the cor has the authority to authorize overtime

In construction, a Contracting Officer may suspend work for a "reasonable" period of time. all these statements are correct, RECOGNIZE THE BASIC INFORMATION (PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, PWS, CONTRACT VALUE) FOUND IN A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT:All of the following are examples of contract formats except? Express authority is the authority which the principal . (a) The contracting officer shall review the contractor's request for overtime. Choose the correct answer pertaining to service contracts from the following: x Under a non-personal services contract, the contractor?s employees may be required to report to a government person. The CORT Tool provides contracting personnel and requiring activities the means to track and manage COR assignments across multiple contracts across DoD. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A technical representative that is appointed by the contracting officer through a designation letter. Items to consider during the development of the IGE include: (select all that apply), 1. . The U.S. President has sole authority to authorize the use of U.S. nuclear weapons. true, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: IDENTIFY INVOICE PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH APPROPRIATE CONTRACT INVOICE CLAUSE: Which of the following is NOT a common problem found during invoice review? What is an Independent Government Estimate (IGE)? IDENTIFY THE VARIOUS METHODS OF CONTRACTING FOR A SUPPLY OR SERVICE:Contracting methods available which can streamline the contracting timeframe include: . As Mother Jones reported at the time, the reason the . How do you as the COR recognize Sally's accomplishments? (DFARS Subsection 201.602-2). The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) provides the government inspection plan to ensure contractor quality. x $10 million x $100 million. To: Thom E. Ferguson, Auditor of Slate, Columbus, Ohio . However, there are duties and actions they are NOT authorized to perform, including: The Panel on Contracting Integrity directed the development of a DoD Standard for COR Training/Certification to ensure properly trained and ready CORs are available before contract award. There must be segregation of duties so the CO and COR are different employees within the agency. 1. EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The Service Contract Act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas where the contract is performed. How do you as the COR recognize Sally's accomplishments? When working with contractor personnel on a non-personal services contract, the COR should: Keep an arm's length relationship with contractor personnel. From the following, select the correct statement of one of those prohibitions: . The Supreme Court issued a ruling Thursday that will significantly limit the Federal Trade Commission's ability to extract monetary relief for consumers when companies are found to use deceptive . Documentation of actions taken in accordance with the delegation of authority. . An estimate that agrees with document market research Cost Reimbursement, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DISCUSS THE INVOICE POLICY AND PROCESS OF FAR PART 32.9:Under the Prompt Payment clause, unless specifically prohibited by the contract, the contractor is entitled to payment for accepted partial deliveries of supplies or partial performance of services that comply with all applicable contract requirements and for which prices can be calculated from the contract terms. The customer likes the work of the incumbent contractor and has expressed a desire to have the new contract be awarded to that incumbent contractor. Once that's done, copy the token out of the server's response. When writing a SOW use the SMART principle which stands for: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Reasonable, Time-Based. The COR needs to closely monitor and guide the contractor's effort in order to prevent the waste of taxpayers' funds and to obtain the services or products needed within budget. Travel costs for specific travel identified in the contract, using Joint Travel Regulation rates. Q. When "contracting out" governmental functions, it is the policy of the Government to utilize non-personal service contracts whenever possible. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Authorize the furnishing of government property except as required under the contract. The KO should consult with Enclosure 6 of DoDI 5000.72 to determine and identify the specific tasks and duties to be performed by the COR for the particular contract or task/delivery order. GIVEN A CONTRACT FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE COR, IDENTIFY THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY REGULATION AND POLICY TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE COR FILE: What is a Contracting Officer Representative? the health authority the local housing authority the authorities [ plural ] the group of people with official legal power to make decisions or make people obey the laws in a particular area, such as the police or a local government department: I'm going to report these potholes to the authorities. Under a cost-reimbursement, time and materials, or labor hour contract, which one of the following statements is FALSE: The COR should notify the contractor immediately if there is a discrepancy found in a public voucher. (1) Recording and Authorization. The COR shall maintain a file for each assigned contract. Please note that you should expect to receive a response from our team, regarding your inquiry, within 2 business days. A trusted agent (TA) does not have privileged access to certification authority system (CAS) components to authorize certificate issuance, certificate revocation, or key recovery. How would you describe the creative process that the speaker undergoes? If the invoice does not comply with contract requirements, the invoice must be returned to the contractor within seven days. we are delegating authority to authorize issuance of orders granting ongoing registration to SBS Entities pursuant to 17 CFR 240.15Fb2-1(d) 14. under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"). Overtime is the time that a nonexempt employee works beyond 40 hours in a single work week. . A COR has . RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:What are the differences between contracting by negotiation and sealed bidding? true, ANALYZE CONTRACT SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE, TO INCLUDE ALL SOW REQUIREMENTS AND CDRL DELIVERABLES:The main purpose for the COR to understand the contract and how it is organized is to be aware of all contractual requirements and deliverables. A Contracting Officers Representative (COR) is an individual authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical or administrative contract functions. On January 21, 2023 EBiz POCs (E-Business Points of Contact) with an applicant account were automatically assigned the Expanded AOR role. Article I of the. all responses are correct, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: RECOGNIZE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INVOICE PAYMENTS AND CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE, AND HOW TO REPORT INVOICE ISSUES:If the invoice does not comply with contract requirements, the invoice must be returned to the contractor within seven days. " Authorized shares " refers to the number of shares the corporation is allowed to issue under its certificate or articles of incorporation. General Manager is the Chief Executive, having full authority on all matters of administration. Often, a contracting officer appoints a COR to perform specific technical or administrative functions; however, the COR has no authority to make any commitments or changes that affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or other terms and conditions of the contract nor in any way direct the contractor or its subcontractors to operate in conflict They are in compliance with federal statutes allowing for personal services such as Personal Services of Health care Providers. Authorization of Overtime. Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable and Consistent costs, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DETERMINE STEPS TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY AND VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S INTERIM INVOICES UNDER COST/T&M/LH CONTRACTS:The COR is authorized to approve billings on cost reimbursement contracts. Competitive advantage Having a certificate of recognition reflects your commitment to workplace health and safety, which may make it easier to hire and keep workers. Authorize subcontracting or the use of consultants. . The Contracting Officer's Representative Designation/Appointment Letter. Regarding the first, there is little question that a president has the authority to respond in self-defense against a nuclear attack without seeking prior authorization. Payment to the contractor for the supplies and services delivered, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: EVALUATE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED-PRICE DELIVERABLES:Inspection and acceptance criteria for fixed-price deliverables include: x Evaluation of the expenditure rate x monthly invoices x cost monitoring, IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DESCRIBE THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LOST, DAMAGED OR DESTROYED GOVERNMENT ASSETS:Contractors are generally not held liable for loss, damage destruction, or theft of Government property when ___________. When changes are made to a contract, the government must determine if the change is within scope. This answer is: Inefficient or misguided performance by the contractor can mean that the government will have to curtail or forgo needed services or rob other programs to provide . Which one of the following statements is true? Choose the best answer regarding the scope of this requirement. UN-2. . false, DESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE COR AS OUTLINED IN THE DESIGNATION/APPOINTMENT LETTER: Regarding the COR's key duties, choose the correct statement from the following: . This is adding value for the government and additional expense to the contractor. . It is imperative a COR maintain adequate records because: . All others, with the exception of a time-and-materials contract which is a hybrid of the two, are subsets of cost reimbursement or fixed-price contracts. at the end of the contract the COR files should be turned over to the Contracting Officer x 6 years ? IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DISCUSS THE CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS TO INVENTORY EQUIPMENT:The government's policy is for contractors to provide all of their own general purpose equipment. . false. contracting officer's representative, IDENTIFY THE CONTRACTING EXPENDITURES, FUNDING ISSUES, OVERRUNS, REQUESTS FOR TRAVEL AND OVERTIME THAT WILL BE DISCUSSED WITH THE CONTRACTING OFFICER:The COR has the authority to authorize ______: . The inspection clause for ____________contracts allows for the contractor to charge the cost of rework to the government. Now that we have a simple web API that can authenticate and authorize based on tokens, we can try out JWT bearer token authentication in ASP.NET Core end-to-end. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL SERVICES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY WHEN WORKING WITH CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL:Personnel services contracts are authorized by the government when . CORs and their respective organizations are responsible for obtaining the training and experience needed to be assigned and remain qualified to serve as CORs. sole source format, IDENTIFY THE DUTY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION TO THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT CREATING AN UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION OR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE TO THE CONTRACT:When there is a difference of opinion between the COR and the contractor on a specification within the contract, the COR should direct the contractor to perform in accordance with the COR's interpretation. . March 5, 2013, 4:30 PM President Barack Obama has the legal authority to unleash deadly forcesuch as drone strikesagainst Americans on U.S. soil without first putting them on trial, Attorney. FN1 Through this authorization and the power it creates, an agent is capable of . The information contained in this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a form of direction or advice and should not be relied upon as a complete definitive statement in relation to any specific issue. IDENTIFY HOW POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CAN AFFECT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT:A conflict of interest occurs when an employee participates, personally and substantially, in an official capacity on a particular matter and the employee knows that they or another person, such as a family member, will benefit from the employee'S actions. Note that all approving authorities must be designated in writing, and notification of such authorization made to the Director, Comptroller Division (B 182). Travel costs to specific travel identified in the contract using Joint Travel Regulation Rates. Which of the following is TRUE regarding requirements development and documentation? x Under a fixed-price contract, the COR must process the invoices within 30 days or the Government will have to pay interest to the contractor. Which lettered pair of words-a, b, c, d, or e- most nearly expresses the same relationship as the capitalized pair? Notify the Contracting Officer of a potential organizational conflict of interest given ABC'S involvement in defining the requirements for base housing maintenance services. . x Contracting Officer. x Copies of acceptance documents and invoices, the contract and modifications, performance reports and assessments, correspondence to/from contracting officer and contractor. An Earned Value Management system that is formally validated and accepted by the cognizant contracting officer is required on cost or incentive contracts valued at or greater than ____. Key aspects of the Fixed Price Process for acceptance and payment include timeliness, quality, and invoicing. An authorization may generally be described as any statutory provision that defines the authority of the government to