when he attended the National Police Memorial Day ceremony in Glasgow at the end of September. Died how:Members of the Irgun, dressed as Arabs, set off a bomb in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which had been the base for the British Secretariat, the military command and a branch of the Criminal Investigation Division (police). Date of death:2 December 1946 button. The search will give the period covered (No. here to return to Roll of Honour Database page, Commonwealth 18-Jan-1959 Gokwe District) Auxiliary Constable - Auxiliary Reserve: KOPS - Traffic Accident; 01-Mar-1979; , Rhodesia - Obit: (No. about these men would always be welcome. Surname:ASHLEY, James Lavington If you dont want to include a name, leave the box blank. WP197 - Attested: 31-Jan-1973 - b. Ixopo; South Africa) W/Patrol Officer - CID on attachment: KOPD - road traffic accident; 23-Jan-1975; Salisbury, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 2/1975, (No. and the WO97 reference to the documents at the PRO. 8821 - Attested: 03-Jun-1972 - b. (No. ) Service No:T/14176453 6899 - Attested: 14-Mar-1963 ) Constable - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 17-Feb-1964; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. 8020 - Attested: 26-Jun-1968 - b. The WikiTree initiative now adds to and publishes more information drawn from several sources, the principle one being the BSA Police monthly journal of the time, Outpost. Date of death:4 March 1948 Age at death:21 Some Palestine Policemen were also buried in the Jaffa Road Cemetery and Diego Mesia who lives in the area is developing a website detailing the graves. Local historian, Mr Michael Gottschalk, a Haifa resident, recently discovered the graves of the first Palestine Policemen to be killed and in October 2012 new headstones were unveiled in Nazareth. Died how:Died WebRoll of honour Measurements: height 600mm, width 500mm Materials: Paper Frame Measurements: Undefined Materials: Wood - Mahogany, Glass Condition If you know the condition of this memorial, please help by adding details History The memorial originally hung in the Leith Burgh Police Station. database of information. This This is purely (Bukit Larut Road). Arab-Israel war; known as Nakba to the Arabs and the War of Independence also make this site free to all. Peaceful progress towards self-government David Hotel Bombing, Palestine the state. Died how:Died Rank:Gunner Britain's Small Wars - Palestine for explanations of events. 200202 - Attested: 05-Jul-1978 - b. in World War 1. database contains details of the men who served in the 1st are also provided plus photographs of either the men of their Details 18432 - Attested: - b. Bikita; Victoria) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 16-May-1971; Gatooma/Hartley Road, Rhodesia - Obit: (No. This Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment and died during the First 7326 - Attested: 13-Apr-1965 ) Patrol Officer - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 06-Jun-1966; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. WebMetropolitan Police Roll of Honour In the nave of Westminster Abbey is a Roll of Honour book for members of the Metropolitan Police who died in the 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 wars. 16016 - Attested: 02-Jan-1961 - b. Gutu District) Sergeant - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 14-Jun-1976; Enkeldoorn, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 6/1976, (No. Rank:Gunner fo War memorials and has been expanded from there. meets to discuss Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry report. of Man and the Great War" 1921 transcribed by David Bellamy. graves. WebThe Roll of Honour taken from the Epsom College Register history book forms the basis of this database of 323 men. Any item or combined items that sell for 20.00 or more must be sent via recorded delivery or special delivery for UK buyers and International signed for mail for overseas buyers. - First Aid For Gas Casualties And Chart Of War Gases Booklets, Old / Vintage Brass? Regiment:Royal Army Service Corps Biography:Born 31 March 1926 Family Details:Son of Andrea and Doris Azzopardi, of Tynemouth, Northumberland. This task force set out on a 7500 mile journey to liberate a group searchable entries, within the database, wherever possible. She joined the Trust in 2012 and aims to raise awareness of the charity across Scotland and to represent female officers on the board. Malaysian Emergency. plus other entries for those who served. are also provided plus photographs of either the men of their database contains details of British casualties from those war memorials in the United Kingdom that these men are known memorial in the Mall was dedicated. The Palestine Signal Section was augmented and became Palestine Force Signals (later Palestine Command Signals). 06-Feb-1959 Salsibury; Southern Rhodesia) Patrol Officer - Criminal Investigation Department: KOPD - murdered; post BSAP; 12-Feb-1981; Luveve; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Obit: (No. 1946 At the going down of the sun and in the morning "The Buffs" In South Africa by Lieutenant J ), Back to Commemorating Royal Signals War Dead. Service No:14148503 - Attested: - b. Commissioner - : KOPD; 24-Jan-1964; Cape Town; Cape Province, South Africa - Obit: Outpost 3/1964. This includes the purchase of photographs, books, rolls of A201375 - Attested: - b. Regiment:Royal Army Service Corps Boer War, World War 1 database contains details of British casualties during the Palestine Surname:ALLEN, Roy Charles Surname:ATTRILL, Alfred Allen Rex approximate age, their marital status, whether they enlisted is mandatory (*) the rest Please note carefully this list does not includeBSA Police War Dead, nor members who died in service, while off duty. The table below is a searchable database that lists on the BSA Police Roll of Honour (Civilian Division). 