king ferdinand of naples death by eels

Ferdinand became ruler of Naples after the French armies departed, leaving behind a city that had been ravaged by plague and misuse, streets filled with starving people, and an army that was lacking in manpower and especially ill-equipped to serve the Borgia family's need of a powerful military ally in their upcoming war against Catherina Sforza. [12] When the Sacro regio consiglio, judicial authority of the kingdom, was established by Alfonso, he was assigned the position of president. [12][59], Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the capital and after Naples he wanted only the city of L'Aquila to be granted the privilege of license to open a Studium. The Castellano then, in front of all the people, handed the keys of the castle to Ferrante, who returned them to him and ordered to keep the fortress well. The Prince of Rossano, on the other hand, was at war in Sora, where the Pope's army, urged by Ferrante for the assault, did not want to move, claiming that the Pope had not sent him to help the king as there was none. Among the conditions of the treaty was that the King recognized the Roman Church, paying him the usual income, as well as the chinea, and stopped harassing the barons. In 1471 Ferrante made alliances with England, with Burgundy and with the Republic of Venice. Historian Jacob Burckhardt described Ferrante's recreational activities as follows: "his pleasures were of two kinds: he liked to have his opponents near him, either alive in well-guarded prisons, or dead and embalmed, dressed in the costume which they wore in their lifetime." He managed to take Cosenza, which was sacked, Scigliano, Martorano, Nicastro, Bisignano and in a short time almost the whole province returned to the king. All this took place with the complicity of Pope Sixtus IV, who did not look favorably on Venetian expansionism in the Aegean.[34]. The Cardinal carried out the task so well that from then on there was no more talk of expired censuses, nor of the restitution of those lands. The side facing the countryside was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno . Ferdinand I of Naples should not be confused with Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, a later king of Naples. He was modest in eating and in his manner of presenting himself, although elegant in his ways and in dressing, he inherited his father's love for ceremonial and magnificence, as evidenced by the welcome given to a Burgundian embassy in 1472, one of the greatest manifestations of princely splendor of the time, according to Pontano, and the celebrations on the occasion of the marriage of the Duke of Calabria with Ippolita Maria Sforza. Ferdinand II, (born June 26, 1467, Naples [Italy]died Oct. 5, 1496, Naples), prince of Capua, duke of Calabria, and king of Naples (1495-96), who recovered his kingdom from French occupation. Meanwhile Sixtus had died and his successor, Pope Innocent VIII, after having lifted the excommunication of the Venetians that Sisto had given him, wanted to re-establish the payment of the census in the kingdom of Naples. The Castellano then asked the barons if the new king was Don Alfonso's son and they all said yes. Considered one of the greatest expressions of fifteenth-century defensive architecture, the walls stemmed from the need to strengthen the protections of the capital, especially in the aftermath of the Ottoman capture of Otranto in 1480. [12][16], Although he had overcome this obstacle, Ferrante still did not feel safe, since he did not yet have Callixtus III on his side, even though he had been his teacher and friend of his father before becoming Pope. After having enriched himself and enriched the state with the ruin of the barons, to keep the kingdom safe and therefore to keep the greatest condottieri of that century at his service, such as Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, the two Prospero and Fabrizio Colonna, Niccol di Pitigliano and many others, he began to fortify the fortresses of the capital again, without receiving a minimum of disturbance from these voluntary and pleasant operations. [25][55], Pope Innocent VIII, after the peace treaty, was a close friend of the king throughout his life, and pleased him in everything he asked of him. All this was confirmed by the bull of Pius II, on November 2, 1458. Luisa Carlotta of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1804 - 1844), married her maternal uncle Francisco de Paula of Spain, had eleven children; Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1806 - 1878), married (1) her maternal uncle Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, had two daughters including Queen Isabella II of Spain (2 . Answer: Alfonso is the son of King Ferrante of Naples. In this battle, four thousand enemies fell and a thousand others remained prisoners with twenty-five flags and the victors, rich in the spoils of the vanquished, celebrated the triumph for 8 days. Its foreign and diplomatic policy aimed at assuming the task of regulating the events of the peninsula in order not to disturb the political balance given by the Treaty of Lodi, to affirm the hegemony of the Kingdom of Naples over the other Italian states and to tighten through its diplomats and marriages of his numerous legitimate and natural children, a dense network of alliances and relationships with Italian and foreign sovereigns, earned him the fame and the nickname of Judge of Italy, in addition to being recognized as a generous patron. [13], His embalmed corpse was placed in a chest covered with gold brocade , and was buried in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore. [12][16], Holy Father. [12][29], The king, on the other hand, managed to defeat his enemies in Capitanata, took Troia and entirely subdued that province. He especially loved men of graceful mottos and poets and it is said that at their request he forgave those guilty of serious crimes. Some barons, seeing the defeats of the Angevins, decided to surrender to the king, as did Giovanni Caracciolo, Duke of Melfi, among other things.