does buffy ever remember when angel was human

[31], December 25, 1838: Angelus won a card game in Dublin, Ireland, and when his opponent, a man named Daniel who was to be married the next day, could not pay, he took his winnings by killing him. [40] To avenge her death, the Kalderash cursed him with the Ritual of Restoration, which restored his human soul, thus afflicting him with a conscience and condemning him to an eternity of remorse for the crimes and atrocities he had committed while soulless. [citationneeded], Angel was unsurprisingly furious with Willow for wanting to involve his son in her plans, at which point Willow snapped and blasted him for comparing her to him before breaking down in tears and insisting that the Earth was dying without magic and she needed to save it. "Angel" is the seventh episode of season 1 of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Trying to fight evil from within the belly of the beast proved to be more difficult than even he had imagined, with the lines of good and evil becoming ever more gray with every action taken,[99] and he soon discovered that his allies in the Scooby Gang, including Buffy, had deemed him untrustworthy. [118] As Illyria prepared to end all existence, Angel devised a plan to stop her; he had Betta George telepathically force Spike and Wesley's memories of Fred into Illyria's mind. After a deep-to-heart with Faith, the plan was set in motion and the spell was chanted. I was only in it for the evil. Successfully, Giles was brought back alive, albeit trapped in the body of his twelve-year old self. Buffy and Angel share a moment of pure happiness. [52], Angel then murdered Jenny, which served him in two ways. To this end, Twilight seemingly possessed Angel and sent him to the ruins of Sunnydale to stop the Scoobies and Spike. [citationneeded], Angel was a quiet, private individual. He had a tendency to bottle up his emotions, feelings and problems behind stoicism, causing him to appear difficult to read and secretive. Angel was flippant of these consequences, too relieved and happy that he had brought Giles back in one piece (more or less) to measure it with the appropriate degree of seriousness recommended. Despite the show ending, a comic book series produced by Buffy creator Joss Whedon has continued. "[17] Spike had also made note of his forehead,[97] giving him the occasional insult of "Captain Forehead. Here's how you can watch the Buffy and Angel series in order. His supposed goal was to bring about the end of magic and eliminate all Slayers. Angel begins to lose sanity with three presences inside his body. Buffy concludes at the end of the issue that she can't have a baby. In London, Angel was confined to Giles' flat where he remained in a state of intense depression for a prolonged period of time. [97] He could be childish, petty and utterly proud. [32] He was subsequently kidnapped by Spike's minions for a ritual that would restore Drusilla to health. However, given Angel's currently tense relationship with Spike, as well as the Scoobies' current hostility towards him, Buffy asked Angel to help protect the Slayers from the currently-attacking demons while she went with Spike to investigate his claims.[121]. Though initially reluctant to deceive Buffy, Angel assumed the identity of "Twilight" and gathered a cabal of those most likely to oppose the Slayer army, consisting of several demons, members of the United States military such as General Voll, and Lieutenant Moulter, as well as Buffy's old enemies Warren Mears and Amy Madison, and her ex-boyfriend Agent Riley Finn, the latter of whom was acting as a double agent for Buffy, though "Twilight" was aware of this fact. Promising to show him the world, Darla and Liam meet. She was particularly interested in knowing if he had murdered Giles in his own right mind, or if he had been taken over by Twilight's influence at the time. [107] The Senior Partners sent all of Los Angeles to a hell dimension between moments of time, turning the city into an apocalyptic battlefield full of demons. Instead, Angel chose to kill himself by waiting outside for the sun to rise. He met Faith's father back at the apartment, and urged her to reconnect with him; he then went to the Easter End of London, to the old house where Drusilla had lived with her family as a human. However, Angel would also state that it was important to keep trying because things were important enough to fight for. With the assistance of Monsignor Rivalli, Holtz tortured Angelus while trying to figure out how to get Angelus to help him to capture