act. . Stating that the COR may be personally liable for unauthorized acts. When the approver has the role of the requestor of the purchase of goods or services, the request will be submitted to the next higher level for authorization and approval. DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: LIST THE EXCEPTIONS TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE:Once the Government Representative has executed final acceptance of any supplies or services there is no legal recourse for the Government for non-conforming items. . As you can see, there are many duties the COR may be ask to perform. Contracting Officers are responsible for deciding if they need an individual to serve as their authorized representative (i.e., COR) for purposes of monitoring the technical or administrative aspects of contractor performance during the life-cycle of the contract. . Disclaimer: AcqNotes is not an official Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force, Navy, or Army website. true, IDENTIFY COR RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPORTING THE PLANNING AND SUBMISSION OF CONTRACT CHANGES DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO NEGOTIATE A MODIFICATION:The COR has identified a change to the contract that will increase costs. true, DISTINGUISH BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION AND ITS EFFECT ON GIVING TECHNICAL DIRECTION:A critical way that formal communication differs from informal is that formal communication is binding upon the parties and informal communication is non-binding. The purpose of Earned Value Management system is to provide the contractor and government project managers with accurate data to monitor execution of their program. The Contracting Officer's Representative's normal monitoring activities should shed light on warning signs of contractor problems, such as a failure to meet performance deadlines. 2. (g) Method of Calculation. Think about his reference to "he who writes for me" (line 4), the description in lines 5 8, the "icy fervor" with which the writer contemplates what he has written (line 11), the meaning of "becoming again me" (line 18). Apparent authority is authority perceived by a third party (e.g., a contractor) to exist, when authority was never actually conferred upon the government agent in question.For example, the contractor may perceive that the COR has authority to conduct a particular inspection, when in fact the COR does not have that authority because the authority has been delegated to a particular government . The proposals are evaluated against the evaluation factors which must include cost/price to the Government. In the United States, a single person is authorized to make the decision to use a nuclear weaponthe president. In plain English that means the work falls under the basic intent of the original contract. Source of COR authority is the Contracting Officer (KO) A COR must be designated/appointed by the KO in writing Authority specified in COR Designation Letter Specifies scope and limitations of authority delegated Separate designation made for each contract/order The Constitution empowers Congress to authorize the militia to be called forth to execute federal law. false, LIST THE CONTENTS OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)/ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PLAN (PAP):The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan identifies ALL work requiring surveillance and the method of surveillance: . true. Focus on what matters Your fellow students write the study notes themselves, which is why the documents are always reliable and up-to-date. actors in the acquisition process: program manager (PM), project manager (PjM), contracting officer's representative (COR), and contracting officer (CO). One of the primary responsibilities of the COR is the review of invoices/public vouchers. Conduct market research and develop requirements. Must be designated in writing, and a copy must be furnished the contractor and the contract administration office: Specifying the extent of the CORs authority to act on behalf of the contracting officer; Identifying the limitations on the CORs authority; Specifying the period covered by the designation; Stating the authority is not redelegate; and. CORs ensure that the government gets what they need by ensuring that contractors deliver high-quality solutions on time. No federal endorsement of sponsors intended. It can establish or continue a federal agency, program, project, or activity. Typically the KO will designate inspection and acceptance related duties. Common causes of a constructive change include: When there is a difference of opinion between the COR and the contractor on a specification within the contract, the COR should direct the contractor to perform in accordance with the COR's interpretation. DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: IDENTIFY DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS WHEN PERFORMING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE:The COR may officially accepts supplies and services for the Government. Manage Settings Contracting Officers are responsible for deciding if they need an individual to serve as their authorized representative (i.e., COR) for purposes of monitoring the technical or administrative aspects of contractor performance during the life-cycle of the contract. The words have multiple meanings, some of which overlap a bit. A separate Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) should be used for each item on a contract. . IDENTIFY HOW POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CAN AFFECT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT:There are numerous statutory and regulatory prohibitions on the conduct of procurement personnel acting in an official capacity. true, DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:Contracting Officer's Representatives do not have authority to modify the contract; however, they are vital to the process as they are relied upon to notify the Contracting Officer of required contract changes and evaluating proposals. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . DETERMINE IF A CHANGE IS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT:The program manager for the transportation directorate requested that the COR submit a request to change the contract. However, on a base or installation or in a contingency contracting environment, equipment may be accountable under the contract as Government Property. A COR will typically use a ____________ to document the inspection and acceptance of a supply or service. A sample . In countable terms the difference between authorization and authority is that authorization is (A document giving) formal sanction, permission or warrant while authority is a person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject. Invoice does not comply with contract requirements, the reason the in defining the for... Whenever possible Mother Jones reported at the end of the government to ACT the contracting timeframe:... Requirements, the invoice must be returned to the government and additional expense to the Officer. 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the cor has the authority to authorize overtime

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