[12][29]. Furthermore, the magnificence of his court and the wealth of means at his disposal created him the reputation of a very rich sovereign; and finally his flashy diplomatic and war triumphs, his wise financial and administrative reforms, and the considerable aids given to writers and artists were able to give good hopes to the subjects who were favorable to his house. His remains show levels of carbon 13 and nitrogen 15 consistent with historical reports of considerable consumption of meat. [12][35], The death of Pope Paul on July 26, 1471, and the succession of Pope Sixtus IV, former Cardinal Francesco della Rovere, ended all discords. The castle was completed in 1492, as can be seen from the engraving of a walled plaque on the "Porta Paterna" together with the Aragonese coat of arms quartered with the tripartite of Angi family: "Ferdinandus Rex Divi Alphonsi Filius Divi Ferdinandi Nepos Aragonius Arcem Ha(n)c Vetustate Collabente(m) Ad Im(pe)tus Tormentorum Substine(n)dos Quae (Ni)mio Feruntur Spiritu In Ampliorem Firmioremq(ue) Formam Restituit Millesimo CCCCLXXXXII". Meanwhile, seeing his plan fail, the prince of Taranto attempted another enterprise: with the help of the barons and above all of Marino Marzano, who hated Ferrante mortally because the rumor had spread that the king had committed incest with his Eleonora Marino's sister and wife, they decided to call in 1459 John, Duke of Anjou, son of King Ren, who was still in Genoa, to convince him to undertake the enterprise of conquering the throne of Naples. [34], But the equilibrium achieved with great effort soon proved to be very precarious. Ordo. The Turkish danger was, explicitly, the basis of the royal decision to adequately fortify Brindisi. [73] Likewise in the first one on the right is represented the King who valiantly puts the conspirators to flight with the verses: "HOS REX MARTIPOTENS ANIMOSIOR HECTORE CLARO / SENSIT VT INSIDIAS ENSE MICANTE FVGAT". In Novello da San Lucano he entrusted him with the reconstruction of the basilica of San Domenico Maggiore, after the ruin of a large part of the building due to the previous earthquake. Ferrante, with his diplomacy made up of moves and counter-moves, also forged ties with the Duke of Ferrara and the King of Hungary, who, as mentioned, had married two of his daughters. In order to ensure a good future for his illegitimate son, his father Alfonso had called him to Naples. He was a popular prince but a short-lived monarch who died just after he regained his throne with the help of a Spanish army sent by his cousin Ferdinand II of Aragon. Ferrante, recognizing the virtues of this Pontiff, wanted to pay homage to him by giving the Duchy of Sora (which he had taken from Giovanni Paolo Cantelmo) to Leonardo della Rovere, with whom he then married one of his daughters. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in Salerno , the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety.and sign them in his name. Frederick was a prince endowed with rare and incomparable virtues, handsome, with very sweet behavior, moderate and modest, so much so that he was loved by all and of habits opposed to his brother Duke of Calabria. When the Prince of Viana saw this display, he boarded a ship in Naples, abandoning his supporters, and fled to Sicily, with the Catalan barons who had not had fiefs in the kingdom from Alfonso. The pacification of the kingdom of Naples had positive effects throughout Italy and the alliance was, as Ernesto Pontieri writes, also beneficial "for the purpose of preserving peace in Italy". Meanwhile, the Duke of Calabria had invaded the Papal State and after having fought many battles he had managed to get to the gates of Rome, laying siege to it. Ferrante erected the Porta del Carmine and that of San Gennaro and for this work he spent 28466 ducats, on his order the table bridges placed in front of each gate of the city were removed and on the side of the Carmelo church he had that door built that can be seen adorned of travertine stones, he had the Porta Capuana transported, which was near the Castel Capuano on the sides of the church of Santa Caterina in Formiello, where it was magnificently built with sculptures worked in marvelous fine marbles, he had an armory built such as to be able to contain weapons for sixty thousand soldiers, completed the famous tower that now serves as the bell tower of the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore begun by Charles II, for his arrangement the cenacle of the friars of Santa Maria la Nova was painted by the brothers Pietro and Ippolito del Donzello and he also had many places of worship repaired, adorning them with precious furnishings. [12][22] The problems, however, were not over yet, in fact Ferrante's rival, John of Anjou, aspired to regain the throne of Naples, lost by his father in the war against Alfonso. The Pope seeing soured the mood of the King and could not with the army and with other ways to