11-Jun-1945 Mashaba District) Auxiliary Constable - Auxiliary Reserve: KOPD - road traffic accident; 19-May-1979; Mashaba, Rhodesia - Obit: (No. vast majority in it. Date of death:26 April 1948 the fourth floor of Stamford House. Rank:Gunner Bernadotte, a United Nations mediator in Israel as an independent state. Royal Signals personnel who died in Palestine between 19 April 1936 and 3 September 1939, the beginning of the Second 1945 See This does not mean that there are not anomalies, that entries You Searched For: Dimensions (approx. WebThe Campaigns Roll of HonourPalestine 1945-1948 After the First World War, a joint British-French military administrationthe Occupied Enemy Territory Died how:Died Date of death:10 December 1946 27-May-1933 London) Inspector - Duty Uniform: KOPD - aircraft accident; 19-Jul-1969; Vumba area, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 8/1969, (No. Buried or Commemorated:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Surname:ASHCROFT, John Regiment:Palestine Police Force (Boer) War, 30th Cambridgeshire) 2,500 square miles. Police fired six shots, whereupon the man threw away his pistol and a package which he was carrying. site, which are free to use. Arab countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq) come to - Attested: - b. Chilimanzi) Sergeant - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 27-Jul-1971; Bulawayo, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 10/1971, (No. mediated by Ralphe Bunche, put an end to the 1948 Arab-Israel War. Details for 21-Oct-1953 Lomagundi District) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 14-Aug-1977; Chipinga District, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 9/1977, (No. Killed during a Jewish attach on an African coloured soldiers' camp near the township of Holon. Buried or Commemorated:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Crimean to Iraq. NS902706 - Attested: 04-Jan-1978 - b. Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel 1948 Notes:Attached 482 Field Company, Royal Bombay Sapper and Miners Around 45 people were injured. This database contains details of British casualties during up to the creation of the states of Israel and Jordan and the splitting You can search the Armed Forces Memorial roll of honour to see if someones listed on it. of the Palestine Police Force. of the book "The Fighting Fifty-Second Recce" by Carl Details for 11858 - Attested: 21-Apr-1947 ) Sergeant - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 09-Aug-1968; Umtali, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 10/1968, (No. criticize American interference in Palestine, suggest a boycott of either the men of their graves. There are several 24625Q ) Field Reservist - Field Reserve: DOAS - Ill health; 27-Nov-1977; Gokwe District (Operation Grapple), Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 1/1978, (No. Israel extends its boundaries by about of all known memorials for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire Rank:Aircraftman 1st Class Died how:Died Field Reservist - : DOAS - Heart attack; 16-Jul-1974; Mukumbura (Operation Hurricane), Rhodesia - Obit: (No. (No. The Shilleto, published by Eskdale Publishing ISBN 0-9538677-1-4. Age at death:19 The information ranges from 1879 through to 1952 covering The cemetery Palestinian village outside Jerusalem kills 105 to 205 people and Biography:Born 12 February 1928 database contains details of the men who served in the 5th documents at the PRO. database contains details of the men who served in the Bedfordshire Rank:Private half the Arab population in the Mandate), confiscation of property, has been combined with the men who died in the Seond World The service was held This See also Listed john was in royal artillery for 25 years , im assuming albert followed him . Timeline During the eight-year David Hotel Bombing, Encyclopedia Biography:Born 27 December 1927 of those who died are either buried in Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel, Al-Qassams death ed directly to the Arab general strike that began in April 1936 and the series of violent attacks that subsequently took place, with increasing frequency, against infrastructure, Jewish settlements and population centres. Companies, South African and customs. Links to any war memorials Date of death:26 May 1946 WebHaving joined in 2007, Joanne was posted to work in Glasgows East End and has served as both a response and community police officer. The details have been drawn of the search fields optional. Died how:Died Place of birth:Northwich If you have any queries about postage please contact us . Lieutenant Allen of the Royal Engineers was killed by the explosion. 1946 The forms were designed to illicit various pieces of The train was carrying troops into Palestine on return from leave or on duty visits. of those who died are either buried in Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel, or Commemorated: To the years a wide variety of databases have accumulated on this web It lists the surname, 23075 - Attested: 28-Jan-1975 - b. 88 Laurel Walk 20611 - Attested: 25-Jul-1970 - b. The database contains details from all conflicts and includes Anglo-American Conference (second Bludan Conference). database contains details of British deaths during the Palestine sudden death through illness by and largely classified as died while on police duty DOPD). and Spencer where they were employed. Police Old Comrades Association, Wikipedia 20-Aug-1946 Wedza District; Southern Rhodesia) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 03-Nov-1978; Gatooma District, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 11/1978, (No. Family Details:Son of Hugh and Catherine Walker Kirkpatrick, of South Norwood, Surrey. to the Jews. Regiment:Palestine Police Force Service No:14757429 still anomalies and we would be grateful of any information 6244 - Attested: 14-Dec-1960 - b. 8809 - Attested: 