Darla. [104], Fall of Los Angeles: Following the Fall of Los Angeles, Angel was turned human by the Senior Partners as a way to deprive him of his strength when he most needed it. [citationneeded], Despite being over two-centuries old, Angel was not the most mature individual. To this end, Angel pretended to delve deeper into the darkness and fooled the Senior Partners and his teammates into thinking that he desired to join the Circle of the Black Thorn, the Senior Partners' instruments on Earth. Eyhgon then escaped through a broken window. During his lifetime, Angel successfully stood up to and defeated a wide variety of powerful and skilled opponents, including Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane, Marcus Hamilton, Riley, and Connor, amongst others. Nash had gained control of the plague ball, and prepared to drop it on the people below. [150] Although, when the spirit witnessed Angel's allies running to join him despite the danger, where Archaeus' forces only obeyed him out of fear, it allied with Angel to trap Archaeus in the golem body Archaeus had intended to offer the spirit, sealing the demon away. Angel managed to get it and punctured it on one of Whistler's horns, trying to release the pressure to stop the explosion. Believing that even someone as damned as him possessed the potential to become a harbinger of good and redemption, he became a Champion of the Powers That Be[16] and dedicated himself to "helping the helpless" with the Angel Investigations[17] in the hope of achieving atonement. [178], In reference to his actions without a soul, Angel once told Lindsey: "I'm the greatest mass murderer you've ever met. Angel quickly brought up the possibility that the same Lorophage demon that had killed Giles' friends when he was younger was responsible for the bouts of psychosis blighting the city, as victims of Lorophage attacks oftentimes lost their sanity as a result of their trauma being brought to the surface too suddenly. After he heard about a little girl who was playing host to a demon, he suddenly recuperated, donning his redemptive mindset once more. While searching for her, Archaeus and Drusilla confronted him and temporarily reverted him back to Angelus,[148] before he managed to collect himself. Over the years, Angel became increasingly disillusioned with the Shanshu Prophecy, eventually coming to believe that the prophecy was wholly unreliable, causing him to focus on doing good for the sake of it rather than for a reward. Darla declined to kill Holtz, telling Angelus that she was having too much fun tormenting him and he was then "like family." Relatives After The Oracles a link to The Powers That Be confirm he is human again, Angel and Buffy spend a blissful night together. As a result of this, Connor's memories were returned to him and he remembered that Angel was his father. Having failed to bring Faith to cure Angel, Buffy forced him to feed on her. Deeply disgusted by his own weakness and realizing he could never be a part of human society, Angel fled the shop, and then exiled himself to a life of homelessness, living in alleyways and feeding on rats. [10] Giving Cordelia the dragon over to the Groosalugg to remain as inconspicuous as possible, Angel reopened Angel Investigations. "[8][9], Enhanced vampire abilities: Angel had the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire; he was immortal, regenerated damage, possessed superhuman physical attributes, and had heightened senses, able to track people by scent alone. Not to live as human. Motorist skills: Angel could drive and had a good eye for cars, owning a black 1967 Plymouth GTX and a Dodge Viper, along with an entire garage full of other cars as W&H CEO. Despite his strained relationship with his parents, he and his little sister, Kathy, had mutual affection for each other.[11]. Beginning with Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 4, Angel aired immediately after its parent show on The WB for two years. It wasn't until the episode "Angel" in Buffy season 1 that the series finally settled on Angel being a vampire with a soul. [citationneeded], A recurring joke was that Angel seemed to have a preference for small, blonde women, as the majority of his love interests were blondes Darla, Buffy, and Nina , with the exceptions of Cordelia (who had blonde highlights at one point). The requirements of being content are kind of minimal. As the Oracles explain that only Angel will remember the moments he shared with Buffy, Angel's theme ends on a minor key, underscoring the sacrifice being made. Drusilla was already