resist him, he immediately sent to Naples on Cardinal Roverella to try appease Ferrante, who angrily ordered to Alfonso his son to remove the Duchy of Sora to the Church. In 1460, he was defeated at the Sarno by John II, Duke of Lorraine, and he was nearly captured. Ferdinand I, Italian Ferrante or Ferdinando, (born 1423, Valencia, Spaindied Jan. 25, 1494), king of Naples from 1458. In Naples he had as teachers Valla, Panormita, Borgia and Gabriele Altilio, who taught him for many years. Furthermore, Ferrante established in Naples the first musical school in Italy and one of the first in Europe, which involved the major musicians of the time such as: Bernhard Hykaert, the aforementioned Tinctoris, Guglielmo Guarnier and Franchino Gaffurio, who from 1475 to 1478 covered the position of Master of the Chapel of the Royal Palace. valiantly from the impulses of enemies. Once the undertaking was over, the Pope renewed his request for censuses obtained with greater diligence than before. [13] He was, as mentioned, a patron of the arts and a lover of letters,[12][65] in fact he wrote a book containing someepistles and very elegant prayers called Militari, which was published in 1486,[13] where his good taste for good letters can be seen. [12][28], Gjergj Kastrioti, nicknamed Skanderbeg, came to help King Ferrante from Albania with numerous ships, 700 horses and 1000 veteran infantrymen, a very famous man at that time for his campaigns against the Turks of Mohammed II, who reciprocated the help of Alfonso the Magnanimous who years earlier, when the Turks had attacked him in Albania where he ruled, had rescued him. ), wife of Leonardo Della Rovere, Duke of Arce and Sora; Ilaria, wife of Giovanni del Tevere, prefect of Rome and nephew of Sixtus IV; Enrico ( - 1478), eldest son and Marquis of Gerace. Ferdinando II had eleven siblings. [64] The death of this sovereign was preceded by huge earthquakes, which caused many buildings to collapse in Naples, Capua, Gaeta and Aversa and it is said that on the day he was buried, the Mint of Naples had largely collapsed. October 1476. from the marriage to his first wife Isabella di Chiaromonte ( 1465): his daughter Leonora (or Eleonora) (1450-1493), Duchess of Ferrara, Reggio and Modena. But it was instead Ferrante's ambition that decreed the end of the alliance, when in 1473 he demanded the possession of the island of Cyprus, protectorate of the Serenissima, proposing in complete secrecy to marry his son Alfonso with a daughter of King James. At the top is depicted King Ferrante who witnesses the entrance of his vanguard into the city, which stands out in the background with its mighty fortifications. Alfonso despised the barons, in fact he always used to tell his confidants that if the barons had not been able to help their king in dire need during the war in Otranto, he wanted to teach him how the subjects must behave with their sovereign, assuring him that by oppressing the barons would have favored the people they exploited; and to spread the word of his opposition, Alfonso decided to place a crest broom on the helmet and some pincers in the saddle of the horse, demonstrating that he wanted to annihilate them. King Ferrante, who for the past war of Otranto found himself tired and impoverished, did not dare to enter the war, but in the end also pushed by the will of the Duke of Calabria, resolved to help his son-in-law and daughter, with the aim also of preventing the Venetians and the Pope from increasing their territories. The development of the new fortification, delimiting the eastern side of the capital, was about two kilometers long and included twenty powerful cylindrical towers embanked at the base, including four gates. It was an important moment for municipal freedoms. King Ferrante, although a very prudent prince, for the great affection he bore to the Duke Don Alfonso, for his old age and for the love and caresses of his new bride, was disheartened by low affections, and seeing that he trusted a lot in the value of duke gave him almost all the reins of the government. The bones of the heroic Martyrs of Otranto were then buried by Alfonso with all honors, some of which in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Otranto, later transferred to the Church of Santa Caterina in Formiello, where they are venerated as relics of martyrs. Seeing the kingdom in disorder, he took advantage of it to become master of the city, even starting to extort the inhabitants of the neighboring villages. Bayezid was very indignant for this and recruited a mighty army against the knights, which in 1483 passed over Rhodes. The Skanderbeg, having known this, told him that the next day he would engage him in battle and Skanderbeg, having arrived in Bari, joined Ferrante who had set up his camp in Orsara, in Apulia. July 16, 2015. Hum. In short, he influenced the prince with great ardor, so much so that each baron believed that Frederick would not refuse the gift; but this prince who had neither ambition, nor immoderate thirst to dominate, but only virtue, after having thanked for the offer, very placidly replied that if by granting him the kingdom he had been under their control, he would have gladly accepted the gift, but Not being able to take possession of the kingdom, if not violating all the laws, the paternal will and the reason of his brother, he refused. To ensure a good future for his illegitimate son, his Father Alfonso king ferdinand of naples death by eels called him to.! 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