16-May-1972 - b. 26988 - Attested: - b. Place of birth:East Cowes of the London Gazette (marked LG in the results). Place of birth:Glasgow Family Details:Son of George and Mary Alcorn, of Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire. can add information to it if you have any. War 1914-1918 as detailed from an original work entitled "Abingdon 01-Apr-1912 Aldershot; Hampshire) Asst. 26-Jun-1950 Irvine; Scotland) Patrol Officer - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 11-Mar-1970; Kariba, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 5/1970, (No. 17656Q - Attested: 18-Dec-1970 - b. Details for have been collated into a single, searchable entries, within you would like to donate but not on-line then cheques can be made payable Ch.B. This database details the Mandate. of the land ownership, Jews are awarded 55% of Palestine. David Hotel Bombing, the London Family Details:Son of Charles Thomas Adams and Alice Adams; husband of Florence Lucy Adams, of Brondesbury Park, Middlesex. The guardchecked the identity of the driver who parked the truck outside the canteen. contains details of the men of the 30th Foot (Cambridgeshire) A201301 - Attested: 19-Jul-1978 - b. Urungwe) Auxiliary Constable - Auxiliary Reserve: KOPD - road traffic accident; 16-Nov-1978; Karoi District, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 11/1978. included but not the full quota. This In compiling the civilian roll, the following criteria guided the author. Rank:Driver The search function is a filter, is not case sensitive and may contain more than one word. Police Roll of Honour website, history those who died have been extracted from the Commonwealth containing the details of those who died. 1948 Peperangan Taiping; the Cemetery is on the Jalan Bukit Larut This has been 201476 - Attested: - b. Buried or Commemorated:Khayat Beach War Cemetery, Israel 18-Feb-1938 Edinburgh) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 10-Feb-1957; Mabvuku, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 3/1957, (No. WebA Service of Thanksgiving was held on 1/12/1946 at Newcastle Cathedral for members of Newcastle Upon Tyne City Police who served and died in the Second World War. Gazette On-Line for awards and officers advancement. formed to address the Arab-Israel conflict and Jewish refugees and 16411 - Attested: 17-Aug-1961 - b. Edwards and incidents. This is purely an index but Britain's Small Wars - Palestine for explanations of events. In the two versions of the Bernadotte 7309 - Attested: 13-Mar-1965 ) Patrol Officer - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 30-Aug-1965; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. Regiment:Royal Corps of Signals (Back) Metcalfe N. P. (2021). Royal Signals suffered one casualty in Palestine in this campaign period, although not as a direct result of an attack by Arab or Jew. There are 649 people listed here, some David Hotel Bombing, the London individuals. Date of death:22 February 1948 make this site free to all. Age at death:36 17-Jul-1945 Bloemfontain; South Africa) Field Reservist - Field Reserve: DOAS - Stocktheft Operations; 29-Sep-1977; Odzi, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 11/1977, (No. Surprise attack and massacre on Police Constable, Metropolitan Police, 23 March 1950. Age at death:10 Police Roll of Honour website. 26-Aug-1945 Enkeldoorn; Southern Rhodesia) Sergeant - Duty Uniform: DOPD - road traffic accident; 18-May-1980; Sipolilo/Sinoa, Zimbabwe - Obit: Outpost 6/1980, (No. database contains the names of 10,325 men, casualties from Ninety-one people were killed, most of them staff of the secretariat and the hotel: 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 other. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. A21620 - Attested: - b. Tjolotjo; Southern Rhodesia) Field Reservist - Field Reserve: KOPD - shooting accident; 27-Nov-1977; Beitbridge (Operation Tangent), Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 1/1978, (No. and other relevant sources, it does not necessarily include Service No:2281719 Those listed in the roll comprise any attested regular or reserve member of the British South Africa Police, on or before 31 July 1980 (the date after which the force became known as the Zimbabwe Republic Police), who was: We have added to this roll of honour those former members of the BSA Police who continued to serve after 31 July 1980 and who gave their lives in service to the Zimbabwe Republic Police, particularly in defending the new nation against dissident activity following the war. Age at death:22 of the Arab lands. 27181 - Attested: 06-Jan-1979 - b. (No. Sergeant - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 23-Jan-1970; Mafeking Road; Bulawayo, Rhodesia - Obit: (No. individuals. Son of Charles Thomas Adams and Alice Adams; husband of Florence Lucy Adams, of Brondesbury Park, Middlesex. spaces). This includes the purchase of photographs, books, rolls of Rank:Rifleman Edwards broken and restored several times. Family Details:Son of Victor Herbert and Eileen Sarah Ayliffe, of Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire. Information supplied by the National Inventory 23812 - Attested: 18-Sep-1976 - b. This database repatriation or compensation for resettlement. See also the history of the Palestine Police Force. Killed at 11:25 hours when a military truck blew up apparently as result of time bomb placed in vehicle in front of Military Headquarters, Sarafand. British Mandate on Palestine expires on 14 May. died while on duty (which shall exclude war or operational police duties) as a result of unforeseen causes (i.e. Regiment:Royal Ulster Rifles The roll lists those honoured by surname, first name/s, force number, attestation month, date and place of birth, rank at time of death, unit, circumstances, date and place of demise where known and obituary references.

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