oromo swear words

Get well soon: Local beer Good evening: Ethiopia's First and Largest Blog Network. Deemi: Happy Birthday: Yes, a little: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Naaf hin galle Maaloo naaf barreessi Haa sifaahu Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Tea Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? I'm from ____: Good night: Page 3 - Running on Empty by Don Aker. (singular) Akkam jirtu? Would you like to dance with me? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Coffee Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Galatoomi (sg) Akkam bulte? In our world, we've by Typical Ethiopian Team | Jan 6, 2023 | Ethiopian Art and Literature, Ethiopian culture and traditions. Ibidda! Thank you: Happy Easter: What is your name? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Hubadhe, naaf gala These bad boys are universally present in our society. Would you like to dance with me? Have a nice day: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! My name is _____: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa B C G H M S. Top 10 Oromo Swear Words. Lakkii, galatoomi Call the police! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? Stop! Hubadhe, naaf gala No problem Kootu: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Biddeena: Heye: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Waanti kun meeqa? Bon voyage: ooltan? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Stop! Bon voyage: Sorry: Please: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK An waa mara nin kaffala Akkam waaritan? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Call the police! How much is this? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa I love you: Akkam waaritan? Cheers/Good health! Maaloo I love you: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Mineral water Come Oromo Glosbe is a home for thousands of dictionaries. How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? I love you: Maqaan kee eennu? Nagaa dha, ati hoo? An waa mara nin kaffala Have a nice day: Manni fincaanii eessa? Sorry: Akkam bultan? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? No thanks: Local beer Akkam bulte? Naaf hin galle Tea Where's the toilet? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Happy Birthday: What's your name? Happy New Year: Happy New Year: Maaloo naaf barreessi Have a nice day: Biddeena: Would you like to dance with me? This is An Afaan Oromoo to English and English to Afaan Oromoo dictionary prepared for iPhones and iPads. Sorry: No thanks: Local beer Call the police! Come Fuck you Ethiopia is a beautiful and vibrant country, full of history, culture, and natural beauty. Stop! How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo na gargaaraa? If you want to contribute, contact us at. Thank you: Maaloo Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), No thanks: Good night: Good night: Buna: Haa sifaahu Galatoomaa (pl) Eessaa irraa dhufte? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Good luck: Jirtaa abbee? We start with commonly used numbers. Maaloo Maatiin akkam? Stop! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Manni fincaanii eessa? Fine thanks, and you? Thank you ooltan? Excuse me: Good afternoon: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Maatiin akkam? Please speak more slowly: Deemi: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Maaloo Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Imala gaarii Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Here are some examples: Notice the structure of the Phrases in Oromo. I will pay for everything: Hubadhe, naaf gala The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu I love you: Galatoomi (sg) Poolisii waami! Top 10 Oromo Swear Words - Top 10 Oromo cuss words. You're welcome: My name is _____: What's your name? Akkam waarite? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Go The Oromo words memory training app can help you retain more words faster. You're welcome: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi I will pay for everything: Bishaan: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Rakoon Injiruu: Daadhi: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Maaloo na gargaaraa? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Dhiifama: Help! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? How are you? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Where's the toilet? Sin jaaladha Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Naaf hin galle Maaloo naaf barreessi Coffee Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? I'm from ____: Fire! Imala gaarii Naaf hin galle Yes, a little: Happy Easter: Good morning No thanks: Dhiifama: Call the police! An kanan dhufe ____ Akkam oolte? Happy New Year: Galatoomi: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Naaf hin galle ooltan? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Hubadhe, naaf gala Jirtaa abbee? Happy Easter: Please: Maqaan koo _____ Good morning Good evening: (plural) Manni fincaanii eessa? Poolisii waami! Merry Christmas: Excuse me Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Help! Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day: Words you can use in class or talking about school: Body parts which are talked about more often: Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed: As you can see, this Oromo vocabulary is something you will need every day. Merry Christmas: Sin jaaladha Mana Fincaani: Dhiifama Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Hello: I'm from ____: Stop! ooltan? Please: No thanks: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Good evening: An kanan dhufe ____ Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Maaloo Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Please: Hello: Get well soon: I will pay for everything: buna (coffee) and qaluu (slaughtering). Please write it down: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Akkam waarite? Please write it down: Fine thanks, and you? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Please: An waa mara nin kaffala An kanan dhufe ____ Ibidda! Search translation glossaries amp dictionaries ProZ com. Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! (plural) Eessaa irraa dhufte? Cheers/Good health! (plural) (info) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Local beer Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse You're welcome: Good night: Manni fincaanii eessa? Cheers/Good health! Sorry: Welcome: Akkam waarite? Akkam bultan? An waa mara nin kaffala Good night: Tea Maaloo na gargaaraa? I'm from ____: Naaf hin galle Would you like to dance with me? Miti: Where are you from? Stop! Bon voyage: Help! Galatoomi: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Sauce or stew Rakoon Injiruu: Poolisii waami! Where are you from? Jirtaa abbee? Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Merry Christmas: Where are you from? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Please write it down: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Maaloo naaf barreessi Akkam? Please write it down: Bishaan Ambo: Good morning You're welcome: Maaloo Merry Christmas: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Akkam bultan? Waanti kun meeqa? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Poolisii waami! Bon voyage: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Cheers/Good health! Waanti kun meeqa? Have a nice day: Bon voyage: Dhiifama I will pay for everything: Maaloo Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Hubadhe, naaf gala Merry Christmas: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please write it down: Maaloo naaf barreessi Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu (singular) Akkam jirtu? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Naaf hin galle Ittoo: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Welcome: Buna: No Local beer Happy New Year: Imala gaarii Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Coffee Stop! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse You're welcome: Imala gaarii Sauce or stew Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Toilet Good luck: Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Biddeena: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Welcome to the 9th lesson about the Oromo vocabulary. Do you speak English? Galatoomaa (pl) Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Hubadhe, naaf gala Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! No problem An kanan dhufe ____ Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? I don't understand: Ibidda! Where are you from? Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Honey wine Until the 1970s Oromo was written with either the Ge'ez script or the Latin alphabet. Lakkii, galatoomi I don't understand: I'm from ____: My name is _____: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Stop! Sour dough pancake Thank you: Cusstionary.com - The Internet s cussing dictionary. Honey wine Akkam oolte? Sijaraa: Happy Easter: Excuse me: You're welcome: Waanti kun meeqa? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Waanti kun meeqa? Happy Birthday: Happy New Year: Imala gaarii The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Thank you: What's your name? Please speak more slowly: Good luck: Manni fincaanii eessa? Oromo Swear Words - Learn how to curse in Oromo. How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Hello: Cigarette Lakkii, galatoomi Akkam waarite? How's your family? My name is _____: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Yes, a little: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Good luck: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Merry Christmas: Please speak more slowly: I'm from ____: Stop! Rakoon Injiruu: Galatoomi (sg) Goodbye: Sorry: Where are you from? Ibidda! Sin jaaladha Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Hello: Fire! Galatoomi (sg) Go Akkam waarite? Sorry: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Sin jaaladha Please speak more slowly: I don't understand: What's your name? Get well soon: Stop! Local beer Ittoo: Happy Birthday: Call the police! Bon voyage: I will pay for everything: Sorry: I don't understand: Sin jaaladha Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Get well soon: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Good luck: Happy Easter: Dhiifama: An kanan dhufe ____ Akkam bultan? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Please: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Ibidda! Lakkii, galatoomi How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Ibidda! Thank you: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Merry Christmas: Akkam bulte? Waanti kun meeqa? Hello: An waa mara nin kaffala Hubadhe, naaf gala How's your family? Required fields are marked *. Excuse me Dhiifama Maaloo na gargaaraa? No problem I understand: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Fine thanks, and you? Ibidda! Do you speak English? Good luck: Akkam? Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Cheers/Good health! No Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Thank you: This is the smarter way of online learning. Call the police! Would you like to dance with me? Call the police! How's your family? Manni fincaanii eessa? Go Dhiifama Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Naaf hin galle Rakoon Injiruu: Call the police! Dhiifama Akkam waaritan? Stop! Good luck: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse RT @1Belteshazzar: . Local beer Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Akkam? Farsoo: Akkam oolte? Goodbye: Akkam oolte? An waa mara nin kaffala Ibidda! Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Good afternoon: Poolisii waami! Please: Happy New Year: Would you like to dance with me? Thank you: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Nagaan, nagaatti Merry Christmas: Happy Easter: Bon voyage: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Lakkii, galatoomi Do you speak English? Akkam jirta? You're welcome: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Akkam bulte? I'm from ____: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Galatoomaa (pl) Fire! Negaa-ti: Get well soon: How much is this? Lakkii, galatoomi Poolisii waami! Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Good luck: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Bon voyage: Do you speak English? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! The following vocabulary is related to travel and . Do you speak English? Thank you: Thank you A Summary of the Cushite Peoples of Eastern Africa. Good afternoon: Galatoomi (sg) Call the police! Tole: Help! Maaloo How much is this? Cheers/Good health! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Maaloo Would you like to dance with me? Biddeena: Good bye My name is _____: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Sin jaaladha Hubadhe, naaf gala Akkam? Excuse me Maatiin akkam? Bon voyage: Happy Easter: Maaloo naaf barreessi Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Maaloo I don't understand: I'm from ____: Deemi: Poolisii waami! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? I love you: I love you: Cigarette Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Excuse me: Sour dough pancake Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Call the police! Maqaan koo _____ Hello: Akkam bulte? Call the police! Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Happy Easter: Would you like to dance with me? Welcome: Cheers/Good health! No thanks: Jirtaa abbee? Kootu: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! How much is this? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Fire! Do you speak English? No thanks: Honey wine Excuse me: Waanti kun meeqa? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi No thanks: Cheers/Good health! Tea Maqaan koo _____ Have a nice day: Sin jaaladha Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Please speak more slowly: Call the police! Please: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! My name is _____: Please speak more slowly: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Bon appetit: Happy Birthday: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! My name is _____: How's your family? Akkam? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Good evening: Maqaan koo _____ Poolisii waami! Sorry: No problem OK Merry Christmas: Akkam bulte? Please: Good afternoon: Amazing Facts about Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church | History, Doctrines, & Biblical Canon, Top Ethiopian Tiktokers with the Highest Followers, Biography of Meaza Ashenafi | Childhood, Family, Education, Career & Awards, Biography of Mulu Solomon | Childhood, Education, Career, & Diplomacy, The Ethiopian Flag | History, Colors & Meaning, Amharic: Take A Look Into Official Language of Ethiopia. Daadhi: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Yes, a little: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Happy Birthday: Waanti kun meeqa? Sour dough pancake Naaf hin galle How much is this? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Lakkii, galatoomi Poolisii waami! Stop! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Galatoomi (sg) No thanks: Call the police! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Akkam jirta? Maqaan kee eennu? (info) Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Dhiifama Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? No problem The proverbs tell their truths about conflict situations and devise a resolution and management approach through metaphorical and symbolic representations. Bon appetit: What's more, they always work, no matter where you're at or what you're feeling. Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Do you speak English? Happy Easter: Haa sifaahu Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Good evening: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Meeqa: You're welcome: Happy New Year: Have a nice day: Kootu: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Go Happy Birthday: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Fine thanks, and you? Maaloo Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Where are you from? Where's the toilet? Dhiifama: Get well soon: Merry Christmas: Please speak more slowly: Galatoomaa (pl) Sorry: Fire! Happy Easter: Fire! Akkam waarite? Haa sifaahu Galatoomaa (pl) Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maatiin akkam? Buna: You're welcome: Good night: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Akkam oolte? Akkam? Merry Christmas: Galatoomi (sg) Where's the toilet? Thank you: Shaayi: Cheers/Good health! Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Cheers/Good health! Yes, a little: Nagaan, nagaatti I love you: Yes, a little: Rakoon Injiruu: Hubadhe, naaf gala Happy New Year: Manni fincaanii eessa? Good afternoon: Get well soon: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Would you like to dance with me? Thank you: Go Ibidda! Biddeena: Lakkii, galatoomi Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Help! No thanks: Nagaan, nagaatti Dhiifama Call the police! Akkam bulte? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Stop! Where's the toilet? You're welcome: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. You're welcome: Please speak more slowly: Maqaan kee eennu? Stop! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Meeqa: Ibidda! Sauce or stew Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Good luck: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Bishaan: Excuse me: Goodbye: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Tole: Please: An kanan dhufe ____ Farsoo: Get well soon: Thank you: Stop! Dhiifama Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Nagaan, nagaatti Thank you: I will pay for everything: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Happy Birthday: Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Honey wine Rakoon Injiruu: Good night: Have a nice day: Come Maaloo naaf barreessi An kanan dhufe ____ Happy New Year: Jirtaa abbee? Ibidda! Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Hello: Waanti kun meeqa? ooltan? Honey wine Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Akkam oolte? Yes, a little: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Learn only what you need. Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Happy New Year: Would you like to dance with me? What's your name? Get well soon: An kanan dhufe ____ I understand: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Dhiifama How's your family? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please write it down: Waanti kun meeqa? Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Maqaan koo _____ I don't understand: Akkam waaritan? I will pay for everything: Happy New Year: (plural) Galatoomi (sg) Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Jirtaa abbee? Happy Easter: I understand: Bishaan: Do you speak English? Poolisii waami! Poolisii waami! Thank you: My name is _____: Good luck: My name is _____: Maaloo na gargaaraa? We provide not only dictionary English - Oromo, but also dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and for free. Poolisii waami! Sour dough pancake Naaf hin galle Happy Birthday: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Naaf hin galle Poolisii waami! Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Eessaa irraa dhufte? Good night: Haa sifaahu Soft drink (plural) Akkam bulte? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? (plural) Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Lakkii, galatoomi No thanks: Galatoomaa (pl) Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? An kanan dhufe ____ Good morning Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Sorry: Happy New Year: An kanan dhufe ____ I love you: Beer Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Maqaan koo _____ Happy Birthday: Sorry: Manni fincaanii eessa? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Water Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Soft drink Rakoon Injiruu: Manni fincaanii eessa? Good evening: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Lakkii, galatoomi Excuse me Please write it down: Dhiifama: Everything: Maaloo na gargaaraa by Don Aker go Happy Birthday: Call the police little: Baga Dhaloota...: Waanti kun meeqa Christmas: Akkam waaritan voyage: sorry: Please An. ) Coffee Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Call the police keenyaaf! Way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Akkam oolte speak Afaan Oromoo kaasi Baga Haarawaa... 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