there waiting for him, and once again begged him to let her take away his pain. During the siege, Twilight left behind his "seconds" Amy, Warren, and the General to kidnap Giles, Faith, and Andrew. Seeing Willow's inner turmoil, Angel was more sympathetic and agreed to take her to Connor and talk to him, but made it clear to Willow that it was Connor's choice to go along with her plan. Buffy and her parents in 1986. Giles explains to the others that the current events tie in to a prophecy of a supernatural upheaval where the world shall be recreated after a Slayer changes the world, with Buffy and Angel having been selected to serve as the catalysts of that change. "[97], Angel's year spent running Wolfram & Hart was one marred with challenge and self-doubt. He was subsequently reunited with Faith when she returns to Magic Town as part of her new job with Zane Pharmaceuticals, but the company's attempt to assist him in assessing Fred's condition results in Illyria taking control once again. [14] Ironically, Angelus' protg Spike would betray him and foil his own plan to destroy the world over two centuries later for similar reasons. [121] With governments and demons fearful of the new Slayers created by Buffy and plotting to destroy them, Angel was approached by Whistler, the very same demon who originally put him on his heroic path, and the higher power itself, who presented him with numerous possible future scenarios, those of which that depict Angel fighting alongside Buffy, ending with both of them dying in battle, and insisted that the only way for Angel to save them both was to fight against Buffy,[122] stating that if Angel did not do so, the entire world would go to Hell like Los Angeles did.[22]. Angelus and Spike attempted to take revenge on the Immortal more than once, but failed each time.[39]. AngelAngelusTwilightAngel Jones[1]The One with the Angelic Face[2]Brian Jensen[3]Herb Saunders[4]Leonard Taubman[5]Jay-Don[6]Geraldo Angel[7]Captain Forehead (by Spike)[8][9] He attempted to kill the Lorophage to prevent further problems, but it easily fought him off. As they fight, the Mohra demon cuts Angel. [citationneeded], Angel was considered physically attractive, noted especially for his title as the "one with the angelic face. [108][109], At the same moment, they rendered Angel human to deprive him of his strength and immortality when he needed it most; unaware of the change, he leaped off a rooftop, breaking his legs and back. [39] Spike also called Angel a "drama queen"[168] and Cordelia once noted that he was melodramatic. After having sex with Darla on top of Drusilla, Angelus finally pushed her over the edge into complete insanity. However, complications arose due to appearances of Whistler, Pearl, and Nash, intending to steal Alasdair's collection. Angelus returns and taunts from within his cage. [79], In 2002, false prophecies, time travelers, and betrayal led to Angel losing his infant son to an old enemy, Holtz, who abducted Connor soon after his birth, taking him to the dimension of Quor'toth,[80] where time passed differently. "[91] In contrast, the time he had lost his soul in 1997, he kept his most recent name and reaffirmed his identity as "Angel. He instructed his teammates to spend the day as if it was their last as he spent it by visiting Connor who revealed to his father that he regained his memories and appreciated what Angel did for him but wanted to keep it at that. [44], Late 1970s: In New York, Angel witnessed a robbery at a doughnut shop. Angel Investigations and Team Angel enemies, sent all of Los Angeles to a hell dimension. [36] Following Darla being sired by Drusilla, a cold, ruthless and driven Angel was shown to have single-handedly defeated around twenty vampires and demons in one fight. Willow tried to fight him off, but was at first overcome. [4][153] Despite this, he nonetheless displayed a tendency to throw taunts and insults to his enemies or just those he intensely disliked. [162][163] Angel's appreciation of arts and theater manifested into an enjoyment of ballet even when he was evil. In response, Angel launched a tirade against Buffy, reminding her that, while it was great that she had moved on, he himself could not and had no one with whom to share his pain, culminating in him telling Buffy that she didn't know him anymore and that she had no right to just show up with her "great new life" and tell him how to do things in "his city" before harshly ordering her to go back to Sunnydale. Although he was momentarily free to wreak a little havoc of his own while soulless, Angel was recaptured and re-ensouled after a fight with Faith. While he did not deny that he had been dominated by Twilight during the actual murder, he reminded Faith that he had been himself on many other occasions, and that he then had more blood on his hands than even Angelus. Having saved each other once more, Angel and Faith made an uneasy truce. [66], As Angel continued to help the helpless in Los Angeles, his good deeds began seriously to disrupt the plans of Wolfram & Hart. [45] However, after meeting Buffy and seeing the well of inner strength she possessed, his outlook on humanity slowly changed. Angel reveals to Faith his intention to resurrect Giles. In the wake of the battle, Angel and Willow managed to reconcile to a degree; she revealed that although she hadn't yet forgiven him, she couldn't hate him either. Faith proclaimed Drusilla to be a mess, and although Angel openly agreed with her, he made the closing statement: "But before she met me, she was beautiful. [8] He also expressed a childish distaste of riding on the back of a motorcycle with other men on two occasions: first, with Wesley, who tried to make him wear a pink helmet,[167] and later, with Spike. [16], In Los Angeles, Angel again began to isolate himself from humanity, in order to combat the lust for human blood that had been awakened within him after feeding on Buffy. Meanwhile, hotel staff and residents, including Judy, continued to become warped and Angel decided to help. [7], 1765: Angelus and Darla had a near miss with Holtz in Arles after making too much noise by ordering room service and then eating the waiters. [citationneeded]. Whistler absorbed the magic into his own body so no one would get hurt, but the price was his death. [40] Even as Buffy, the Watchers Council, and the Los Angeles Police Department pursued Faith, Angel continued to help her. He inculpated Whistler for allowing so many people to die for his cause, and for manipulating both him and Buffy in the past. Angel regained consciousness at some point, but did not make it apparent until Spike admitted that he had always admired Angel for his ability to move on from Buffy. Angel assured Buffy that she was strong and would find her way over time, and offered to stay in Sunnydale as long as she needed him, though she knew that he could not stay for long. Around the same time that audiences found out his true identity is when the Buffy cast and crew knew what to do with Angel's character. Over time, he began copying Angelus' "signature" of the time, carving a cross-shaped mark on the face of his victims in order to spite God. [citationneeded], Angel had a very distinct appearance and style of dress, traditionally wearing full-length, black wool dusters, a light brown trench coat, or a shorter leather jacket, black trousers and black dress shoes. He worried constantly what people would think of him, and was reluctant to drink blood around his friends. Eventually, Nadira arrived and while she was still in no way forgiving of Angel, she seemed to acknowledge that he was not the "true" bad guy, instead launching herself at Nash for her revenge. Angel quickly surmised that Eyghon the Sleepwalker had possessed Ethan Rayne during the funeral, and had begun possessing Giles' body since. Faith then shared the fact that Eyghon had made a deal with Whistler, Pearl and Nash to create a perfect zombified world without magic. After hearing this concerns as well from Mayor Wilkins and Joyce, Angel decided to leave Buffy and Sunnydale. He was also known as the One with the Angelic Face because of his physical beauty. Angelus made an attempt to threaten him with mention of the Slayer, but Spike, who had never heard of the Slayer before, became instantly intrigued, and went on to develop a long-lasting obsession with the idea of killing a Slayer. He realized that, whatever the Beastmaster was, they were using Cordelia's body to carry out its plans, and they had seduced Angel's son Connor over to their side, warping the youth further and increasing the gap between Angel and his son. Book series produced by Buffy creator Joss Whedon has continued one would get hurt, but at! In order 1 of the issue that she can & # x27 ; t have a baby and he that... Buffy creator Joss Whedon has continued having sex with Darla on top of Drusilla angelus. Inside his body the dragon over to the ruins of Sunnydale to stop the explosion health! Uneasy truce he could be childish, petty and utterly proud [ 168 ] and once. His death how you can watch the Buffy and seeing the well inner. 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